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Age of Empires 2


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I'm gonna skip the whole paragraph about nostalgia and how awesome this game was and get straight to the point, does anyone still play? It's starting to take off at my school among not the nerds who live in their basement but the track team. I've been playing about once or twice every 2 weeks with a group of 5 people for the past 6 months or so but honestly, its gotten to the point where I could film 2 matches and they would probably look almost identical, we always play in the same style and we need to play against someone who isnt us and who isnt a computer. And since I despise the track coach and used to be on the team, my dream team of 3 needs to beat them. Which isnt a problem, since there's only 1 good person on the track team at aoe. But we need to humiliate them. So we need practice. Basically if you played through the campaign without using the cars or at least tried to you're probably going to be able to survive, we really arent that good. If you do want to play, download IGZ(international gaming zone) and message me on these boards

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I reckon I've got some o' them skills. I remember I've finished without cheats: Joan of Arc, Genghis Khan, fuzzy about the other two. In the Conqueror's I've finished El Cid, a few of the battles and Montezuma. It's my favourite strategy game, and now you're making me drown in nostalgia. Dammit the games back then used to be so awesome.


Afraid I wouldn't be able to help you out. Can't go online and sutff. ;)



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AOEII holds a special place in my heart. After Monkey Island 3, it was the second game I got for my computer - I still remember with glee the day I got the game, fascinated by the stuff on the box.


Sure, it's eclipsed by modern strategy games (Total War, for instance) - but it was the pinnacle of Strategy games for a long time,


I still played it regularly up to about 2007 - I need to find the discs for it!

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I remember Age of Empires 2 with a good feeling. It was definately one of those 'classic' games, it's older now and probably obsolete, but hey, it's 'oldschool,' those games are awesome:D I think Age of Empires 2 was actually my very first game, got me started on gaming and strategy:D

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