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[TSL] New Planet: Cathalan


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I'll definately keep you in mind, in fact you'll probably receive mail from me sooner rather than later about it. Also to be included is as follows:


- 2 unique ambient music tracks

- 2 unique battle music tracks

- More chances to increase/decrease your influence with your companions

- Greater chances to earn lightside/darkside experience

- 2 puzzles to be solved

- 2 NEW lightsaber crystals based on Star Wars canon

- 1 NEW Jedi Robe based on Star Wars canon

- Hidden quests and rewards based on their subsequent completion

- New merchants selling a variety of items

- Easily applied customised textures for the High Level

- Over 5 hours of additional gameplay

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  TimBob12 said:
Erm... I don't get it. The picture you posted a link to is of the galaxy map. Not the model.


Also what is




Im geussing that you mod dawn of war II.


Except that I've never seen that screenshot before. I only mod KOTOR and TSL that's it. The galaxy map image shows the model in the bottom right hand quarter.


@LDR: Cathalan is no less habitable than Peragus II, and as we know, habitation occurred there. What I will say is that the struggle for life depends on the riches of individuals on the planet.

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I rarely go for planet mods, simply because I find most of them shallow and tossed-together, with very little real substance to them. Many of the dialogue subtitles have terrible grammar and spelling mistakes, and almost none have voice-overs; and that bugs me. A lot.


This one, however, looks very promising, especially if what you've included in your to-do list is any indication; you've got storyline (and accompanying journal entries), voicing, and lip-syncing included - the entire list of things usually lacking in planet mods.


I'm definitely looking forward to giving this one a try when you finish it.

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  The Doctor said:
I rarely go for planet mods, simply because I find most of them shallow and tossed-together, with very little real substance to them. Many of the dialogue subtitles have terrible grammar and spelling mistakes, and almost none have voice-overs; and that bugs me. A lot.


This one, however, looks very promising, especially if what you've included in your to-do list is any indication; you've got storyline (and accompanying journal entries), voicing, and lip-syncing included - the entire list of things usually lacking in planet mods.


I'm definitely looking forward to giving this one a try when you finish it.


You basically echoed all the things that frustrate me about custom planets too. Perhaps more than anything else I hate the absence of storyline more than the issues with improper grammar, although that in itself can prove to be a nuisance.

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  Jaevyn said:
You basically echoed all the things that frustrate me about custom planets too. Perhaps more than anything else I hate the absence of storyline more than the issues with improper grammar, although that in itself can prove to be a nuisance.


Don't get me wrong, lack of sufficient story is incredibly obnoxious. Most custom planet mods, even the best of them - the TSL Coruscant Jedi Temple, for example - are fairly thin and don't really add much to the game. They're little more than a few high-powered and sometimes original (as opposed to already in-game) items, thrown into a quickly reskinned module and only half the time available from the galaxy map proper. You're lucky to get an hour's gameplay out of it, at the most.


But I can live with that. After all, making an entire planet is hard work, especially from my point of view - the most I've ever been able to do is a lightsaber. It's when the mod is riddled with third-grade spelling and grammar mistakes that send me straight back my Override folder to uninstall. Even just a handful of them can ruin an otherwise passable mod (again, for example, the TSL Coruscant Jedi Temple using "belive" and overflowing with commas).

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Well, some of them, even with all their lacks, are more than most other mods. And having tried it myself, I can say, it is waaaay much easier to add a new planet to the galaxy-map than actually modding this planet ;).

The ortography- and grammar-mistakes are a nuicance maybe, but I can live with those. The only thing about them that bugs me, is that they'd be avoidable sooo easy.

Missing VOs is the thing that I hate the most. I mean, why not make most of the folks aliens and use the alien VOs of the game? not really that hard!


But well, I don't wanna go on a rant here, 'cause it's the thread of the Cathalan-mod and nothin' else, so let's talk about that! But all I wanted to say is, that personally I love new-planet mods. I mean, Star Wars is about exlploring a whole galaxy after all. What do I care about this armor or that dagger, if I can fly around the whole galaxy ;)?

So, here's a hooraay to Jaevyn and his Cathalan-mod! Can't wait to explore a new planet, that isn't even in the EU yet ;)!

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Well I just remoddelled the High Levels of Keralt, and that took all day (and 18MBs of space). So it isn't easy, but in my opinion if you're going to do anything, you do a top class effort. I have the Coruscant mod, and the spelling error "belive" annoys me a lot too.


Anyway, just got started on modding the Lower Levels, so that means that 3/10 areas are complete, with the other seven at various stages of development.

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I am very pleased indeed to see a project of this size and sophistication and calm level planning going forward. I am very very interested to see your progress continue and very hopeful of you reaching a successful launch. This is very encouraging indeed..Happy New Year and thank you indeed.

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Thanks for that. It certainly hasn't been an easy job creating Cathalan so far, but I'm getting there more quickly than I was expecting, which is good. Anyway, here's a slight story hint:




I'll be delivering more screenshots soon.

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  Dak Drexl said:
Gives it a "1984" type feeling - I can't wait for this. It seems like you're going to stick with it, so my fun-to-be-had is counting on you!


I will stick with it. I haven't come this far with it, just to give up on it and do something else. Anyway, expect further announcements any time soon.

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Cheers for that guys. The mod is about 60% complete as a slog through the harder parts of scripting and lip synching is now on the horizon. I've been going through the three areas I've completed, just fine tuning the voices and sound as well as textures. Yesterday I was fine tuning the AI to give the desired XP upon death, as well as making sure that the quests give the right rewards. Onto the Lower Levels now, which is by far and away the largest and most complex. Once I'm through that however, the end will quickly come (I hope).

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Re-skinning COMPLETED!

Mini-mapping 40%



Planetary COMPLETED!

Global.jrl Entries COMPLETED!

Creatures 20%



Encounters 30%

Triggers 45%

Waypoints 30%

Voicing 40%

Module Construction 26%

Lipsynch 20%


As you can see, it is coming along nicely.

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Just a quick warning. You said you hope the end will come quickly. Dont rush the end in a race to release it. Get beta testers to pick ur mod apart. You wont believee the strange bugs people come accross and youu dont want to be releasing patch after patcw.


I am really excited about this thogh and cant wait.

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  TimBob12 said:
Just a quick warning. You said you hope the end will come quickly. Dont rush the end in a race to release it. Get beta testers to pick ur mod apart. You wont believee the strange bugs people come accross and youu dont want to be releasing patch after patcw.


I am really excited about this thogh and cant wait.


I am not one to rush something through to completion before its time. I'll get a few of my friends to thoroughly test it through just in case.

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