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Tell You I Will 3.01


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i think your a little excited sgt your post doesn't make sense...


if i captured the captains friend...would i kill him to make the troops get called off to save his an my own....???



depends...why wouldn't he just call them off if I threatned to kill him??? Or does he give me no option? If he is my friend...he's my friend for obvious reasons ( like I trust him??) So he must be sending us to our death for a reason...who am I to question the captain...my friend...am I gonna slit his throat no....unless he was a backstabbing ba---tard and was putting us to death for no reason than...woot!! I would kill him!! Save yourselves!!



What would you do?

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i think your a little excited sgt your post doesn't make sense...


if i captured the captains friend...would i kill him to make the troops get called off to save his an my own....???



depends...why wouldn't he just call them off if I threatned to kill him??? Or does he give me no option? If he is my friend...he's my friend for obvious reasons ( like I trust him??) So he must be sending us to our death for a reason...who am I to question the captain...my friend...am I gonna slit his throat no....unless he was a backstabbing ba---tard and was putting us to death for no reason than...woot!! I would kill him!! Save yourselves!!



What would you do?

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If his move was unreasonable, yes, i would kill the capt's friend to save the my life and the lives of his troops. If it looks good, then i would do my best to obey orders. Sometimes orders are best left unobeyed :D


And Havoc, i think it would be a great honor to be the last to post in this thread, but maybe the mod who closes the thread would like to say something, hence removing my chance :D


Who do you think will be the last to post in TUIW

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Living years by Mike and the Mechanics.


I had a falling out with my family and we went our seperate ways, but 3 years later I heard this song again on the radio, and realized what was happening. And from that moment, I made a real effort to make things right with my family. Today, we are very close, and I'm so glad I was there when my Grandmother and Grandfather passed away. And I'll definately be there for my father, someday. Nothing could keep me away!



What your most meaningful song, and why?

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How many times have you moved?


For example, I've moved 10 different times:


Home to college dorm, dorm to apartments, to different dorm, to appartment across state, to dorm back at college, to apartment in different town, to parents, to friends, to fiance's, to my current house! :p whew!

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Yes, they cut me apart and rebuilt me, keeping only my brain. I'm the real life six million dollar man....my only ability is to deflect incoming girlfriends with my clever wit and geekitude!!


(not really, though...only had a cist on my arm removed)


Have you ever had major surgery?

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*Bringing her back up to the top for her grand finale* :D



I've had orthoscopic surgery on my Knee, I tore my ACL and some cartiledge and was born with a deformity with my knee that required my tendons and ligaments being tightened every 5 or so years. They also removed cists that were in my knee.


How many birthmarks do you have and where on your body are they? :D

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