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TSL 2012 Exterior Upgrade


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NEW PIC 12-12-11


This just focuses on outside environmental new textures with realistic depth added... Their will be some interior upgrades but..in short im not changing every interior


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Interesting. Korriban looks a little... monotone? The Jedi Academy looks absolutely beautiful, great work there.


I could provide a diffrent ground texture for corriban i was going for the reddish planet look however the buildings temples are not red


I agree with Zhaboka, Korriban needs a little variation in color.


The rest look great, except- I'm confused as to why the tree trunk in the last picture has a texture consisting of leaves?


Thats one of those shared texture from another area tsl has alot of those

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The textures look stunning man. :) Excellent work. But like Disturbed, I also feel a bit puzzled over the tree trunk consisting of leaves rather than bark.


Thanks looks.better in game....as far as tree trunk if anyone knows how to seperate shared area textures let me know

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as far as tree trunk if anyone knows how to seperate shared area textures let me know





You would really have to look at the individual model in gmax or 3ds max and see how they did it. It could be one of 2 ways. 1) different individual objects are applied the same texture. If so then Marius is correct, you could hex edit the individual instances to add different textures. Usually though it's this way--2) separate objects are grouped together and applied one texture, the objects are all over the model room ie floor, ceiling, trees, etc.....if it is this way then hex editing each part won't work.......as far as I know.

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I really like all the screenshots you posted, Korriban even could probably benefit from different lighting rather than more texture edits. As long as you keep in mind that the cracks depicted on the textures aren't 3D I think you'll be set. Your work looks great so far! :)

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I really like all the screenshots you posted, Korriban even could probably benefit from different lighting rather than more texture edits. As long as you keep in mind that the cracks depicted on the textures aren't 3D I think you'll be set. Your work looks great so far! :)


Korriban has a sunset lighting which is ok by me... the cracks in the texture have enough depth to create a shadow inside...thanks for the comment

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Thanks..the ivy on building yea haven't gotten around to changing everything yet


Where do you get those textures from? I've been doing some textures for K1 & 2 and i have quite nice ideas in mind, but sometimes i really don't find the freaking textures, GAH!!!

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Wow! Telos looks very nice, much more oceanic.




Where do you get those textures from? I've been doing some textures for K1 & 2 and i have quite nice ideas in mind, but sometimes i really don't find the freaking textures, GAH!!!


Internet there are sites that offer textures but there not seemless so thats the catch. You have to get a seemles texture program. You may get lucky and find some seemless textures if you type it in google

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  • 2 weeks later...
Internet there are sites that offer textures but there not seemless so thats the catch. You have to get a seemles texture program. You may get lucky and find some seemless textures if you type it in google


CGTextures has a lot of seamless textures you can use, and you're allowed to release them in a mod in whatever form you want.


Also, can I suggest maybe replacing the skyboxes for some of these planets? (Unless you already have, I can't really tell)

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CGTextures has a lot of seamless textures you can use, and you're allowed to release them in a mod in whatever form you want.


Also, can I suggest maybe replacing the skyboxes for some of these planets? (Unless you already have, I can't really tell)


Yea thanks cg textures has decals just what i was looking for. The sky boxes where change on many planets a while ago


Telos is amazing! It looks much cloudier and drearier, which is probably a good choice given the theme of K2.


Yea thanks its a sci fi theme skybox

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