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The XWA.net One-Year Thread VIII: Heir to the Forum


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edlib, wow... be careful there...


Anyway, now media says a lot of different information. Once they says that these brothers are Chechens, in next moment they says that they has Turkish citizenship, and also they just told that they are Kyrgizian refugees.

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It's pretty crazy right now. Nothing is moving except a huge army of cops and national guards.


I can't imagine he'll get away. He's 19, and desperate, with over 6,000 armed law enforcers and the ENTIRE state of Massachusetts looking for him and only him. He's bound to mess up.


But, it could get a LOT messier before it gets better.

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It's more and more looking like somebody wants to show how serious all of this. Goal is to fright the Americans once again to explain them how many threats they faces and then accept new, even more strict anti-people laws or to invade to next one "enemy" country.


I don't know why i have such of feeling...

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i love how there's no more coverage on north korea.

Nah, Bad Korea should stay aside of all of this, and more i can say - the USA should never attack them because of lot of reasons, where two main is fear and fear to loose Far East market of arms. But i really worrying about Syria where our guys already started to mince those sh!thead fanatics donkey fu#@ers in industrial scale.

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actually R15, congress decided not to pass any more gun control laws. So just give everyone more guns and hopefully they will be able to sort things out themselves.


heaven forbid we have an entire city locked down because of gun violence


note the kid didn't own it legally anyways so what difference does it ****ing make.

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more people die in cars than by guns in america.
However, they do require extensive training, a minimum age-limit, licensing, insurance, and state/ federal registration in order to own and use them legally.


The majority of car deaths and injuries are the unintended results of accidents while using them for their primary purpose. A fractional minority are intentional.


Can the same things be said about guns?


The primary purpose of a gun is to accelerate a deadly projectile to supersonic speeds with high accuracy.


The primary purpose of a car is to transport people and goods.


But perhaps we should treat car ownership the same way as gun ownership... Since some people are always bound to break the laws regarding car operation, then applying any laws to using and owning cars is a pointless and annoying exercise to those of us who are responsible car owners.


And the world we will find ourselves living in, where any 14 year old untrained, unlicensed, and uninsured yahoo with a couple hundred bucks could walk into a car auction, and get into his unregistered junker and immediately get on the road with the rest of us would be a much better, much more free one for us all... don'tcha think?


Why should it be easier and less complicated to get my hands on a gun than to get behind the wheel? The potential for mayhem is about the same... At the moment, all that's being asked is a couple minutes of paperwork, and a computer check to see if you have a known criminal background, or a known history of mental illness.


And, here's some statistics for thought: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/crime/2012/12/gun_death_tally_every_american_gun_death_since_newtown_sandy_hook_shooting.html

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i think it should be everybody's responsibility to own a gun. we're all going to die sooner or later anyway, 911 isnt going to save your life, that number is only used after the deed has already been done and to bring whoever responsible to justice, when it could have been prevented to begin with had victim been utilizing the 2nd amendment rights. cowards don't go after hard targets.

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you are five times more likely to be killed by a gun used by an intimate acquaintance


Having a gun in the home makes it three times more likely that you or someone you care about will be murdered by a family member or intimate partner.


I don't think "More guns" is a good answer to the gun control issue.


Personally, if we really want to follow the constitution, the only gun owners should be those in a government sanctioned militia, but that is another can of worms

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2nd amendment was made to protect people from government, not the other way around. nor was it to protect hunters...


im getting a sidearm when i get home, concealed carry. america is probably going to fall apart in the next decade, might as well be prepared for the crazies.

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2nd amendment was made to protect people from government, not the other way around. nor was it to protect hunters...


That is not the common legal interpretation of the 2nd amendment. Most supreme court cases have ruled the 2nd amendment allows an individual right to bear arms, or form militia's. there is NOTHING that has been ruled to allow people to own weapons JUST for protection against their government

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