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Non-SW: The Eleventh Hour (PG-13)


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Artemis looked over at Corbin and watched as he tossed the the drink out of his cup. He also watched as he didn't eat his food either. Artemis looked at his glass and than back over to the plant. Artemis felt a little concerned as to why he wouldn't drink the drink. After all he did say he was tired, why waste a good drink like that. Artemis than remembered that Corbin was here before all of them. He pushed his drink forward without taking a sip and just sat there looking at the others. When you're out in the streets everyday and you see someone acting odd it means they're hiding something. if they're hiding something chances are they just killed someone. Besides he wasn't that hungry, his eyes were focused on the new girl that walked in. She had a bodyguard or whatever she called him with her. As she sat down next to Shakhmaty she began making conversation with her alone; girl talk he guessed. The majordomo stood over the girl like a hawk.


"Hey big guy, do you want to sit down and eat some food, or do you plan on standing the rest of the night?"


He didn't expect the power to go out and looked around some more. The maid read a letter that came from the host himself. He was a little confused by the letter but just shrugged his shoulders.


"I guess you'll be looking for a chess set first," he said giving Shakhmaty a playful grin.

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Corbin smirked, noting Artemis' movements. He slowly approached the man and laughed slightly. "I know what you are thinking... everyone thinks I am a murderer, but I'm not. The water just looked like it had been chlorinated and I don't know about you, but I don't drink chlorinated water." He smiled and sat down next to him. "So what are you really here for... you're not just here for a relaxing vacation and you claim that you're not here for the money, but I am quite curious as to why you are here."

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At the mention of the words chess set, Henrietta gasped. Checkmate. She noticed one of her guests trembling a little bit...


Artemis Black, the smile frozen on his face, suddenly seized up and fell forward, right smack into his plate. Shakhmaty Killian screamed, and the other guests either jumped back in startled fright or stared, unable to move. He had eaten a little bit of food before his sudden demise, which meant only one thing: either he'd had a sudden heart attack, or the dish he'd nibbled on had been poisoned--literally. Never mind the power going out. This being only the year 1911, when electricity was still rare around these parts, only a few lights in the house had been "wired". Mister Faktor had preferred gaslight.


"Oh, good heavens!" Henrietta quickly put on some butler's gloves and rushed over to where Mister Black now lay deceased, his face permanently greased by his favorite food, pasta carbonara. "No one panic. It's all under control."

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"All under control!" Corbin roared. "If it's so under control then why did this man just die? I /knew/ there was a reason that I wasn't going to touch my food and this is it! I knew that something was going to happen! There always is something that happens when a whole bunch of guests to one man happens to appear all at once." He glared at the maid and stalked to the other end of the room. "And it's usually the workers that kill the people." Corbin frowned and sat down on the floor.

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((CRUD! He's dead, I was still typing when everything transpired! I'll edit accordingly.))


"Hey big guy, do you want to sit down and eat some food, or do you plan on standing the rest of the night?" Came the words of one of the guests, Higz looking around for the speaker, his eyes resting on a relatively handsome, but ulteriorly shifty looking fellow.


Higz simply cocked his head and frowned slightly, not understanding why he was being called "Big Guy" when he wasn't all that large, just tall, and strapping, and quite broad in the chest...and thick in the arms.....Ok, so he was pretty big in someone who didn't exercise regularly's eyes, not saying the man who had gotten his attention didn't exercise, he could just stand to be a little healthier.


Higz glanced at Ebony, who glanced up at him, nodding with a tender smile, and then returning her gaze to the older woman, still awaiting her response to the question of a title.


The "Big Guy" moved around to where the other man sat, and took a seat next to him, and from that seat Higz could see Ebony, the older woman, and he could converse with the other fellow. "No, I would rather procure my own food from the pantries later, once everyone's asleep, so I know what I'm eating. I enjoy eating certain things, and I most certainly enjoy eating healthy things," Higz said to the man finally, his voice finally being heard clearly; the only description for his said voice was fluid, somewhat deep, somewhat rough, and all around rich with Mediterranean accent, but had quite a noticeable hint of etiquette behind it.


"As for standing, yes, I would have, seeing as I'm used to it, but since you spoke up, I guess I will," he finished responding with a light smile. He proffered his strong hand in a handshake and said, "My name is Origen, as the young lady over there said, but you may call me Higz if you wish, as she does. What's your name, if I may so boldly ask?"


Before he could even give his hand the man began to seize, and then colapsed in a rather unflattering manner, right next to the poor Heiress Attendant. Who proceeded to jump out of his seat in a very urgent manner, realizing exactly what had just happened, but too late to do anything.


"He's gone...quite quickly too," came Higz' words rather neutrally, almost as if what had just happened didn't faze him in the least.


The Majordomo turned to the maid who was hovering over the man's corpse. "I'll help you carry him out if you like ma'am?"



