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Knights of the Old Republic : The Jedi Masters


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Wow, great mod.


Okay, after the carrot here comes the stick :xp:


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On Coruscant, with Revan in the party, I can't get to the Senate Floor. Just to see what he would say, I talked to the guard in front of the senate door without Revan (when I got the Iridonian Missionaries mission from Grenn) and when I returned there with Revan, the guard was gone so I couldn't talk to anyone (except for grenn and the greeter lady) and consequently couldn't get to the Senate Floor.


Any ideas?

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very bad problem. My coruscant is messed up now. I went to the Jedi temple first, and then was summoned to the Chancellor's office, and they acted as if Revan had already given his speech!!!!


Just to clarify, you're saying you went to the temple first, you

spoke to Mical, had the dream with Kannos etc

, then went to talk to Cressa & Carth, but didn't need Revan to do his speech?


Wow, great mod.


Okay, after the carrot here comes the stick :xp:


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On Coruscant, with Revan in the party, I can't get to the Senate Floor. Just to see what he would say, I talked to the guard in front of the senate door without Revan (when I got the Iridonian Missionaries mission from Grenn) and when I returned there with Revan, the guard was gone so I couldn't talk to anyone (except for grenn and the greeter lady) and consequently couldn't get to the Senate Floor.


Any ideas?


In terms of the game, I think I know what happened, but sadly I can't think of a way around it. It'll have to be something I add to the patch.


Incidently, the first patch will be coming very soon. I think I've solved most of the problems (notably those with the apprentices), and I've also been doing alot of work with extra sound files for the lines. Currently, I have around 1000 more voiced lines, and I've just finished Coruscant (I'm working through the game chronologically). I should be done in the next couple of days.

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Just to clarify, you're saying you went to the temple first, you

spoke to Mical, had the dream with Kannos etc

, then went to talk to Cressa & Carth, but didn't need Revan to do his speech?


Yeah, but then I went back and did the speech as if I hadn't already been sent to Rhen Var.


And when am I supposed to get an apprentice? I'm already marching through sewers to get beck to the senate...

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And when am I supposed to get an apprentice? I'm already marching through sewers to get beck to the senate...


You're apprentices are spread out across the game. You need to find them then ask/persuade them to join you.


At this point in the game, if you check the brig on the eagle, you should have one candidate there.


Who did you sign up to do voices?


A combination of people who did some other ones and computer generated voices.

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No offence the computer generated voices sound like crap....I recommed using http://voiceactingalliance.com/ and getting real people.


It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid doing something on that scale, in that way, would be a large task. It's the way of doing this that would, maybe, have me fully finish this alot later (if ever). It's time consuming to have the various back and forths, and when you get someone agreeing to do the part, you have to wait even longer for the actual files, if they even get around to it. In this mod, I've gotten into contact with many people willing to voice act, I even send them their lines, but only around 20% of them even end up sending something back.


Bottom line ; people aren't that reliable.


Is it a common opinion that people mind any of the computer generated voices in this?

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It's a nice idea, but I'm afraid doing something on that scale, in that way, would be a large task. It's the way of doing this that would, maybe, have me fully finish this alot later (if ever). It's time consuming to have the various back and forths, and when you get someone agreeing to do the part, you have to wait even longer for the actual files, if they even get around to it. In this mod, I've gotten into contact with many people willing to voice act, I even send them their lines, but only around 20% of them even end up sending something back.


Bottom line ; people aren't that reliable.


Is it a common opinion that people mind any of the computer generated voices in this?


The people on that site are probably much more trutworthy(as it is a Voice Acting Only website) its also where Silveredge9 got his for BOS: SR. Also many sound like professionals.

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Alright, maybe I'm just being prejudiced thanks to bad experiences. :)


I might as well keep the likes of HK-47's new software generated voice (he's a robot), and I like Kannos (I've known some people think it was a real voice).


Which one's were people not so keen on?

Would people encourage me to change Tsig's, despite her having an electronic voice box being part of her subquest?

Specifically, was Revan's alright (it's in bik movies so it'll be one of the more awkward ones to change)?

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I understand your reasons why you might not want to bother with voices but allow to point an alternative way of thinking about the issue.


Your mod now is done, really. What's now required are patches. So far, obvious, right? This portion of dealing with the mod should be the best time - fine tuning your work of art so your vision can be best appreciated by your audience. Unlike some other mods I could name out there, the wait is over for a release. Those waiting for your mod can download it now. Those waiting for an enhanced, bug-free and voice-rich game can wait but still play the game when they get impatient. There's a playing option for both parts of your audience.


Now that you've gone through my rambling tract, you can relax and do what I imagine is the most fun portion of modding, the tinkering and perfecting. Good luck!

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doesn`t anybody have a savegame file before the final fight? it would be really great if someone could upload it somewhere or send it or something...


