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  Blix said:
I'm guessing that the white bulldog is supposed to be a storm trooper, but I have no clue who the B&W dog and the tan dog are supposed to be.


Black and White has to be Han, as Totenkopf said, but I think you must mean the tan one in the middle since the gold disk gives 3PO away pretty well. So, if you do mean the one right in the middle, it's got to be Obi-wan. Took me a while to get, mostly because I was enjoying playing the video a couple... okay, four times, er... five times, before I thought to try to match up the characters.


But yea, process of elimination leaves only Ol' Ben unaccounted for and the dog is kind of the same colour as Obi-wan's robes. Sort of. Close enough, anyway.


  Hallucination said:
And what do Star Wars and dogs have to do with Volkswagen?

Since when do ads have to make sense, though? They just need to grab your attention. This is especially true these days with so many people having DVR and fast forwarding through commercials. I know if I saw that, I would have stopped to watch it. A lot of advertisers don't get it and just complain about DVR while making the same ads they made ten years ago, but Volkswagen (or their ad agency) apparently gets it and have made a great ad that people will remember and talk about.

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  Bob Lion54 said:
Black and White has to be Han, as Totenkopf said, but I think you must mean the tan one in the middle since the gold disk gives 3PO away pretty well. So, if you do mean the one right in the middle, it's got to be Obi-wan. Took me a while to get, mostly because I was enjoying playing the video a couple... okay, four times, er... five times, before I thought to try to match up the characters.


But yea, process of elimination leaves only Ol' Ben unaccounted for and the dog is kind of the same colour as Obi-wan's robes. Sort of. Close enough, anyway.


You're probably right. I guess I didn't think of the middle dog in the back as being "tan".

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