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Apocalypse in Sydney


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So from what I've been able to gather, it looks like intense cold fronts moved east across Australia over the last couple of days creating strong winds for much of the east coast, blowing in from the dry, dusty interior of the continent, bringing in red dust hundreds of kilometers from the outback of Australia to the coast.


This combined with the earthquakes in Melbourne the other day and the bushfires near Brisbane... most of east coast Australians must think the world is ending :p


More pictures:










Homemade video of the dust storm:


[Warning: Some NSFW language]


(This BBCode requires its accompanying plugin to work properly.)




Can any of our Australian Swampies comment on this? Did anyone experience it? I'd love to hear a first hand account on what it was like. I think it's really fascinating.

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  Lynk Former said:


Oh cool. I'm moving there around the first quarter of next year. :-D It's gonna be greaaaaat. (Plus my girlfriend lives there.)


I'm gonna have to admit that I thought the storm was just awesome. I mean, I read the news and they're having a huge 'spring cleaning' thing going on to wash off all the dust...supposedly most of the business came to a grinding halt during the storm so that sucks...

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