Edit: ok I managed to get trough the speech and I am now near the end I think...back on coruscant and I have to go into the temple with revan and bastila...and there`s no way to get inside...nothing to click on to open the door...what do I do now?

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ok thanks ...that one worked out for me too ...next problem: after I killed the two sith lords in the senate the game crashed when I stepped forward to the dead guard


Seems to be a recurring problem to do with switch between the charcters too close to loading. I might have to work out a slower way of doing it.


My best idea would just be to play through it again until it works prperly. Sorry I can't be more helpful.

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just finished the game ^^ tried both endings and didn`t really like both...the whole mod was great so far but the ending was just...I don`t know it was too fast I think...maybe there is a possibility to add 2 optional endings...I would like to see revan survive ...the whole thing was just too rash (didn`t like the romances either...didn`t you say you changed the setting to 10 years earlier? then maybe the romance between revan and bastila could be conducted more...the story was just not really completed to me)

still it`s one of the best mods I`ve ever seen and it would be just great if you could maybe add a few more endings (at least one^^) and maybe work on those bugs and stuff...I don`t have any understanding of modding but I think it is an epic...great mod...that just needs to be worked on...hope there is a patch or something coming out soon and can`t wait to play the `whole ending` of (at least I think so) the greatest storyline apart from the movies...I think the mod could be called Kotor 3 if it`s really completed ....(aaah I just was so mad that a great mod like that hasn`t got an optional light and dark side ending >.< )

(again sorry for language mistakes if there are some...)


Edit :ps: the endings have been both great (nice music ^^) just not what I imagined...so I think there should be another one ...maybe a few more options during the dialoge with nadd which lead to other endings...only if it`s possible...I`ll check for updates as often as possible

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Hm . . . I also-- Well, I wasn't totally sure what to think about the ending . . . It was really--overwhelming. I easily get emotionally overwhelmed. And then I can't think properly . . .


I mean, it was a good ending, but . . . um . . .


I don't know. I feel there's something to say about it, but I'm too mixed up to figure out exactly what it is . . .


Although, I DO DEFINITELY think it was a great ending. There's just something I feel I need to say that I don't quite understand . . . um . . .


Anyway, the overall story rocked. Seriously. Although, personally, I would have preferred it to not occur so long after the ending of TSL. Although, really, I had rather disliked the time difference even just between KotOR and TSL . . . I always find losing gaps of time depressing. TSL is a great game, but there are a lot of ways in which I find it depressing . . .


Hm. I'm wandering off the point.


As far as the voices, it would be nice if the sound quality could be improved a little, at least. You can understand if you look at the subtitles, of course, but I always find staring at the subtitles kind of distracting to what's actually going on.


Different actors for characters from the original games, huh . . . I don't really know. I think it might be too weird. I'd like to try it, but maybe voices like that could be implemented with a separate installer, so people could not use them if they didn't want to? Or maybe at least you could give a list of which files were involved, so that people could take them out manually?


I had thought it might be cool to be able to choose the genders of Revan and the Exile, although that could be really hard. I guess. I dunno. For Revan especially, probably, since it had so much to do with Bastila in the storyline. And I thought Revan still being in his dark robes when he sounded like he had turned back to the light was a bit weird, and I didn't see the reason if it was to accommodate different possible heads people prefer to use for KotOR I, since the head for the Exile was arbitrarily chosen. But having Revan in his robes, which is such an icon of these games, did add some epic-ness to the mod . . .


Revan's voice was a bit weird, too . . . I understand the difficulty of messing with voices, so it's not a big deal. I just thought it shouldn't sound quite so . . . mechanical. Despite wearing a mask, he isn't Darth Vader.


That weird droid on M4-78 that calculated stuff to figure out who you were and some of what would happen was really awesome. I'm not sure why, but I really liked that.


The humor in this mod was really something else. I personally probably wouldn't have put in so much humor that was out of continuity (such as Sponge Bob (although that was hilarious)), but I did laugh, a lot. I don't remember a lot of the specifics after one play-through (I can't seem to remember things all that well until I've read/watched/listened to/played them quite a few times), but I do remember it being really funny.


Um . . . what other feedback is there . . . Ugh, my brain is mushy. I think that's all for now ^_^ This mod REALLY ROCKS!

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I've started a thread about improving the plot on Trex's TJM forums - and for now on only my lousy ideas are posted there.

Personaly I would prefer to see some more quests and dialogs than voiced lines (one of my favorite games, Planescape: Torment had only a few lines voiced, and it's still great). Endings are nice and Revan's sacriffice fits the story well, but I miss information about what happened with the Galaxy (like it was in Fallouts or in KotOR 2 in Kreia's final speech).Also in DS ending I didn't like the line about storming another Galaxy - I thought space beyond the Galaxy is unknown...

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