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The Old Republic for Dummies


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I never said you were mate

Cool :) I didn't mean to sound so defensive. I think the text-based aspect of forum discussion lends itself to misunderstanding.


To everyone else:

To the folks who get bitchy about stuff like this: Chill, for the most part folks are just trying to help and they don't realise what they're doing wrong to break the CC. It happens and once they figure it out then they'll be fine.

I did go back and read my post and realized that it does sound a bit tyrannical. I didn't mention that we talk through each fight (when people are not familiar) and when CCs are involved we specifically mention what not to do. As I said, I'm in a casual guild so I expect some mistakes, I'm not perfect either. Its when CC is "mysteriously" breaking over and over that it gets to a point where things need to be said, for the benefit of the team as a whole :)

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i lost progress to the update...i had the mission on Ord Mandrell done except for doing in the last boss Captain in the Imperial station and was working on leveling up to beat him and when i went back in after the update, i had to go back to the beginning of arrival on the planet and do the first holo briefing with the General back on Couruscant. I hope the game did not dump other stats and points, i did not check my level...geez. well just wanted to give a heads up in case anyone else is missing stuff. I may need to ask for help with this boss, he is just as hard as that Sith Lord back at the Jedi Temple, even tho he is only level 16 he is elite and unbeatable...again :) sigh. well i will see what i can do first. but one gets quickly tired of this forumlae rote level up, and run free for about a hour and then hit another unbeatable boss. I hope it improves as we level up.

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I finally made it past the Captain on that depressing gray planet and on to Taris, what an amazing job they did on that..just fantastic. Love the ruined Megalopolis setting. I am at level 20 and working thru quests. Nice to see Guild Members over there doing whatever you all are doing at such nice high Levels :) I will be there when i can... i have a couple of questions in case anyone has answers..


How do we find out our fuel level in our ship and hoe to we earn or get Fuel points? i dont want to run out of gas but was not sure how we actually GET fuel in the first place.


Also, is there a equipment upgrade process we can use on our ship> i see the crafting table..and need to know how to get crafting experience...do we have to buy it at the vendors? I tried to buy more Treasure Hunting experience but the teacher just has a note saying he can not teach me any more..... i guess we have to get points first and then he can teach us more?


thanks for help on this when and if anyone has time.


I snagged a couple of Flash quests as they were on offer and i wanted to at least have them on file. they look interesting and like another way to learn more of the story.

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The cost of fuel is in credits... like the ones you pick up randomly from enemies you kill and from selling trash items. So if it costs you 20 credits to travel somewhere it's coming directly out of your wallet and that's it.


Getting crafting experiences comes from sending crew on missions, gathering materials in the field and by actually crafting items. But you don't really need to worry about that right away, that's best left till you reach lv50 since working on your crafting early can burn through your credits pretty quickly. Best to save your credits for other things like buying your speeder license and speeder at lv25, lv40 and lv50.


Finally be careful of how many missions you have listed. The cap is 25 so if you reach it you'll have to end up abandoning flashpoint missions. That said, you can abandon flashpoints at any time and pick them up later, they'll always be playable.

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I finally made it past the Captain on that depressing gray planet and on to Taris, what an amazing job they did on that..just fantastic. Love the ruined Megalopolis setting. I am at level 20 and working thru quests.

If you've played KOTOR, its makes Taris a bit more awesome.



Also, is there a equipment upgrade process we can use on our ship> i see the crafting table..and need to know how to get crafting experience...do we have to buy it at the vendors? I tried to buy more Treasure Hunting experience but the teacher just has a note saying he can not teach me any more..... i guess we have to get points first and then he can teach us more?

There are 3 types of "Crew Skills":

Crafting: The actual combining of items to make an item.

Mission: Send your companion out on a mission, they return with crafting materials.

Gathering: While you are running around the planets you can gather from nodes that correspond to the gathering type you chose. Gathering also has Missions that you can send your companion on.


Crew skills level automatically as you use them. Mission and Gathering skills will get new missions as you level them, 6 different tiers, missions added automatically. Gathering skills will allow you to access higher level nodes (so you should level these as you level). Crafting skills level as you use them but you have to learn new recipes. You buy this from your trainer, and some can be obtained from using schematics.


But you don't really need to worry about that right away, that's best left till you reach lv50 since working on your crafting early can burn through your credits pretty quickly. Best to save your credits for other things like buying your speeder license and speeder at lv25, lv40 and lv50.


In my opinion, crafting is fairly worthless after 50, except crafting for alts who are not yet 50. This is supposed to change with the new tier that you can remove the set bonuses on. and put into [crit] crafted orange gear.


If you are going to wait till 50 to craft, I would suggest picking up 3 gathering skills.


Finally be careful of how many missions you have listed. The cap is 25 so if you reach it you'll have to end up abandoning flashpoint missions.

