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Survivors of Order 66 (RP)


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It's nice to meet you, ma'am, But you see... I'm disguising myself as a Smuggler. I got rid of my Jedi clothing so I wouldn't get caught. I know it was the wrong thing to do... but I had to keep myself from being shot."


"You did what you had to to survive. There's no shame in that. At least you had an opportunity to switch clothes, I'm still wearing the same robes I've been wearing since the purge began. I simply haven't had a chance to change."


Dantra leaned in closer to the table and kept her voice to a whisper.


"So tell me...how did you two survive order 66? I'll tell you how I survived if you tell me how you two survived."

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Ana tensed imperceptibly as a surge of Force power reached her, and then faded away into a trail leading away from the cafe. Her senses on high alert, she exerted a little more of her power into masking her Force sensitivity. With this done, she rose and left the cafe, using a fraction of her power to seek out the one who was attempting to lead her on. She caught sight of his back directly after leaving the cafe and once more pulled her power inward, masking its presence, and began to follow him.


He led her through several busy squares before ducking down a back alley not far from her landing pad. Ana swore softly under her breath and moved forward more cautiously. As she was doing everything she could to mask her presence, she could not sense this man's intentions; better safe than sorry. Her lightsaber was within easy reach beneath her knee-length brown suede jacket just in case.


Slowly, she approached the alley's entrance and stared for a moment at the Force-imbued gonk. Then, she took a step back.


"I came to help," she said quietly in Huttese, hoping it was indeed Kaan Lumen hiding somewhere in the shadows of this alley.

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"The Jedi have always been prone to helping when the help was not needed and the Sith have been prone to abusing their promise of helping to fulfill their own needs" a voice called out in Basic, seemingly echoing all around the alleyway.


Kaan watched from the shadows and observed the woman, sensing her as much as he could through the force without giving away his location. The gonk right beside her would also act as a good distraction from his true location. He reached beneath his poncho and drew one of his lightsabers before continuing to seek her true purpose on the planet. His thumb was ready to activate the lightsaber at any time, although he knew it was not time to rush into things.


"I told your friend in the cafe there is no Kaan Lumen anymore. You are wasting your time here. I have better chances hiding the Empire in the Jundland Wastes than out there and you are not taking me to them without a fight" the Mirialan said, his voice barraging the woman from all around.


"And do spare me the claims the black clad man was not a friend of yours. You found his tracker too easily to not know of him."

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At the sound of the voice, Ana's right hand fell to her lightsaber and her eyes flicked again to the gonk. "I don't care what you call yourself these days. Neither does the Empire. They're coming for you; they may already be here. And as far as the man in black goes, I wouldn't call him a friend. Hell, I don't even know who he is. What I do know is he and whoever he works for have been contacting me ever since the rise of the Empire and giving me names of Jedi and former Jedi the Empire is hunting."


She took three steps into the alley and lifted her hand clear away from her lightsaber. "I'm not here to hunt you down. I'm no agent of the Empire." She stepped further into the alley and stretched her arms out wide. "I'm here because I genuinely want to help. Your move."

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"But how does he come up with these lists? How many of those you have rescued are still alive due to your efforts? What tells you he is not making you a pawn for the Empire? A pawn like the clones" the Mirialan said before jumping out of the shadows, landinf a few feet behind the woman in near total silence.


"Always be mindful of your surroundings. The here and the now matter, not the future nor the past" he told her, this time without his voice echoing all around the alleyway. The green blade of his lightsaber ignited but pointed down in a faux Makashi style opening stance.


"The Sith are known for their art of deception. What makes you believe the man in black is not another example of this?"

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Shawn looked down at Audax's unconscious body. Audax hand still placed gently upon his fallen lightsaber as he laid there. Bending down Shawn picked up the lightsaber almost feeling the sorrow that was imprinted upon it. He quickly threw it up into the air towards his unknown partner in the battle that had recently took place. Shawn was just pleased that the battle didn't end in death, that was something the galaxy could do with out for a day. So much death was occurring still all across the galaxy and no one was rising up to stop the brutality of the Empire. Of course who would be foolish enough to go against such a threat, when they're numbers were so few, and theirs so great.


Shawn sighed turning Audax over to examine him. As he examined the still very much alive body below him Shawn couldn't shake the feeling of familiarity with this individual. He knew he had definitely seen this man some where before, most likely in the Jedi Temple. Then it hit him like a bantha running him over a thousand times, sucking the air out of his lungs, this person couldn't have been. But he was, there was no doubt about it, it was him.


"Oh my friend what has happened." Shawn said with a sigh as he placed his two light sabers on the back of his belt.


