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The One Year Thread 2015: The Forum Awakens

Keyan Farlander

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  Rogue Nine said:
You need to stop bragging, Keyan. I would kill to be able to run a 7-minute mile consistently. ;x


So would I! I'm not quite there yet. But I think I can get there by next summer, if everything keeps going well. I'd like to be able run a half marathon in under an hour and a half, and if I think I have a chance, I might actually sign up to do it in a real race.


You gonna stick around for a while? Enjoy the last days of our beloved XWA forum?

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Goobers are we? Well, I've been called worse. I will say, I would miss any member no longer showing an interest around here. We need all the help we can get.


Oh, and K_K, how have you not told that guy off yet? I don't mean telling him to get out of your face, I mean just cursed him out.


Also, just finished a good read. Anyone who's interested in a decent scifi novel, go pick up Fey: A Vince Lombard Story. The audible version can be pretty dry (the narrator just comes aross in a monotone half the time), but the story is pretty good.


I'm only sad its over, no more chapters of that story to read through.

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well im being forced to reclass from scout to infantry come september. the only good thing that come of this is i'll still be in a recon platoon (reason why i went scout) and more military schools will open up for me. (sdm, samg, raven, possibly ranger too)


we found some guys snorting **** off a toilet seat at work tonight. funny ****.

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Formally filing harassment against the manager. From talking to the HR manager this isn't the first time someone has done this.


And i was told by 3 other people in manegment that dropping the F bomb isn't acceptable, and i shouldnt' be doing that. *rolls eyes* when someone is in your face, yelling at you.

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Yea, I'm going to have to disagree with your bosses, based on the treatment you described. And its a little disheartening that others have files complaints against this guy and nothings come of it yet.


If you work for a multinational company, I would suggest going to the district or regional manager. Someone from outside the immediate chain of command.

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  Rogue15 said:
well im being forced to reclass from scout to infantry come september. the only good thing that come of this is i'll still be in a recon platoon (reason why i went scout) and more military schools will open up for me. (sdm, samg, raven, possibly ranger too)


It frightens me that sometimes I can't tell whether your posts are talking about a game or your real life :raise:

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Well... looks like my schedule is full up for the next couple of days...


Turkey day... Girlfriend's birthday... Our 1-year anniversary... I suspect I'll be too swamped to check in and wish y'all: "Happy Thanksgiving... you turkeys!" :p




I have to run out today and get a birthday gift, and a cake, and something for dinner... and fill my tank, and get something to bring to family T-Day dinner... as well as get some laundry done, and get to the bank to withdraw some cash.


I'll probably clock hundreds of miles on my car in the next couple of days... It's an hour drive northeast from my place to my girlfriend's... and an hour drive southwest to my cousin's place where I'm going for Thanksgiving from here. If I leave from her place, it's going to be at least 2 hours... IF it's smooth sailing and I don't encounter traffic. That's a very big and unrealistic if...


5 days off from work, and I'll probably return to it completely exhausted. Ahh... the holiday season!



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Some of the best

never get old.


Middle of a three day weekend. Gotta clean the kitchen today so I can just go and dirty it up again tomorrow.


What is it we're celebrating for thanksgiving? The Indians gave corn to the pilgrims, who didn't shoot them that time so they had a party...? :dozey: Yeah, swell that. Great reason to roast a large animal in a small oven.


If I hadn't gotten a free turkey at work, I would totally order a pizza tomorrow.

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Eh... I've been busy. I'm usually on the 2nd or 3rd wave of anything viral. Usually when people are sick of it and posting backlash and parody vids, I'm just seeing it for the first time when I start wondering what the fuss is about.


I also figure that if I haven't seen it, there's probably a few others who haven't either.

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  edlib said:
Saw this today... ridiculously well done.


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From the preview image I thought there was no chance this wasn't going to be stupid, and I nearly didn't even bother to watch it. Batman does not fight Darth Vader with a lightsaber. Those two characters do not belong in the same world, and even if they did somehow fight, there would be no way to make it even. But dude...in seven and a half minutes they sold me on the premise, explained all my questions about the evenness of the matchup, and provided some kick-ass action, good writing, and great makeup and effects. Unbelievably well done.

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Right. Same here. I probably saw this posted on FB months ago and skipped it because of all the same reasons.


It came up today when I was sitting half awake, sipping my tea, and started autoplaying. I thought "Why not..?" and gave it the chance.


The production values blew me away,

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  Keyan Farlander said:
Nice. Do you have a regular running routine or do you just do the races?

In the summer and fall I had a pretty consistent post-work run schedule of every other day, but since Daylight Savings Time hit, it's gone to **** with how dark it gets. I really need to find an indoor track somewhere around here because I hate, hate, HATE treadmills. :/

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We have a local event here in Lacrosse called the Turkey trot. Either a 2-mile walk, or a 5 mile run. Afterwards you get a free pumpkin pie. My wife and I have done this since we got married every year. It is a real positive and fun event, because everyone is enjoying the holiday with friends and family.


Weather wasn't too bad either.. for late November in Wisconsin. 50 degrees, with Fog and light Drizzle.


Got home and our Quiche was ready, hot drinks were prepared. And we are enjoying the Macy's thanksgiving parade. Cats sleeping and we are planning to have our Traditional dinner before watching the Green Bay Packers beat the Chicago bears and Tie up the all time series between these two long time rivals (93-93-6)


Happy thanksgiving everyone

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pretty sure im going straight to hell after tonight's shenanigans...


the last person out on a social pass for thanksgiving came in barely able to walk, passed breathalyzer, then went to do the urine on him and he could barely hold the cup. after he finished (he managed to pee without spilling it all over the floor) he breaks down and starts crying im like what the **** is wrong? and then i bring him in the office with my coworker after he collects himself and he starts breaking down again idk what is wrong with me why i think that **** is funny but i cracked up a bit at him. he didn't admit to using any drugs while on his pass, but the urine screen results may prove he did.


anyways that was the highlight of my thanksgiving. other than my girlfriend and her mom dropping off some delicious food for me and my coworker. :)

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