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TOP Secret Project (Just kidding, it's all of the gritty details, or not)


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Lately, I've noticed something. People around here decide to start a mod, and they detail all of the characters and the whole plot right at the beginning. While I admire all those folks' planning ahead, my friend Canderis and I disagree with this strategy. So, if you are reading this, and hoping to hear any details about this mod, then you had better try and find a different thread to read. Because this thread, this little corner of the Internet, will not share its secrets! It will take them to its grave (or wherever deleted threads go)!!!!


However, this is also a teaser thread, so prepare to be teased. I sure hope that you leave this thread more confused and curious than when you first opened it in your little browser. In fact, I hope that after reading all this, that your brain would lose some sense of exactly what modding is. I hope that you are inspired to be an astronaut, cosmonaut, or cosmetologist after viewing the teaser that is about to taze you. In fact, I hope that you devote all of your internet hacking skills away from the usual money-making schemes just to discover exactly what is going on here.


I guess the first thing that I should talk about is exactly what a mod is.


"Well, what is a mod?" You might ask.


Well, that is an excellent question. And I do not intend to answer it here. Because if you are here, then you should know exactly what a mod is, and you would not have the slightest inclination to ask "Well, what is a mod?".


But, if you were to ask, "Well, what is a mod?" I might answer you with a song.


To be sung to no particular tune:



-The Mod Song-
































I hope that after hearing those special words, that you are brought to tears, and that your soul can rejoice at finding the true meaning of Mod.


But, lo, there are people to be teased! So let the SEVENTY-FOURTH-ANNUAL-HUNGER-GAMES-BEGIN!!!


Sorry, I meant:



But, lo, there are people to be teased! So let the GIZKA-INVASION-COMMENCE!









There's going to be lots, and lots, of GIZKA!!!! :eek:

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That, my friend, is a very, very good question. I would answer in song, but I'm a little busy.


Ah, I will answer that in song!


To be sung to Yankee Doodle Dandy















I have one word for you.



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OK, I've got something worked out from the images, but it's probably wrong: it's for K1, and based around Tatooine. How did I get there? The gun reskin looked like Swiss Cheese. Switzerland, famous for the Swiss Army Knife, used by military commandos. Gun, plus the Aston Martin logo, plus the Swiss reference made me think of James Bond, a secret agent. Add to that the Stormtrooper helmets, elite soldiers. Then you've got the Jedi warriors fighting in the shadow of the Second Death Star. There were no known Jedi fighting at that time, except Luke Skywalker. This suggests a secret team of Jedi commandos. Luke also made his first public appearance as a fully-fledged Jedi Knight in Jabba's Palace, which links to the Hutt-beanbag; also the stormtroopers being eaten links to the Rancor - the above points lead to Return of the Jedi. A secret team of Jedi commandos, one of which has returned to the Jedi - Revan, Bastila, Jolee, Juhani and the others. Plus the Hutts ang Gizka are all on Tatooine, as is Jabba's Palace. Am I right?

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That is an interesting observation. Let me answer that with a song.


To be sung to no particular tune:


The Mandalore5 Song
























Thank you for playing! Would you like to try again?

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The gun reskin looked like Swiss Cheese.


Actually, I thought it was Spongebob Squarepants.


And the Stormtrooper cereal is just a bunch of stormtrooper lego helmets thrown into a bowl of milk.


All of those images are spam and have no relevance in the thread other than to throw us off. (And you also placed them from largest to smallest, like an upside-down triangle.)


SS, you, my friend, are very clever, well done. Very cryptic as well.


And what do I think the mod will be? Well, I think something about those gizka that are on the Ebon Hawk.



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I'm going to debunk that. This is not Sleheyron. A member named disbeliever still has a WIP on that. We are officially not a part of it. This is different.


And please do read the Mod Song. Or sing it.


Thank you for remembering me :thmbup1: And my WIP is still very much active

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Am I right here?


That's a good question.


Ohhhhh, I get it, you guys are making KotOR IV... duh. It makes sense, considering Canderis' high regard for any and all TCs, plus it confirms my long-held suspicions about Sithspecter's cross-dressing... pure pazaak.


That's an interesting observation.

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I got IT, Canderis and Sithspecter are going to take the superspecialawesome Cheese LMGs into their brand new Corvette while eating super coolio Star Wars cereal as they enter battle with a Jedi vs Sith Civil War, only to end it by killing and stuffing Jabba the Hutt.


Do you guys plan on doing something extreme like going into KotOR's hardcoded files? (Either game) Things like level caps and what not.

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Graphic enhancement of kotor...or enhancement of the gizka in kotor.


oh what can it be - oh what can it be

must know now- or im going to pee

riddle me this-riddle me that

can you give us an actual pic soon- or should I play pazaak?


3 weeks...


Do you guys plan on doing something extreme like going into KotOR's hardcoded files?


That's a good question.


You WILL reveal ALL your secrets to my soul-piercing eyes. These. Here. Now: ಠ_ಠ





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