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Star Wars: The Sith Resurrection Part VI: Death to the Sith

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Tyrannus gave a genuine laugh that was grating on the nerves. He replied, "Freedom and safety are opposites? Who has been teaching you?" He laughed again, mockingly as he watched the look on Andirrul's faces. "Freedom and safety are terms are relevant only to the fools that believe in them. Freedom is an ideal that the weak cling to in order to be strong. Safety is synonymous to that.


"Sentou knows no boundaries as that. The Avalonians know this. You must have noticed how they perceive the galaxy around them. Choices made are seemingly evil but in fact inflict a greater good. Choosing battle over diplomacy at times. This is all part of sentou, the raw power of it. Of course the Avalonians control it with the basic Jedi principles that they came up with. That is why seem to never show fear in situations. Somehow your fear keeps your own existence rooted which is why Virul hasn't consumed you completely. An indication that sentou is not lost but forgotten. To find it, you must reach within." Tyrannus then turned, playing with the chobos to gaze out the window. "I also advise that you tell your pet Pahro to stop fooling around with the Jedi, and I don't mean the revitalized one. He knows the ways of the Force but he utilizes his sentou and could kill your pet."


Just before he turned to throw the chobos at a target on the wall, he added, "Also I suspect they will try to capture this ship. I made preparations for transport to the surface of the planet we orbit. Fight them there for I doubt even the Jedi can withstand the power of that place. You understand my pretty?"




Tavaryn interjected, "Before you head to the coordinates, I suggest that you upgrade the ships with the ballast system Avalonian ships have. You'll better be able to adjust to the shears that we're bound to hit."


"Won't that take time?" Jun-la asked.


"Reluctantly yes," Tavaryn replied, "but not as long as you'd expect. If we go, we have to take one ship close to orbit. The others will have to maintain a higher orbit. Less risk to damage." He waited while the others decided on a course of action. Meanwhile, he tried again to reach Alriana through the force, Why follow to the dark places? Why are you so angry?


Jun-la nodded and looked to Komad and Belina for confirmation. She said, "I am not an expert on ship systems but is a formation like that possible?"




Tonatius had been listening to the conversation. He felt her apprehension and desire to save his cousin. He took her hand gently and squeezed it to let her know that he flt as she did. While the others were deliberating, he whispered to Kalla, "They won't hurt her. Jun-la may not show it, but she has compassion like her father's mother. She would try to save, rather than kill. Even if we board the ship, she would do what she can. You have to trust that."

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Alrina jumped through the door just as it began to close with Garja in hot pursuit.


The woman brought her lightsaber down on the tractor beam controls and Garja watched in horror as the feedback from the destruction shut down the system.


Why follow to the dark places? Why are you so angry?


No time right now. Busy. she thought back


Garja shot a stun shot off that nailed the Jedi directly in her back just as she was getting ready to jump again.


She is quite graceful...and attractive.


He quickly dismissed such thoughts from his head, he didn't need them now. He reached for the intercom and began to speak.


"This is Admiral Garja. I have managed to subdue the intruder. Please cancel the lockdown and send an armed security team down here. The intruder is a Jedi...and a formidable on at that.


He slid down to the floor and looked at the Jedi who was still out from the stun blast.

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This is Admiral Garja. I have managed to subdue the intruder. Please cancel the lockdown and send an armed security team down here. The intruder is a Jedi...and a formidable on at that."


Velerc pressed the button on the intercom for a response.


"Garja...we're doing that as we speak. Get this Jedi down to the Detention Center...we'll have the necessary equipment for the interrogation....Jedi don't come out of nowhere like this...must be a reason.......anyway, you may get a Ysalamiri as well. Move fast."


Velerc nodded to the Lieutenant, the signal to release the blast doors and begin dismantling the blockades.

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"It's doable, and if we send out fighters from them, we can catch the New Imperial ships off guard. However, there are few cannons on the ventral section, so we'll need to rotate the ships as soon as fighters are launched." Komad explained. "As soon as we're ready, we should get under way with this."


"I'm going with them." Kalla replied, squeezing back. She had to believe, that with her help, Andorra might be able to destroy Virul, once and for all. Nothing else could save her now.

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"Where you go, I go," Tonatius replied softly back, "She is of my blood."