As Higz proceeded to sit with the man who'd called him out, Ebony simply sat waiting patiently for a response from the older woman, only to have said man burst into sudden convulsions and then die right in front of her. The others seemed to be shocked, the girl was not, no, she had a more bemused look on her face as she stood and went around to the dead man, moving the plate of food away, she examined him and then returned to her seat, a cruel calculating look covering her face.


She then turned to the now terrified older woman, and smiled comfortingly, grabbing the woman's hand and patting it softly, trying to calm her. "It'll be okay, Higz will help remove the body, and after we've all gathered our senses together we can proceed to figuring out what exactly took place, we can't just instantly assume he was murdered after all, now can we?" The intelligent and practical young woman said, moving one hand up to the woman's shoulder in a friendly gesture


((...............Late, again...........I'm not editing this time.....again!))

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The seats were uncomfortable, at best, but Mr. Reynolds had not the slightest care in the world. He picked up his silverware as politely as possible, and then slaughtered the portion of chicken that lay in front of him. Mashed potatoes along with green beans filled the side of the plate, each fresher than he had ever tasted before.


'Still, nothin' beats a home-cooked meal.' He drank water, as he had his whole life. He had never fancied soda pops.


The lights flashed on and off briefly, but he took no notice. Thunderstorms were a common occurrence in his part of the world, and electricity was too fragile a thing to be depended upon with one hundred percent consistency.


It was the face of Artemis lying in his own food that gave pause to Mr. Reynolds. As the women gasped in shock, he quietly looked down to his food, and then to the deceased. He took another bite of chicken. The next few days- God help them get that far!- would be trying, and he'd need every bit of strength possible.

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"Oh, so I'm a murderer now?" Henrietta scoffed. "The maid did it instead of the butler? I've heard that old cliche a thousand times, and I'm not falling for it! All Mister Faktor wanted was a nice, quiet New Year's Eve celebration, and lest you accuse him of being the killer, he is not. He is the kindest, most honorable man I've ever known, and he..." She heard some more rattling. "Either a train went by, or--No matter. If you'll excuse me, I must remove the body of our unfortunate guest to the cellar. It's absolutely frigid down there, and the morgue is closed this evening." The flustered maid attempted to lift the body out of the chair, but she could not do it.


Shakhmaty suddenly stood up. "Tell us the truth. Who could have poisoned Mister Black's food? If it wasn't you, or Mister Faktor, then who did it?"


Henrietta stared at her beautiful young guest with cold, grey eyes.


"You want the truth? This mansion is haunted, Miss Killian. Here be ghosts."

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Corbin rolled his eyes. "I'm so sure... if there are ghosts here, then why haven't you gotten an excorcist to come to the house? There is one in town... or are you too afraid to excorsize the house." He looked down at the body of the man who was kinder to him than the other guests. "Umm... let me help you... I don't want his body decaying... he was a kindly man." Corbin said, glaring at the maid and picked the man's feet up.

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"The maid did it instead of the butler? I've heard that old cliche a thousand times, and I'm not falling for it! All Mister Faktor wanted was a nice, quiet New Year's Eve celebration, and lest you accuse him of being the killer, he is not. He is the kindest, most honorable man I've ever known, and he..."


Higz got a look of mock shock on his face, and then spoke up in a rather humoring manner, "I resent that madam, I would never poison someone, too cowardly." His attitude was quite strange for someone who just witnessed a death not but a few minutes ago. Higz proceeded to lift the cooling body with amazing ease, and looked down at the maid with a smile.


"Show the way, and, sorry son, I can get him," the much older man said to the very young boy with a very faint smile, showing that he didn't want someone his age around the dead, showing his very minute maternal side.

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"Ghosts, eh? Madam, I do say that you'll have to try a little harder than that if you want to dissuade us from ten million dollars. The man may be dead, but nothing is unexplainable, and those that can't explain something aren't searching hard enough. Dispense with the foolery, and get to the point!"


Mr. Reynolds was standing now, his meal entirely devoured, save two green beans. It was delicious, but he had no stomach for ghost stories.

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Corbin's soft violet eyes turned hard. Whoever did this to Artemis would pay... he swore it silently over the dead man's body. He looked at Higz. "I don't care... I'm going to help you, regardless. That man was the closest thing I had to a friend, in the short time I knew him... besides... I watched my mother and father being murdered... my father's bloodied body fell on the floor, his neck gashed by a knife, I was hiding under the bed in the hotel room and as for my mother... she was murdered in our own home not three months later... we were playing a game and then I saw as a man broke into the house and shot her with a hand gun... the ironic thing is later, that very hand gun killed the same man and it was given to me, in memory of my mother..." He murmured, running his hand, subconsciously along the hand gun in his pocket. "So I have seen death and dead bodies... so whatever you are trying to keep me from, I don't care... I'm not afraid of death. Death is immenint... but murder must be brought to justice... besides, I would like to observe the corpse..."