When you start getting the "you need to complete some missions before starting this mission" (not the exact wording) you have to make room. I think they need to increase the cap, but it might be ok now that you can drop some of the other quests.

Personally when I am done with a planet, I make sure to drop any uncompleted missions from that planet.

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i lost progress to the update...
I did too, but only on my Shadow. I was about 2/3 through Taris before I figured out I had to go back to the ship to use the holo. Turned out it was that it started my class quest over on Taris. So I had to do two missions over (not including going back to the ship). Also noticed that I didn't get any XP from them. Not that I care, was badly over leveled when I hit Taris. Still about a level and 1/2 over leveled on Nar Shaddaa.

If you've played KOTOR, its makes Taris a bit more awesome.
Hated Taris in KotOR and hate Taris in TOR, just as awesome to me. :xp: Will say it was a bit more fun as a Shadow since I could solo the heroic2+ with Lizardman.

In my opinion, crafting is fairly worthless after 50, except crafting for alts who are not yet 50.
BioChem is pretty good after 50, at least it saves me enough credits so that I can be a loan shark to other guild mates and help finance the TWC guild bank. Not sure about the others though.
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Hated Taris in KotOR and hate Taris in TOR, just as awesome to me. :xp:

lol, yeah i just mean the "history"


BioChem is pretty good after 50, at least it saves me enough credits so that I can be a loan shark to other guild mates are help finance the TWC guild bank. Not sure about the others though.

Oh yeah, VERY true, biochem is useful from 1-50 & beyond.

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Yes i have played, modded and help restore content to both KoTOR I and II, and for that reason esp love Taris, not sure why you hate it..i find the planet and the huge city very interesting and visually stunning. ...and the lore and history that comes out as you play thru in TOR is great, very interesting too.


some pics from the KoTOR series:








and some concept art of one of the great planet wide cities..




thanks for all the great help, re crafting and the fuel thingy, that makes sense ..it was so simple i did not think of it ...ok, i have a good stash of cash and keep it growing as i can... and thanks re the mission limit, i have dropped missions i could not complete, but i have done all the missions for the planets i have visited so far, i just go back to the ones..ie bosses, i cant beat or ask for help, ....will keep at it.


I noticed after the new patch it is impossible to change items on my hot key bar, not sure if it is because i dont know what i am doing but i cant move or replace any of the skills or things like the med packs, i was going to try to organize things better but they just wont move ...for now, i will just work around it but wondered about it a bit.

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I noticed after the new patch it is impossible to change items on my hot key bar, not sure if it is because i dont know what i am doing but i cant move or replace any of the skills or things like the med packs, i was going to try to organize things better but they just wont move ...for now, i will just work around it but wondered about it a bit.

There is a little "pad lock" icon to the left of the 1st bar, make sure it is unlocked.

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There is a little "pad lock" icon to the left of the 1st bar, make sure it is unlocked.


What snommism said, just make sure to lock it back before battle. I hate it when forget and remove something important during a big battle.


Ask Lynk, he has had to wait for me more than once while I was solving the mystery of the disappearing ability.

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@ snommism: I'm Armormech so I'm finding it pretty useful for my own toon since I've been able to craft exceptional (now augmented) Rakata belts and bracers which has really helped me out for endgame content.


Even better is now I can craft orange items with augment slots for my fellow guild members. Mav's gotten me a schem for a smuggler chest piece he wants so that's the first thing I'll be working on for him.


Armormech is VERY useful... so's Synthweaving which is just the Jedi variant of Armormech... oh and Cybertech ends up being useful too for folks who like to sell speeders and the ship modifications.


Of course you can't forget Biochem which is nice and useful for endgame content thanks to its reusable medpacs, stims and adrenals.




Also, about missions, I make sure to complete every single mission on a planet before I leave unless it's a heroic and I don't have a group or can't be bothered with a pick-up group. Then I abandon those since they're redo-able anyway. Basically I drop any mission which resets on a daily basis.

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@ snommism: I'm Armormech so I'm finding it pretty useful for my own toon since I've been able to craft exceptional (now augmented) Rakata belts and bracers which has really helped me out for endgame content.

Ah yes, I forgot about this since Cyber & Arms (along with others) dont have this benefit.


Even better is now I can craft orange items with augment slots for my fellow guild members. Mav's gotten me a schem for a smuggler chest piece he wants so that's the first thing I'll be working on for him.

Yes, this will definitely be good once you have the latest gear. Columi & Rakata still have the set bonus attached so it is better to have until then.


oh and Cybertech ends up being useful too for folks who like to sell speeders and the ship modifications.

On Juyo, the crafters have cut each others throats on prices so much that its not worth crafting ship parts anymore and I can't get the GTN to work searching for speeders so I assume no one else can either (unless you know the name of the speeder) so they wont sell when no one can find ><



Also, about missions, I make sure to complete every single mission on a planet before I leave unless it's a heroic and I don't have a group or can't be bothered with a pick-up group. Then I abandon those since they're redo-able anyway. Basically I drop any mission which resets on a daily basis.

