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Triumvirate Lords Of The Third Dimension

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Though, certain textures in the kotor games do have a normal map.


Yeah, I noticed that. I noticed it first when I was experimenting with that tattooine texture that everyone thought was like caustics. Then I found that all/most the textures that came up blank in the KTool image viewer turned out to be the normal maps.


I'm going to look at whats different between textures with normal maps and textures that don't, and hopefully I'll figure something out.



On a completely unrelated note, I just watched Knowing, and wow, the sun is quite hot. :p

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Loving the work you guys are doing on Sleyheron. If you guys need any help for it, I'll be glad to do it.


On another unrelated note, I'm super sizing my computer. Putting the old insides into an old case, and putting new insides into my current case. I'll end up being able to handle all the fancy new maps I'll be making to super size KOTOR myself, and continue making absurdly large textures, as I did for my Luxa skin.

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It's been a while :p Thought I'd drop in and let you know I'm still breathing :lol:


I haven't had much time for modding, or any games really for that matter, with college work - though I had a couple of hours for ODST on Sunday, and managed to finish it <.< The game sucks :p as I figured it would...


And, magnus, I'm thinking about getting SWtOR; Bioware are actually impressing me, but if it comes down to SWtOR or ME2; I'm going for ME2 :lol:


The work on Sleheyron is rockin' guys ;) Might have to dig up my KotOR game and have a play when it's done :p


And Q, I am getting around to SG still :xp: I don't intend to let it see another Christmas go by :p


Well glad we're all alive and happy, so what happened to SS? I'd dig through the forums to find out, but I'd might as well ask :p

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No idea, really what SS is doing. I think it involved school got more serious.

Bit like you, I'dd guess ;)


Great to know you're still around GM, drop me a line on MSN or Skype :p

And I'll be looking forward to christmas to play my SG mod :xp:

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Hey Magnus!


Good to hear you're still alive.

I'll poke you to work on the lightmaps thing of Kaurora.

Just check these two threads out.






Me and Disbeliever could really use that handy extra bit, to make our work complete.

Oh, I'm getting some troubles with rotationg Emitters. Stuff can get really f*cked up.

And I can't seem to get it right... :(


Do enjoy your games :p

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Héhéhé, Halloween events?


Interesting :p


Nah, you work on it when you feel like it! I thought that you might needed to see some effort from our part. At least you know that your tool gets used and all the time you've put into this does get results.


I wouldn't feel enthousiastic to get back to work if I know it hadn't any purpose. :)

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Ehmm... uhmm... I ran out of gas. I, I had a flat tire. I didn't have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn't come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD....

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