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How to encounter Xor?


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You should be able to see him by exhausting all available conversations with Juhani, progressing in the game until you get your fourth star map (including the Dantooine one), and walking through the area the Ebon Hawk is in. I also think that you can get more conversations with Juhani by talking a lot with other party members.

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Oh.... I have all star maps except Manaan, and have talked a lot with Juhani. But I won't have any dialog options to her except the gizka and the "what do you know abot this planet?" Questions.

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Have you spoken to the guy on Korriban (Ziagrom ??) that tells you about the special items merchant in the Korriban cantina?


The Juhani sidequest is incredibly buggy, and the Special Items Merchant sidequest is known to interact with it, making both unstable or broken.


My suggestion re: Juhani and Xor - do not talk to Juhani all that much until after the Leviathan and visiting Korriban afterward. You can talk to her some, but do not advance far in her dialog or you will break the Merchant quest.


After getting the special items available, then talk to Juhani all you want, and bring her off of the EH to talk to her... Xor will trigger on Manaan, and also Korriban, and maybe Tatooine. You will meet with him once, then he will come back for the final confrontation on another planet.

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Once you get through the conversation w/Juhani about how her family fared on Taris and how she made it to Dantooine the path should be clear to encounter Xor (Kashyyyk, Manaan, Korriban). After you have your initial confrontation to have to go somewhere on that planet where you can warp back to the Ebon Hawk in order to confront Xor and close out that side quest. At least that's the only way I've ever gotten it to work for me.


@qui-gon--interesting, never had that problem w/Xor & Ziagrom quests.

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I know there's a purple Twi'lek named Xor, which you can meet if uhani is in your party, but no matter what I do, I never meet him. What do I need to do? Talkin about Juhani's past?


Xor is actually a Mandalorian Mercenary; not a Twi'lek.

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Once you get through the conversation w/Juhani about how her family fared on Taris and how she made it to Dantooine the path should be clear to encounter Xor (Kashyyyk, Manaan, Korriban). After you have your initial confrontation to have to go somewhere on that planet where you can warp back to the Ebon Hawk in order to confront Xor and close out that side quest. At least that's the only way I've ever gotten it to work for me.


@qui-gon--interesting, never had that problem w/Xor & Ziagrom quests.


I talked about all with Juhani and found all maps/ all except Manaan (two saves, both with all talked) and never met Xor.

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I wonder if you're missing the trigger. I've occasionally had that problem with other encounters. Bastila/Malare, Mission/Lena and Canderous/Jagi have been a little buggy on my machines. Sometimes I move around a little to try to activate them. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. Most of the time I encounter Xor on Manaan after exiting the docking bay and going toward that first door by the fish merchant.

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This sidequest is notoriously buggy. Sometimes Xor will show up and not do anything at all, and sometimes you get him nearly killed and his death dialogue won't fire and he'll just stand there wounded. It's such a pain in the ass.


KotOR1 may enjoy the rep of being far more polished than TSL, but in this case it clearly isn't.

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This sidequest is notoriously buggy. Sometimes Xor will show up and not do anything at all, and sometimes you get him nearly killed and his death dialogue won't fire and he'll just stand there wounded. It's such a pain in the ass.


KotOR1 may enjoy the rep of being far more polished than TSL, but in this case it clearly isn't.



Funny, I just had that happen recently as a matter of fact.

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