I did exactly that on my first two, my 3rd 50 I skipped a few quests here and there, and ALL of balmorra (i HATE that place, the map is too hard to find where to go... needs a z axis coordinate). I've a feeling I'll skip even more leveling my 4th char.

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On the ship crafting earlier, you can get upgrades for your ship, either from the starship upgrades vendor in each spaceport, or Cybertech made. Vendor sells Odd Tier, Cybertech makes Even Tier, which also have stuff like +5 health that vendor tiers don't. Their main benefit is extra damage and health and missiles and stuff for space combat. Space combat's fun.


You have a crafting station on your ship, and if you send a companion to craft, you'll actually see the companion crafting at the table. It's a nice touch. They disappear from their cubbies and craft at the table. (They don't disappear when doing missions for some reason, but whatever.) It's funny with my Trooper, sending Aric+Elara+4X to craft. 4X is so huge that he basically takes up half the "table" himself. I can't imagine when I get my 4th and 5th and have them all crafting at once. Very crowded.

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ah i wondered what those ship vendors were for, i saw a few but havnt done any space combat yet.... when you say health, can you be "killed" in space combat and does your ship get healed in the same way? that is interesting if so.


I am a bit nervous about the cost of speeders, i would like one but i understand they are very spendy and i have no idea how i will get the funds for one ..i save as much as i can and spend carefully but i am at Level 20 now and have only about 16,000 credits saved up so far. I dont want to turn Dark just to get money but i am not sure how i will gain enough for a speeder by level 25


also as i recall we are supposed to get s customized speeder with the Collectors Edition? i dont see it in my inventory but i hope it becomes available.


I also recall we are supposed to have access to a special Lounge on the Fleet Level, i havent seen that yet, is it someting we have to do a quest for?


and one more thing, what is the medal for Aldeman New Holo pics for? is that if we take a picture of a news broadcast? i did see one yesterday for the first time, it was a news flash about a Rathgoul Outbreak on..hmmm, what planet was it? darn, i forget at the moment... I do have the holocamera that comes with the collectors edition but have not used it yet and was not sure how it works yet either.

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The lounge is at the elevators in the middle. Go up one, look around. I think the station's jukebox is there too. I'd love access just to change the damn song sometimes.


In space combat you have armor and shields. Shields regenerate but only when you're not firing lasers(missiles firing is fine). Armor doesn't. You have a ship, you should try it. Talk to the terminal by your galaxy map if you haven't yet. Fondor Escort is the first one, fairly easy to do, especially after you do it a few times.

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OK, ys i have used the ship to travel but had not found a way to learn about it much yet, i will try that terminal. I love sitting in the pilots chair as the ship makes shifts..it is cool. I was afraid we would not see much of space as because my system is a bit sub par it takes time to load new areas and i have missed most of the shift screens of the space stations, ..so it is nice to see the arrival picture of the planets and to see the shuttle going down. thanks for the tips, much appreciated.


i will go in search of the lounge. I guess we dont need a member ship card? i was a bit concerned i saw the Fleet Pass but no lounge card.

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ah ok thanks a lot. It sure is nice how everyone helps out here, i am shy about asking for help, as i think i must be one of the dummer Jedi in existence... but i mean well and i try to follow the Light Side tho it is hard to decide what is best for some quests and missions, they like to throw a wringer in at us once in a while and these dang Sith keep popping up and making things difficult ..i wish they would got get some therapy and anger management some of them are really mean. :) thanks again.


I must say i am really enjoying cleaning out Rathgoul...it is one of my favorite goals ....i wonder if someday they will give us a patch that allows us to totally eliminate them for ever!!!! I hate those nasty things..but it is sure very therapeutic to clean them out.

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There are some missions that you can do over and over every day. You make good credits and receive daily commendations for doing these missions. The commendations will allow you to purchase high level implants, gear, speeders and mods. Daily heroics also give you commendations, credits and mods as a reward. Dailies are largely level 50 missions on Ilum, Belsavis, and Corellia. Still there are other daily missions too, space missions, PvP and others.


So simple answer Dailies can me any mission that is repeatable, but only once a day. Just usually when someone says they are doing Dailies, they are about to do the level 50 dailies on Ilum, Belsavis or Corellia.

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Don't forget the daily at the fleet to win a warzone. It gives xp, credits, and your choice of a lockbox(level 10, 20, 30, 40) with a random item near the level of the box.


There's also dailies to do one of a pair of flashpoints at various level ranges.


The former is the terminal in the middle of the Combat Training area. The latter is a terminal in the middle of the Supplies area.

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where is the combat training area? Is that like a simulator that we can train on?


and are there things INSIDE the lockboxes? i did not know that, i bought one but thought it was just for keeping stuff in so i sold it...i saw them as prized but did not know what they were for.


thanks for those tips.

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