It was apparent that they were going to be ignored during the planning. Not through any intentional means but Tonatius knew that he was not vital to formulating a battle plan but rather one for executing one. However there was one plan that he knew he had to make. He gave a slight movement of his head and beckoned Kalla to follow. Once they were gone he said, "I think we should come up for a plan once we on the ground; how to reach her."




Jun-la nodded and summoned Matton on the comm. He answered with a rather sleepy, "Something up?"


"Remember those modifications to the ship I had you make?" Jun-la immediately asked.


"What of it?"


"I need your help to get the Akbar ready. Same thing."


'No problem. On my way." The comm went silent.


Jun-la looked at the others and said, "Well that is settled. Shall we work out the rotation plan?"




Tavaryn too managed to slip away. He knew Alriana was in trouble and figured that he should help. He made his way to his own ship and transmitted his launch codes. Once away from the station, he plotted a course in the general direction of Alriana's ship and went into hyperspace. Once in hyperspace, he reached into her mind, I know you are in trouble and will meet more. Guide me to you.

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"That's not a problem. Every helmsman in the Republic knows how to rotate a Star Destroyer along its z-axis. They just seldom have a reason to." Komad pointed out.


"We don't know the layout of that ship, but I think we can work around that. There should me a map of the ship somewhere on-board. From there, it'd be best to use the vents to get as close as possible. Another thing we should probably keep in mind is that she's still got a Sith Lord controlling, or at least manipulating her. Fighting her would be suicide." Kalla said to Tonatius, looking for his input.

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"The vents are good but we must keep in mind that she could just gas us if she sensed our presence," Tonatius pointed out reasonably, "You as a Jedi could hold your breath for hours if necessary. I have no training in that but that's what a gas mask is for."


Tonatius then motioned for Kalla to follow him to a part of the station that showed green foliage and even Jun-la tree growing freely. He smiled because he knew that wherever his people went, they always brought a piece of home with them. He then said, "As to attacking her head on, I'd rather not unless forced to. Powerful as he is, she has control and knowing her, she doesn't like to relinquish control if it is being forced from her."

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Detention area


"Garja...we're doing that as we speak. Get this Jedi down to the Detention Center...we'll have the necessary equipment for the interrogation....Jedi don't come out of nowhere like this...must be a reason.......anyway, you may get a Ysalamiri as well. Move fast."


Garja hesitated before locking the door. Something inside him was shouting at him, telling him that this was wrong.


He quickly shook his head and locked the cell.


"I'm sorry. I really am but I can't delay this."


Alriana stared at him. "You speak the truth...I can sense the good in you. You don't wish to do this but you have no choice but to comply."


Garja slowly nodded.


Alriana squinted. There was a soft voice whispering at her mind, something she couldn't make out.


Someone is trying to contact me...but something is deading the connection. But what?


Garja slowly walked away from the cell and entered the turbolift, the words of the jedi and Admiral Belina ringing in his head.


You should join the Republic.


I can sense the good in you.


You'd be a valubale asset to the fleet. Working with people who won't try to betray you.


Your loyalty is to the Sith and no-one else! Remember that!


The last thought in his head was that of his Sith Instructer back at the academy. Never betray the sith and expect to live.


Maybe...it's time to sit down and think, he thought to himself as he entered his quarters.




"Well, I can have a ship rerouted to you immediately, if you'd like."


Belina turned to him and smiled.


"That would be greatly appreciated. I'll be sure to the let the Ackbar know that we'll have a Mandalorian ship fighting with us."

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"Which means Virul would settle for the next best thing, and twist her mind, while letting her retain her free will, to some degree." Kalla commented. Then, giving it some thought, she added, "Suddenly I'm not so sure we can save her." Still holding Tonatius' hand, she sighed, uncertain of how this might end, even if they were victorious.


(Thinking about it, do we really want what is at the very least, the last part of the second trilogy to end this quickly? I think there's more we can do after this epic battle coming up)

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"Understood." This time, in a rather odd showing of respect and deference for the Dark Lady of the Sith, she took Tyrannus' hands and bowed her head over them. True, she was his equal, one of three, but he was completely sane and she was not. As Virul, she loathed him with every fiber of her being, but as Andorra she could see the immediate practical wisdom in his words. Thus, she summoned an escape pod for herself, but not before summoning all of her soldiers, from the highest commanders to the lowest ground troops.


