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John Rambo Vs Jaffa

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Totally Rambo. He would win anywhere, just like Arnold Schwarzeneggar, I mean, Rambo's also the Italian Stallion, and Silvester Stallone for crying out loud!!!


That, and bow and arrows pown everything, Scifi people included:D


And yes, Rambo would become Mand'alor. It's in his blood... {who can name that quote?:D}

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1) He's the iconic killer up there with Swartzenager


2) I don't know who Jaffa is, but guaranteed he's not ripped out as many throats as Rambo.


3) Stargate, Battlestar, and all of that other Sci-fi Channel BS can go jump off of a cliff for dominating that channel with what equates to prequel Star Wars in show form, more so than even the Clone Wars cartoon. Its acting, story, characters, and every other aspect of those shows suck, including every single side, mini, etc series used to milk them for every penny they don't deserve.


4) Since I've never seen a Mando, or almost any other Star Wars character drawn a single drop of blood I'm going to go with Rambo being capable of killing the entire Mandalorian species/movement in an afternoon.

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2) I don't know who Jaffa is, but guaranteed he's not ripped out as many throats as Rambo.



En resumen, Jaffa is not one, but many. A race of humans offshots with these worm-like symbiotes inside their kangaroo abdominal pouch, yadda yadda yadda.


Anyway, John R. has too much steroids running on his veins to lose to a faceless, random Jaffa.

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Rambo took a 20mm shell to his arm, paused briefly to admire his body and went back to maschine gunning and armored river boat to pieces. And he out ran a giant bomb's explosion, which he detonated with a claymore. All while he was old. Make him young again and hes invincible to everything ever.

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