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Star Wars, Star, and War Related Art


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As the title says, this thread is for any art (hand-drawn or computer generated) that is Star Wars, Space, or War related.


I'm going to start off the thread with some hand drawn star wars related sketches.


Ok, here are the first sketches:


1) Young Boba Fett/Young Clone (3-4 years old)


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2) The Final Battle from KotOR 1 (Notice both Bastila AND Juhani AND Calo Nord) (About 1 year old)


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3) KotOR Era Sentry Droid, Floating Droid, and Astromech Droid (6 months old)


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4) KotOR Era Battle, Sentry, and Assassin Droids (6 months old)


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Now, for my [WIP], Darth Morbius!


5) Darth Morbius v 0.2


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6) Darth Morbius v 0.5


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Hope I see more Art on this thread soon!:thmbup1:



I just finished a CIS Droid Army Collage:


7) CIS Droid Army Collage

Contains: B1 Battle Droid (Ep1 version), Droid Commando (Clone Wars TV Version), Super Battle Droid V2 (Comic Book Version), and Droideka (Clone Wars TV Show Version)


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Hope you enjoy!

Working on a starfighter collage:thmbup1:


EDIT2: Okay, I lied. I did a Warrior Collage instead.

This includes a Mandalorian, Rakatan, Gammorean (I know, he's not fat enough), A Nikto?, and a Rodian fighting for the Mandalorians.


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I hope someone posts something on this thread soon.....:):thmbup1:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Its been a while since I've been on, but while I've been off, I've made some pictures using Flash Professional 8. Hope you enjoy!


DC-15a Blaster Rifle

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DC-15s Blaster Carbine

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KYD-21 Blaster Pistol (Used by the C.I.S.)

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DH-17 Blaster

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These last 2 aren't very good, for I had bad pictures of them to base them off of.


CDEF Sporting Blaster (Used by Corellian Security Force)

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Relby-K23 Blaster Pistol (Used by Bespin Wing Gaurd)

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Hope you enjoy, and other post here!!!!!!:):thmbup1::)

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Your people look too blocky. You should add some curvature to their bodies, especially on the arms and on the torso. Maybe practice with stripped down people... Not necessarily naked, but without armor or bulky clothes, just until you get the hang of drawing the human body.


The droids look pretty fantastic, though.

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I know, I am not very good at people, I'm best at inanimate objects, ie. droids, guns, armor. My best "people" pics are of people covered in armor. However, I do think my Warriors collage turned out well. By the way, do YOU have any art, because this is more than a thread for me to post art, its a thread for people to SHARE art. Also, what do you think of my guns? I think they turned out well, except for the CDEF blaster, had a poor pic to base off of :(

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Ok, heres some new ones (kinda)


First, here is a traced/skinned version of Tk-421's Boba Fett Helmet:

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Secondly, TK-421 has also sent me a sketch of a Scout Trooper. I TRACED THIS, AND AM UNABLE TO POST THE ORIGONAL HERE for all of you people who might think I stole it.

Anyway, here it is:

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Hope other people post! I'm having less time to work on art lately. :thmbup1:

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This is the pic I allowed None223 to edit.

Edit 1:
I'll just give you the link to my Photobucket. All I have there are my sketches. That'll be better than having pictures taking up too much space here on the forum. :thmbup1:
If the link doesn't work, then I suspect you know how to copy and paste

Edit 2:
I added sketches of Commander Gree and a Shock Trooper to my album. Please feel free to leave comments on those and any others.
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  • 11 months later...

Wow...Its been a long time since I was on here. Lately, I have been involved in a chat-based Sci-Fi RPG. We've gone so far as to make a wikia for it and have pictures for most items.


Courtesy of http://pimpmygun.doctornoob.com/app.php , I give you my sci-fi inspired weapons, made using PimpMyGun 0.7


The NP-D1s, Tier 1 machine pistol

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The NP-D1a, Tier 1 Assault Rifle

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The NP-D3a, Assault Rifle used by T'ad T'ad Commandos

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The NP-D2x, Tier 2 Sniper Rifle

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The NP-D3x, Sniper Rifle used by T'ad T'ad Commandos

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The NP-D1m, Tier 1 Pump-Action Shotgun

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The NP-D3m, Pump-Action Shotgun used by T'ad T'ad Commandos

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The NP-D1d, Tier 1 Assault Carbine

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The NP-D2d, Tier 2 Assault Carbine, that is dual-weilded by Commandos

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Finally, the TDA-3 Personal Repeater (Minigun)

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Any comments would be nice! As well as other art!

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