"Soldaty!" she cried. "Hear my words, and heed them well. The Jedi scum are going to try and infiltrate this ship soon. She is called the Phantasm for a very good reason. I want all your powers of stealth and guile uncloaked. Don't hold back. Put all your skills to use! When they board, be like shadows. Roam through them. What I want is assassination, not brute force and firefights. The Jedi are good at putting those out. They are not so skilled at finding hundreds of cloaked troops hounding their steps! I will be listening through the Force. Tally your kills. For every Jedi that dies by your hand, I will reward you handsomely." She licked her lips slowly. "Move out!"


She slipped into the pod, and it almost burned up in the atmosphere before crashing on the planet below. This is exactly what Andirrul wanted. If the Jedi thought she was dead, so much more the surprise when she'd attack!


Andirrul also sent a message to Pahro Utonula through the Force:


Hold, my little kath hound! Do not be so impatient. You are doing well, but your rashness could cost both of us. You have come up with a bold plan--on your own, no less--but save it for the morrow. Victory first, and then their reconditioning later. Keep an eye on that pet of yours, since you're mine.


Incensed, Pahro almost choked her Mistress, but dared not. Kath hound?! Once Alriana had been broken--reconditioned--Andirrul would eat her words.

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"That would be greatly appreciated. I'll be sure to the let the Ackbar know that we'll have a Mandalorian ship fighting with us."


Barek nodded, "Well then, it is done. Be on the lookout for the Keyev. It's hard to miss...they'll be here in a matter of minutes."


At that moment, Garrick walked back into the room.


"I hope I haven't missed anything too important..."


Barek looked to his brother, "No. But it looks like the Keyev will be joining up with Admiral Belina."


Garrick sat down and nodded, "Keyev? Hmmm...good for them. I should hope that the Admiral would allow us to join her as well?"


He looked at Belina awaiting an answer.




Velerc was satisfied with the situation. They had reestablished contact with High Command, or rather, just Wrath, who seemed the closest thing to High Command in the absence of Virul...or whoever was in charge.


However, this in no way affected the Grand Admiral, he was still very much in charge of the New Empire's forces.


And the odds were going in his favor.


Most of the fleet was rallied now, with little or no delay, and no problems whatsoever. Beta Task force would be avenged.


A black-clad stormtrooper came forward.


"Sir. Sergeant-of-Arms Terk sends his regards...he also asks why Admiral Garja is not present for the interrogation. The Admiral has disappeared from our sight, do we still need him to conduct the interrogation?"


This ruined Velerc's pattern of perfect planning. He didn't like it when his officers began to waver...or showed signs of wavering.


"You may commence the interrogation, I'm sure Garja will be there soon enough."


The Stormtrooper saluted, "Yessir. Right away."


Velerc hoped that Garja was not doing what he thought he was doing.


The Grand Admiral walked over to Lieutenant Karrick, near one of the command trenches.


"Lieutenant, get a security squad together and head to the Officer's quadrant, specifically Admiral Garja's quarters. He is supposed to be in the interrogation room, helping us with the Jedi. If he does not do this in the next 30 standard minutes, then you have my permission to arrest him on charges of insubordination."


Lieutenant Karrick saluted, clapping his boots together.






An Imperial Inquisitor, two red-clad stormtroopers, and an interrogation droid stepped into the Jedi's cell.


Immediately, the two troopers grabbed the Jedi by the arms, and one slugged her in the stomach, officially beginning the interrogation.


The Inquisitor grabbed the Jedi by her jaw, "First question: What in the Emperor's name were you doing in this sector? Jedi do not pull a suicidal move unless they have something planned! Answer me!"


The Jedi's silence brought about another slug, and injection of BAVO-9 injections, meant for both forcing out the truth and increasing the pain registered by the brain. It wouldn't take long now......

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"First question: What in the Emperor's name were you doing in this sector? Jedi do not pull a suicidal move unless they have something planned! Answer me!"


Alriana gasped as the air was forced out of her lungs by the punch.


Alriana simply kept quiet and stared at both of the stormtroopers and the man who was asking her questions. She could kill all three of them easily...but that wasn't the Jedi way.