Shawn grabbed Audax's arm an thrusted Audax over his shoulder. He stumbled backwards a little but caught his himself. Shifting the weight a little he started to walk to where he knew they would be a little more safer. He has a place in the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa that he was rending under an alias. People kept to themselves so it was safe from prying ears of wanders.


"Follow me. We can talk more in private." Shawn said to the man that still had no name.


Shawn led the way down a few ally ways and corridors. Then into a building that looked rundown and had a few holes in the walls. It certainly wasn't made for kings, but he was positive that the empire wouldn't waste man power to search ever square inch of Nar Shaddaa from what he thought was just one Jedi. He continued up the stairs and passed two medium sized metals doors stopped at the third on his left side.


He punched in a few numbers and the door opened allowing them access to the room. Shawn walked over to the bed and laid Audax down upon it, leaving him there in his slumber. Shawn threw off his robe to the near by desk and sat in the chair closest to the desk. He rested his head back feeling a throbbing pain course through his skull. Closing his eyes he sighed.


"First introductions. I'm Shawn Kir'lince former Jedi Knight of the Republic." He said with a slight grin upon his face. Part of him liked the idea of using the word 'former' because it gave him a sense of freedom he didn't really experience while he was with in the order. In a way he liked the freedom of the rules that use to rule his life. Shawn still followed the rules he was trained with but to was extent varied upon the situation thrusted upon him.

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By the time Kaan jumped out of the shadows and lit up his lightsaber, Ana had turned to face him and her own saber was in her hand. She left it unlit for the moment.


"Where else would you find a list of Jedi and former Jedi?" Ana shot back. "When the Empire rose to power they had full access to the databanks of the Jedi. As to the Network, I know very little of how they work, but I do know they allow me complete autonomy with how I choose to deal with the names they give me. I have some skill in slicing, which allows me to create solid false identities for those that want them."

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Tev shook his head in slight disbelief and complete amazement.


Two Jedi were in the same room, along with him. That was quite amazing during these times.


"You two may not remember me, but I was one of the Jedi who were put into self-exile when the war began. I have tried my best to help the Republic, but as times changed, I was forced back into hiding again."


He took a sip from his glass and set it down gently, thinking back on the events of Order 66, and watching, in horror, as Jedi were mowed down by their own troops. Above all, he felt a need to resist this new Empire.

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Kaan took a step forwards, tilting his head slightly and continued to stare at the woman in front of him. He grinned and chuckled.


"He gives you autonomy? Trackers are autonomy? Heads up to your target is autonomy?" Kaan laughed and shook his head while still observing the woman.


"You came here to help, yet I was warned of the Empire's presence. The name Anahera Bek came up. And if I'm not entirely wrong that would be you. Would you not ask questions if you were in my place?" Kaan asked her and swung his lightsaber, taking a Soresu opening stance.


"This matter will not be settled with mere words. The truth will come only in combat" Kaan told her and raised his hand, pushing her with the force and lunging forwards, utilizing Juyo despite the original Soresu stance.

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Ana flew backward under the influence of his Force push and landed on her feet, finally pressing the ignition switch on her lightsaber. The dark blue blade sprang to life to block Kaan's next blow just barely before he made it. She was no longer trying to mask her Force sensitivity, as she realized he would not be withholding any of his strength in this fight.


"Yes, I am Anahera Bek," she said, continuing to allow him to drive her backward, defending against his blows with Soresu. "You are right to ask questions. Anyone who was once a Jedi would be a fool to trust an unknown willingly."

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The Mirialan smirked and continued on the attack. He was familiar with Soresu and knew weak spots in his own variation of it, weaknesses which he would have to test on her adaptation. But victory was not his ultimate goal in this battle. His ultimate goal was not even to fight for long, but rather to find out which side Ana was on.

Kaan began a long sequence of slashing Juyo moves reinforced with a tiny amount of Ataru and Shii-Cho strikes finding their way into the mix. The Jedi Master would seek out any flaws in her style and batter these weaknesses until she learned or her defense crumbled.


"Impressive. From your attire one could think you were ... rusty. But your form is very strong" Kaan told her, all the while searching for a shatterpoint in her defense. His hope was also to distract her with Dun Möch, not to fail in defending herself but to show her true demeanor.


"You have fought Jedi not that long ago. Otherwise you would not have such a strong form. This is one of combat experience, not training"

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"Given the way you approached this situation, is it any great surprise that my skills are not as rusty as I like people to think?" Ana asked, smiling just slightly. She continued with Soresu, maintaining her defense without trying to lash out at him. She was not here to kill him or to capture him and the sooner he realized that the better.

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"And you do not find it odd in the slightest that so many Jedi refuse to be their open and helpful selves, instead dueling you?" Kaan laughed, backing up and raising his lightsaber above his head. His fingers gripped the lightsaber as the Mirialan began to circle the defending female. She continued her Soresu, keeping on the defensive. Kaan was not surprised, since many Jedi were defensive yet came out on top in duels. The most prominent of these had always been Master Kenobi, without a doubt.


