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The XWA.net One-Year Thread VIII: Heir to the Forum


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Trust me... I wish I hadn't. I was hoping it was going to be a "never hear again" situation.


I started to notice activity on my Facebook last week that could only be connected to her... right around the time of the one year anniversary of her going away. She always liked commemorating those kind of dates.


I got a message last Thursday in my Facebook from her. Ignored it until this morning, but she sent me a couple more. I was hoping a response would kill it... and after some arguing, it seems like maybe that happened.


I'm willing to take all the blame if it lets me be in peace.

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there was only one ex i was going to go back to. well i discovered that would never work out.


we hung out for a week then after that **** just went downhill after a glorious battle in my vehicle after i forgot where i was driving to, asked politely if she wanted to walk once she announced her disgust at me...heh the last time i saw her was after i got back from a bar, her place was on the way and i was tired as hell so i just went to sleep there for the night..


hehe i kept her as a distant friend though, she moved to california. she'll probably be back but probably not before i move onto another better more deserving girl. it's disheartening seeing other men post retarded stuff on her facebook wall, makes me wanna destroy some faces, but fortunately for them she's not worth it....

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feeling pretty ****ing happy. got approved for state grant for "education" aka all the money (roughly 3600) goes straight to me because national guard paid 100% tuition assistance. so that goes into my account plus the post 9/11 gi bill. and in a few days im going to file for unemployment. milking the system for everything she's got. :joy:

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Well lets see. My first ex-girlfriend just wants a "toy" and now is in her second marriage to some sugar daddy. The other ex dumped me and soon after found another guy and married him. The last ex is manipulating, and only can now get attention by complaining about all her medical problems.


Nope, no problems with Ex-girlfriends here. Don't care for them, not playing the manipulative games they enjoy

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The other ex dumped me and soon after found another guy and married him.


The last ex is manipulating, and only can now get attention by complaining about all her medical problems.


Don't care for them, not playing the manipulative games they enjoy

This. And this. Also this.


She claimed the marriage was meaningless, done only for immigration purposes. When I pointed out this directly contradicted what she had told her mother, and was related on to me, she claimed that it had to "look real" or she would face deportation. And that if I really knew her, I'd know that she'd have great reason for doing what she did, and maybe she's better off without me, since I clearly didn't understand.


The "better off" without each other I'm currently finding it impossible to disagree with...


But whatever... it still doesn't make up for the facts that:

1.) It's been almost a year since I've had any direct news from her, other than telling me she was on death's door, and her serious, serious health issues might take her any day, week, month from now;

2.) She got married (for whatever reasons...) 3 months after leaving and let that news drop in my lap a total surprise;

3.) She's still 5,000+ miles away, behind an international border crossing, and;

4.) I've moved on mentally... knowing she was forever lost to me, I've had to come to terms with it, and set my sights on the future. With women around here I might actually have a chance with.


I'm not really sure how she expected me to react to her getting in touch at this point. Did she think I was just sitting by the computer, waiting on word from her, hoping to patch things up and work around several pretty impossible barriers? That I completely understood what she did and was ready to forgive and forget after her leaving me in the dark for a year of confusion, mourning, anger, frustration, and self-regrets for ever letting myself be led down that path to begin with?

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I'm not sure I could ever be friends with her now. Had the circumstances been different, maybe... Had she leveled with me from the first, and didn't keep me in the dark about everything since even before she left, just maybe I could have understood and been OK with a breakup.


But now... I just don't see it.

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my car's fixed...needed a new coil...it's running great now. yesterday I played alot of blacklist, it's pretty fun, graphics are really pretty.


girl i used to work with that i had a date set up with on the 14/15 cancelled, well she "claims" because too many people ALSO requested that day off....yeah, not worth my time driving 2 hours one way out there...not to mention she has a few kids, so idk what i was thinking. oh that's right, i don't think. on the bright side, i have a date tomorrow, going bowling and then somewhere to eat. hoping it's a good time. rest of my plans today are laundry and going to the gym tonight. some reason i keep freaking gaining weight, even though i'm working out 80% more than i was overseas, and not even eating as much as i was over there. and not drinking (alcohol) as much as i was last year.

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i almost walked out of a class today...the professor in sociology asked if anyone knew where Syria was, of course only me and the other vet in the room knew, and someone was like 'isnt that in egypt?'




anyway i got home and preregistered for castle conquest paintball even for the 28th and 29th of this month. pretty excited, also registered my friend who then told me after i said just pay me the 40 back when u get a chance, he was like 'well im not sure...' like really? grow a ****ing pair of testicles bro......damn, what else do you got going on? you're single and living at home at the great age of 29, go out and have fun with us. damn. he makes me so mad sometimes. but whatever...if he ends up not going, i'll be annoyed. lol


little excited about tonight, going to have some fun probably embarrass myself and laugh or idk i'll probably take a preworkout before hand so i feel more confident. it's excitement. and a feat, that is if the date shows up...

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well i did...and trust me it helped ease my tension. lmao had fun as hell bowling 3 games with her and took her to dinner at my favorite diner (she happened to like diners). will it lead to something more? the force is not that strong with this one...but time will tell, if she's into me cool, if not there's plenty more fish in the sea or whatever. honestly this is the first REAL first date that actually felt like what i always thought a first date was supposed to be like.

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meh, no paintball tomorrow my friend's kid is in the hospital. what to do what to do...


considering paintball at skirmish....anybody hear of 'd-day' paintball event or savage race? i'm going to paintball there on the 15th with one of my buddies who's never been paintballing before. entry fee is $35 and $52 for 1000 paintballs.


found out my tshirts were sent via priority mail, so since my mail is still being forwarded to my parents house.....yipee. hopefully i still get my 250 round mag for my paintball gun...that's via UPS.


going to grab some breakfast then head on over to lake scranton and do my own thing til 9pm cause my ****ing friend who is off today won't come down to hang out. :rolleyes:

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There is a nice paintball place in Wisconsin called "Apocylpse Paintball" about 40 minutes north of Madison. The place use to be a zoo, but they made it into several "Arenas" for you to have fun in. Been there once, and a real fun time with some co-workers.


Looks like Fantasy FLight Games has come out with a new Adventure for the Star wars RPG. Basically a hunt for a "Flying Dutchman", a droid control ship that is left over from the clone wars and belived to have treasure

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