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July '09: Navigational Error

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Coming up with a topic may prove more challenging than writing for one. Let me see...


A lot of the adventure of Star Wars happens off stage so to speak, behind the curtains of the overall theatre. Han Solo is driven by the bounty on his head in ESB. Anakin is driven by his role as "the Chosen One." Palpatine was the sum of years of dedicated research into the occult and his driving ambition.

Simple things can drive a party of adventurers in the Star Wars galaxy, a fuel requirement, a navigational error, a premise around which a story unfolds.


I'm going to pick a good, simple one. Navigational error. All else is free, so long as the central theme, or the plot, or basic premise revolves around a major navigational error for any given cause. And naturally it doesn't have to be in a starship but I should prefer the SW galaxy setting in any reasonable capacity.


This doesn't look like Kansas...

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That's okay, someone's got me looking over a new hypothesis for a variant c. correlating NASA/JPL observations of unaccounted acceleration of the interplanetary probes atm, so I'm thinking to wait for next month's topic anyways..


I'm looking over this stuff thinking it may cancel a hundred years of oops factor in singularities, it's pretty ground breaking. Like Relativity it's very simple math too, which smacks of accurate intuition and it doesn't challenge any current precepts, only completes some.

I think the impossibility of matter achieving c. may have to be re-evaluated. We may be hyperdriving around the galaxy yet..

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I've got a set of three chapters to a fiction that I haven't published that fits this category, but it is not a self-contained story. Could I submit the content that happens after the navigational error through to the ending and skip the ? The first of the three chapters is not at all related to the contest requirements and would greatly extend the length of the submission. I would simply put in what the situation was, the characters, and whatever else the readers need to know in a short prologue.

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