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Portal is one of the few more original non-indie games as of late, and at that, it's a core strength. Like Mirror's Edge, it has great concept, but it is more of an experiment, which ultimately succeeded as a viable game formula. That is, it did so with consideration of the core formula, and the core formula only, if you understand me.


It's... short. A bit too short, might I add. The game had the aura of an adventure module or a DLC map pack; instanced, inventive gameplay, but lack of depth coupled with a very linear flow. Portal succeeds in being a proof of concept, but there is much to be desired, particularly the shedding of the tutorial-aura that was throughout the entire game. I suppose one only must wait for Valve's c. 2015 sequel to Portal 2, but this only a digression...


Ultimately, I suggest that you do play it, but if you're looking for a more long-lasting game out of the entire Orange Box, I'd suggest Team Fortress 2. HL2 w/ Episodes has the total playtime value of a blipvert, counting replay value, so overall I'd consider TF2 to be the best overall value.

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Best Buy or Target, 5 games for $30 in one package.


Besides, you can buy Garry's Mod online for it once you have installed the games and start using at least one of them. If you don't know what Garry's mod is, get with it and look it up. I *know* you're a modder. You can play all sorts of funny little games with stuff, check out people's downloads (Virus check/defenses *up*!)


Create pictures, make comics. Go crazy. Knock yourself out.


Seriously, you won't regret it. DO EET! DO EET NAO!

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Portal is witty, short, fun, original and in places really quite challenging. On the one hand, the game is very short; on the other, it has no time to get stale.


Buy, play, and love it, but only on condition that once you've done so you never mention either c-object or a certain song ever again.


Ever. Again. Those lines became stale four years ago. Repeating them now would be a travesty of bad taste. You have been warned.

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  • 3 months later...

Please excuse my shouting, but:




From what I understand, as long as you grab it before the cut-off date then it is yours forever, not just a time-limited demo like they often do. If you don't already have Portal you should absolutely take advantage of this deal. You can get it on either PC or the new Mac Steam.

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