Kaan was, however, still without answers to all the questions that were rushing through his mind. These questions ranged from the identity of the masked man wearing black to the Empire's intentions. If the Empire had sent her there to find and kill him, she would not do so with Soresu any time soon.


"How many of the Jedi you have 'saved' are still alive, youngling? Does the man in black have knowledge of where they go after they leave your mighty presence? Why would I be any safer out there than where I currently reside?" Master Lumen asked before rushing forwards once again, slashing his lightsaber downwards at the woman.


Meanwhile, the Mirialan unclipped his second lightsaber with the force and moved it behind his back. While the woman was preoccupied with the new attacks, the Jedi toned down the power of the second lightsaber into practice levels before igniting it and moving it to launch an attack from Ana's side.

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A green blade flicked to life, countering Kaan's second lightsaber as a short woman dressed in black entered the alley, shoving Ana roughly aside and engaging Kaan with one green blade and one violet blade. Unlike the other black clad person, this woman was not wearing a mask. The Force was a swirling tornado of energy around her, though in appearance she was no more than twenty years old.


"I am the founder and leader of the Hunter Informant Network," she said. "Stand down, Exile. You will not defeat me."


Astonished, Ana got to her feet. "I think I know you."


The woman nodded. "You may have seen me at one point. I'd have looked the same." She faced Kaan. "Whether you choose to be called Kaan Lumen or not, the Empire knows you by that name and they are hunting you. Go with Ana or you will die."

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Kaan Lumen backflipped backwards from the new arrival and drew his second lightsaber to his grasp into a backhanded position. He placed himself into a ready pose while staring at the new arrival. He recognized the force swirling around her and recognized her face as well, neither of which made him any more comfortable with the situation he was in. His eyes narrowed and he continued to stare at the newcomer. The mention of 'Hunter Infromant Network' confirmed his suspicion about her to be more or less correct and it also made his questions about the black clad man disappear in an instant. It was widely known that the Sith Hunters were a sneaky group and one their most prominent members was by far the sneakiest in her affairs.


"Go with Ana or you will die" Kaan imitated in a mocking manner.

"Why do you Sith Hunters always have to be so dramatic. Sometimes you're worse than the Sith themselves" he told the woman and shook his head before deactivating his lightsabers and clipping them on his belt, standing back upright.


"Reibe Vailar, I presume" Kaan said and bowed his head down a tiny bit while not taking his eyes off the Sith Hunter.

"There will yet be a man who defeats you, Sith Hunter, and I will not live to see the day your smug attitude is washed away along with your facade of immortality. And why should I? The Force will guide me in the hour of need, not you nor Anahera and I have unfinished business on Tatooine. Why should I be scared of death in the hands of the Empire, when what awaits me is the Force?"

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Reibe wasn't the most patient of women and she most definitely was unhappy with Kaan. "Alright then, it's time for a different tactic. Let Ana stay with you. It's for her safety, not yours."


Ana blinked. "What?"


"Do this," Reibe told Kaan, "and the Network will be in your debt."

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"You two may not remember me, but I was one of the Jedi who were put into self-exile when the war began. I have tried my best to help the Republic, but as times changed, I was forced back into hiding again."


Dantra leaned forward and smiled a slightly mad smile.


"Tell me...Do you know who led the attack on the Jedi temple? I'll give you a hint: He was once a very promising Padawan."


Dantra neaned forward and giggled slightly.


"You didn't answer in time! The padawan's name was Anakin Skywalker. And If I ever see him again...I'm gonna kill him."


Dantra giggled again, this time the giggle had a more sinister ring to it.

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Gett stood out in the hot sun practicing with his vibrosword. He had received some training with melee weapons when he was on Kamino but it was the jedi who helped him out even more. He was given such training because of his code and the fact that he saved a padawan. It was a shame now that he had to hunt them down but he couldn't betray his brothers like that. He would betray the Emperor in a heartbeat but he would have to fight his brothers to do so. He placed the sword back on his back and got back on his speeder. He decided it was time for another cantina run. He killed a jedi on the last run, who knew what would happen this time. Gett parked the speeder and entered into the cantina. He looked around the room and saw the band, the bartender, a group of cloaked figures, some men with guns, and the usual crowd of drunks. Gett took a seat at a table and stared at the three people. There was no way they were jedi, two of them looked like it but the third looked like someone who worked on a farm. Besides even if they were all jedi it would be stupid to meet up in a local cantina, the Empire would have sent squads of his brothers in after them. One of them looked slightly familiar, like he had seen the figure before. Gett quickly shook the thought out and looked away. He turned his head over to the band and decided to listen to them play. It had been a while since he actually just sat down and listened. Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.