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Higz heard the boy as he muttered and murmured to himself, and smiled. "I'm trying to keep you from what you seem to already have become, a person who's existence is marred by death, and makes it an excuse to not live their life because they fear living it. Don't let yourself become devoid of compassion, is all I'm saying, not that you'll listen to an old fellow like me, you'll just make another excuse, I'm sure." The surprisingly wise older man said with a great deal of kindness.


"But if indeed this man was murdered by the living, then there must be justice, just not the kind you'd give them," he spoke softly to the boy, his eyes settling on the object he was running his hand over, the Majordomo guessing quite accurately what was in the boy's pocket.


Higz leaned in towards the boy and spoke so only he could hear, "violence for violence is a flawed policy boy, don't follow it; if you seek to avenge death with death, then where does it go from there? Don't make what happened to your parents an excuse to kill for this man's death, and don't use his death as a crutch either, commit to justice by other means. And if you need anyone to be your friend while you're here, then I'm always available," Higz said with a great deal of friendliness.


"But I can't stop you from following us to the cellar, if you want to come then that's your choice," Higz said winking at the lad.

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"Follow me." Henrietta crossed herself in the traditional Catholic manner and then led Higz and Corbin down to the cellar. Indeed, it was frigid within the stony vault which held barrels of wine and herbal roots, and indeed, the body of one unfortunate Artemis Black would keep very well down here.


Once he had been laid upon a rickety wooden table, for the moment clear of mason jars and other assorted bric-a-brac, Henrietta stared down at the deceased. "I'm truly sorry," she said. "I have tried to have this house cleared of its supernatural inhabitants, but the ghosts never leave. I have begged my master to tell me why, but he will not. I suspect that genuine evil is at work here, and Faktor? He may be the head of this dark cabal of spooks, or he may be a victim. I do not know. All I know is that this house is haunted.


"You may not believe in ghosts, sirs," replied Henrietta, "but rest assured, the ghosts believe in you. Thank you for helping me carry him down to the cellar. Your help is very much appreciated." She looked first to Corbin, then to Higz, and then to Corbin again. "Let's go upstairs. I have a very odd feeling..."


There was a set of stairs that led directly from the cellar to the kitchen. Opening a trapdoor, Henrietta led the two drafted pallbearers into the warmth of a cooking-place that still smelled like the remnants of dinner.


There it was--an open cabinet, and a tipped-over box of boric acid. Right where Black's tray must have been, no doubt. Henrietta knelt down quickly.


"I didn't kill him!" she cried. "I don't poison my master's guests! I swear!"




Meanwhile, Shakhmaty was finding warm comfort in Ebony's cool arms.


"Thank you," she said, wiping away a few tears. "Someone dead! And he was so charming..." She let the sentiment trail off. "I hope no foul play's afoot."

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"Let me examine the body, we might be able to get something out of it, possibly figure what he was poisoned with. Trust me, I'm a doctor." Tim piped up, slightly hesitant to use the scalpel that he found in his room, but he reminded himself that this time, the patient was already dead, and he was performing an autopsy, not an operation. "I'll need him stripped down and set on the table."

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"Thank you," the older woman said, wiping away a few tears. "Someone dead! And he was so charming..." She let the sentiment trail off. "I hope no foul play's afoot."


"You're most certainly welcome," Ebony said, squeezing the woman's shoulder softly. "I don't know about charming, all the men I've met that are 'charming' tend to be sleazy womanizers, I usually give them something to remember me by -'like one less piece of jewelry'- or a permanent eviction from my family's estate, usually by my good friend Higz," Ebony said rather funnily, trying to garner the woman's homor, so as to comfort her further.


"As for foul play, I don't know, but all this talk of ghosts, and hauntings, is...Intriguing!" The girl said rather cynically, but not enough for anyone to come to judgements about her personality.

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"I think that Henrietta led Higz and Corbin down to the cellar," Shakhmaty said meekly, "where Mister Black's body can keep." She took a small sip of her water. Wishing that she had some wine at the moment, she sighed heavily.


Mister Faktor's servant, followed by the two men, re-entered the dining room.


"He's safe now," said Henrietta. "He'll definitely keep 'til morning. Doctor Lee, if you want to go examine him...see if you find traces of boric acid in his gut. I use it for rat poison, for in these hard wintertimes, they creep up anywhere and everywhere. It could be that the box tipped over, and I...No."


She shuddered. "I did not kill him. Mister Faktor loves any and all guests, and any friend of Faktor's is a friend of mine. His death was not by my hand."


Shakhmaty then turned to Ebony. "Intriguing? Yes. Believable? Not quite..."


She did not mention the whispers that seemed to make their way to her ears...

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Major Johan Schmidt knocked at the wooden door of the mansion. The door opened by itself, and Johan saw several people inside of the mansion. The interior of the mansion did not appeal to Johan, him being a fan of modern houses. He didn't care though, because this house had the opportunity to make all of his dreams come true.


"Hello everyone, I am Johan Schmidt of the German Army. Is this the celebration of Mr. Faktor?"

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