"I was traveling before you pulled me out of hyperspace. No particular destination."


Garja's quarters

((Now! Admiral Garja's decision. :D))


Garja quietly grabbed one of the modified blaster pistols that he owned along with his vibro-knife and headed down toward the cell block.


It's time, he thought to himself.

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Wrath was pleased with Konig's actions. He knew he had made the right choice when he went back for him. He followed Konig out to the exit and made his was for his ship. Fortunatly for Konig, Wrath's fighter could hold two people.


"Excellent work Konig. Are you ready for some well deserved revenge?"




The clueless stormtrooper walked through the halls on Grand Admiral Velerc's ship. He had been enjoying the large open space of the ship and had gotten lost. It had been a while but TK-777 had finally gotten back to where he had started. He finally allowed himself to relax as he rounded the corner...right into Admiral Garja. TK jumped back in fear, hit his head on the wall and fell to the ground. He quickly scrambled to his feet and saluted.


"Good to see you again Admiral Garja, do you remember me? Well we only met once, its me TK-777. Can I help you with anything sir? Maybe get you a snack, polish a ship for you?"

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Excellent work, Konig. Are you ready for some well deserved revenge?"


Konig smiled ghoulishly, nodding in response.


"Always ready for that...."


Right as he finished his sentence, Komad Kaltas' bunker exploded in flame.





"I was traveling before you pulled me out of hyperspace. No particular destination."


This didn't satisfy the Inquisitor. Not one bit.


"Jedi are pathetic liars...you'll pay for that now."


The door opened, and another stormtrooper brought in a ysalamiri. With that, the Inquisitor slugged the Jedi again, also turning the Interrogation droid on her. It began electrocuting, flesh-peeling, and a whole number of nasty and painful tortures.


They'd break the Jedi yet....

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"Jedi are pathetic liars...you'll pay for that now."


Alriana screamed as pain ripped through her body over and over again in an unceasing wave of agony.


"Believe what you will...but it is the truth. Oh...and look in your hanger bay."


She smirked despite the pain contantly ripping through her.


"I suspect the ship is long gone."




"Good to see you again Admiral Garja, do you remember me? Well we only met once, its me TK-777. Can I help you with anything sir? Maybe get you a snack, polish a ship for you?"


Garja nodded absently to the trooper as screams rang down the corridor of the star destroyer.


It's time.


Garja grabbed his pistol and walked into the interrogation room.

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"I suspect the ship is long gone..."


The Inquisitor snarled, and was about to bring about a whole new wave of pain and suffering...when the door to the interrogation room opened.


He looked over, and to his surprise, saw Admiral Garja.


He raised an eyebrow instead of saluting,"What are you doing here, Admiral?"


One stormtrooper slugged the Jedi again, and was about to do so again when the Inquisitor raised a hand to stop him.


"This shouldn't be what I think this is...it was your crew that defected..not you? Unless I'm wrong."


The Stormtroopers raised their rifles just in case, the Inquisitor did the same. Two more gaurds cane forward, weapons at the ready. Another person was comming Grand Admiral Velerc.


"I ask one more time. What are you doing here?"

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"I ask one more time. What are you doing here?"


Garja's voice was soft and deadly as he looked at the blasters pointed at him.


"I am here to to conduct an interrogation. Also...it's not wise to point your weapons at one of the Admirals of the sith fleet. You will either lower your weapons or you all will be in those cells going through what she's going through."


Garja looked at the weapons still pointed at them as the five stormtroopers from his own star destroyer entered the room and leveled their weapons at the interrogator who was still threatning Garja.


"I should charge you with insubordination and threatning a superior officer."




"Keyev? Hmmm...good for them. I should hope that the Admiral would allow us to join her as well?"


Belina smiled again.


"Feel free to come along. I'm looking forward to what those ships of yours can do."

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"I should charge you with insurbordination and threatening a superior officer."


The Inquisitor snarled, he didn't like Garja much. Word had spread fast across the fleet on Garja's supposed 'Humanitarian aid' to the Republic. He was surprised that Admiral Velerc hadn't taken any specific interest in that.


"You are suspected of treason, Admiral...I wouldn't push the scales if were you..."


