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Rogue Nine

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Well, my lavaquil 'Sparky' is very cute. My caterpie evolved into a metapod (bleh--not nearly as cute as caterpie), and I've captured several pokemon on my pokewalker. I also unlocked 4 routes so far, and I've found some red shards and a star piece on my latest pokewalker trip.


I wouldn't worry about Metapod - once it evolves, it actually looks quite beautiful.

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They're also very prolific--I have another egg to pick up now.

Do they have to be the same kind, or can you mix and match boys and girls to see what comes of the...ehm, union?


Also--I've been catching a bunch of ponytas and poliwags on my pokewalker (which, btw, is a great source of free stuff like fresh water, sodas, full heals, etc). What do I do with all of these?

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