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Tev looked at the Lethan Twi-Lek, his eyes nearly boring a whole into her.


"Be careful with your words. The way you speak them are filled with anger, these are not the ways of a Jedi. Though I do not have any kindness in my heart for Skywalker or his Master, there destinies are entwined with the force, and they will come to them in there time. Be careful, or else you may sway close to the Dark side."


Tev had kept his voice low, with a cold tinge to it. He knew that all Jedi wanted vengeance, but already, too many had fallen to the dark side. They didn't need anymore. He could still sense a hint of darkness in the Twi-Lek, something all too common in these times.

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Kaan stared at Reibe for a moment and raised an eyebrow at the notion of Anahera staying with him on Tatooine. There was something serious going on if the Sith Hunter would even think of forcing the running Jedi to halt her personal mission to aid other hiding Jedi. the man looked at Anahera before turning back to Reibe, shaking her head.


"That decision relies on Anahera and those who have given me sanctuary, not you Sith Hunter. Is there a real reason for your claim of her being in danger, or is it one of the great visions of destiny that have plagued apparently not only the Jedi Order as of late?" Kaan asked with a raised eyebrow.

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"Word has reached the Empire of Ana's recent behavior," Reibe replied, ignoring Kaan's mocking of her visions. "Behavior that proves she is not as 'rusty' in the Force as she appears. They've put her back on the list."


Ana scowled. "Your people said that wouldn't happen."


"We never said it wouldn't," Reibe corrected. "We said there was a chance it wouldn't. But now it has." She turned to Kaan. "Ana will do as I say. I would appreciate it if you would speak with those who have taken you in. They've done wonders for you; you're practically off the map, and that's exactly what Ana needs for the present time."

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Kaan smirked as Reibe complimented the nice religious folks of the Oasis without knowing the story behind it all. He shook his head and looked at Anahera.


"Apparently I'm not enough off the map" the Mirialan said and rolled his eyes.

"As for you, Anahera, you will have to adapt quite a bit to the life out there where my residence is. I live in a religious community in the middle of nowhere in the Jundland Wastes. They are very welcoming to visitors, but it will take time for them to trust you enough to let you go about freely in the community" Kaan told the woman and sighed. He had no idea how he'd gotten into this mess in the first place. Another day when he should've never gotten up from his meditations.


"In any case, you will either be forced to leave your ship behind or hide it into the Jundland Wastes. Preferably with defenses since the Jawas like to roam the Wastes in search for anything they could bargain onwards."

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"Wait just a minute," Ana snapped. "What just happened?"


"You have vacated your position of 'Rescuer'," Reibe replied. "And you have taken on the position of, 'Hidden Jedi'. Go with Kaan. I know where to find you if I need to."


And with that, she vanished, leaving Ana alone with Kaan. After several moments of staring at the spot where Reibe had stood, Ana turned to Kaan.


"My ship has adequate defenses," she said quietly. "I'll hide it in the Wastes."

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"Be careful with your words. The way you speak them are filled with anger, these are not the ways of a Jedi. Though I do not have any kindness in my heart for Skywalker or his Master, there destinies are entwined with the force, and they will come to them in there time. Be careful, or else you may sway close to the Dark side."


Dantra leaned forward and shook her head slightly with a mad look in her eyes.


"The force...what has the force done for us recently I ask you? It didn't seem to be helping us when the troopers attacked the temple did it? It didn't seem to help the four masters who went after Palpatine...No...The force has abandoned us.


Dantral leaned back slightly and giggled madly.


"I don't know about you two...but I intend to put a stop to the Empire...One stormtrooper at a time. If you two have any sense of what it means to be a jedi...you'll do the same."


Dantra got up off the chair and walked out of the door of the cantina.


Now...where's the Tatooine garrison? It's time to show the Empire what the Jedi order can do.

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"The force...what has the force done for us recently I ask you? It didn't seem to be helping us when the troopers attacked the temple did it? It didn't seem to help the four masters who went after Palpatine...No...The force has abandoned us.


How could she say that? The Force never abandoned the Jedi. Did it? Kerla stared at the female Twi'lek Jedi with both a shocked and confused look.


"I don't know about you two...but I intend to put a stop to the Empire...One stormtrooper at a time. If you two have any sense of what it means to be a jedi...you'll do the same."


After she left the cantina, Kerla slowly looked down and shook her head. "What has this Galaxy come to? I feel that the Dark Side is at work," she thought to herself. She narrowed her eyebrows. "I'm gonna stop her," she said to Tev, and got up from her chair.


Stopping behind Dantra outside the cantina, Kerla shouted, "Wait!"

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