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The Lost Ones - A KOTOR Storyline Expansion Mod

Lord of Hunger

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needed some public opinion for this idea


" many people like to view revan as many different voices or faces, well for this mod i had originally planned on making an FMV sequence between revan and rothion and having the few lines said by revan VO'ed well id like to know if anyone likes that idea or if i should have many different people voice the same lines and have the downloader choose which voice they want revan to sound like"


well just need some opinion please let me know and by the way i have many people that have asked to play those lines for revan, took the script to school and people were fighting over the chance anyway please leave some feedback, opinions, or insults if you want



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I would keep it to 3 voices for male and 3 voices for female if you are doing the option-selection.


Have the voices linked to the select heads (male/female)


For your FMV sequence you can do one for each head.

Have a script to check what the PC's head is and run the FMV pertaining to that head.



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I would keep it to 3 voices for male and 3 voices for female if you are doing the option-selection.


Have the voices linked to the select heads (male/female)


For your FMV sequence you can do one for each head.

Have a script to check what the PC's head is and run the FMV pertaining to that head.





thanks for the tip logan that should really help and good idea bout running different FMV's

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  • 1 month later...

been quite a while since i have updated this thread,


also we have begun working on the planet skins and most character reskins have been completed up to this point, expect more updates soon along with a video trailer of the planet we have been working on

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Added a quote and a progress estimation to the original post.


I will also now disclose the status of the sequel to this mod. The Lost Ones 2 is now a part of Sins of the Old Republic, another expansion mod by Team Hssiss. There is the possibility of a third Lost Ones, but nothing is solid on this.


And before anyone asks, "Why are you planning sequels when you haven't even finished the first one?" I'll tell you right now that real progress is being made with this mod. We have hit certain roadblocks, but we expect to have significant progress done soon.


Thanks to everyone who continues to follow our progress and/or contributes.


Lord of Hunger

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  • 2 weeks later...
okay voice actors are now being recruited for ALL characters just so we don't have to deal with the mess of the people i recruited before so now there are threads on Voice acting alliance so if you want to give it a shot look for the instructions on the thread here




Yat just to tell you, you put that in the wrong board, it should be in audio productions. Plus Visual I have noticed rarely gets replies.

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Well I have re-skinned part of Deralia, a planet in TLO. Here's some pics


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And before you ask "isn't that floor everywhere" or something, Yatsooke requested I use that floor.

And the skybox will be edited eventually.

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excellent job canderis im really happy with it glad to see we got progress on deralia also we have now gotten an amzing voice actor for trilaras a mister matt eades i will upload his sample once i get home, sadly you cant do much with the school computers, even in a game design class geez


more updates to come


Edit: oh almost forgot we still have about 8 roles to fill so if you want to give voice acting for the mod a shot follow the instructions on the website about 10 posts up and we will see if you get the part


Edit2: heres the voice sample for trilaras you'll have to download as i have no other way to get the voice sample to show up unless i give everyone my email password


TRILARAS voice sample


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heres the voice sample for trilaras you'll have to download as i have no other way to get the voice sample to show up unless i give everyone my email password


TRILARAS voice sample



Darmit, guess I can't get that role, oh well, hang on, I'm gonna screw around with audacity and see if I can get my voice cooler...

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