He lowered his pistol, and the others did the same. The Inquisitor turned back to the Jedi, and taking out all his anger in a single blow to her face. He followed up with a kick to the abdomen.






Garrick smiled at Belina, quite happy with the permission granted to them.


"Thank you, Admiral. We'll be as much help as a battle-ready Mando'a can be..."


Normally, Mandalorians weren't known for formality, but this situation seemed to call for it, Garrick was kind've liking it...

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Garja quickly turned around just in time to see the Jedi fall over in pain and then scream as the kick broke a few of her bones.


I need to stop this! He's going to kill her!


Garja quickly pulled out his pistol and fired a stun blast that sent the man sprawling to the floor in a heap.


"I'm taking the Jedi to medbay. He was going to kill her before any useful information was extracted."


Garja nodded to two of his men who supported the jedi between the two of them. The jedi turned her eyes on his and whispered something.


"I'm sorry?"


Garja got closer to her as she began to whisper again.


"C-Clone wars...I'm from the clone wars era...I don't know anything..."


"It's alright...We're taking you to medbay. I know you don't know anything and I'll be sure to tell the Grand Admiral."


Garja then contacted the bridge.


"This is Garja. I've learned the the Jedi seems to come from the Clone Wars era. From what I could guess she was still weak from Hibernation sickness when the interrogation began. I believe that...I hesitate to call him a man, should be thrown in a cell of his own for not properly examining the jedi before begining the interrogation. The jedi could have died and we would have learned nothing."

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"This is Garja. I've learned the the Jedi seems to come from the Clone Wars era. From what I could guess she was still weak from Hibernation sickness when the interrogation began. I believe that...I hesitate to call him a man, should be thrown in a cell of his own for not properly examining the jedi before begining the interrogation. The jedi could have died and we would have learned nothing."


That last bit caught Velerc as odd. Garja had never been one to stop an interrogation...even if the inquisitor in charge was a brute.


"Hmm...well, good job, Garja...but if she is from the Clone Wars and we do not know the means by which she survived this long...then we have no further use for her. Why bother with the Inquisitor. she may even have been better off."


Velerc knew he sounded cold, but it was the truth. The Empire's policy regarding useless prisoners wasn't a good one.


"Well..get her to medbay, for what use it will do."


Suddenly, one of the technicians turned on a security camera, showing the event of Garja blasting the Inquisitor. He nodded to the Sergeant-of-arms, he didn't like what he saw...even if Garja was being a supposed 'gentlemen,' his act was exactly the kind of thing that built up mutinies.


He whispered to the Sergeant, "Place Garja under arrest, get them both into custody...so I'll be able to figure what is exactly going on here....make sure the Jedi gets medical attention, though."


Velerc then left the bridge.

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Garja closely followed the men as they brought the jedi down to medbay and drew his blaster pistol as they set her down easily on one of the beds.


"I think I may have worn out my welcome with the Grand Admiral and the empire in general by blasting the inquisitor. Get the other three men ready.


Garja smiled slightly.


"If Admiral Velerc forgives us we'll stay. But if he tries to take us into custody...I'm afraid we'll be defecting to the other side."

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Tavaryn winced when he heard the resounding break of bones. He knew that she was in trouble and tried again, Jedi, calm, at peace. Clear your mind and think of the Room of the Thousand Fountains. The water cool and gentle. Let it wash over your mind...


He looked at his console and saw that the ship was a former Imperial ship. He briefly wondered how his mother felt when she was on one of these ships long ago. He reflected that she was brave, doing what she had to to protect him and his siblings.He could only hope that the Jedi would allow him to help.




Tonatius nodded sadly but he said, "There is always a chance. Skywalker came back." He then gave Kalla's hand a gentle squeeze.




"As much as I'd hate to, I will contact Father," Jun-la replied. "He will want to face Tyrannus or at least right things." She looked pained and reluctant as she gauged what Belina and Komad would do.

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(I'm assuming Alkéa's still alive, but busy)

"I will see about contacting Rogue Squadron. They'd be insdispensible to any fighter assault." Reyvan added. "Of course." Komad replied. Then, turning to Belina, he asked, "How soon can we be under way?"


"We have to try." Kalla replied, kissing Tonatius on the cheek.

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