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"Jedi Knight II is going to kick ass."

Guest Jeff Walters

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New things we learned from the new preview:


The bowcaster will be almost the same as in JK1 (including the 5 shot second fire option)


We're going to get "acrobatic-style moves". I wonder how they're doing this. If this is going to be Oni-style key-combos or something else.


The AI is going to be fantastic! :D


Force lightning will be a force power in JK2. Will they make it as in JK1 or as in MotS?


There will be actual weather effects like rain and snow that will affect the gameplay (make the ground slippery or something)


There will be 8 different locations, with multiple sublevels. This doesn't really say much, because we don't know how long the levels will be.



I think that's about it. Overall I'd have to agree with this preview: It's going to kick ass!

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Guest Rogue15

they should make it so the planet's gravity affects the player too, not all planets have the same gravity you know!

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speaking of gravity, i though a cool idea for a level, prob MP would be an old, VERY old (in SW tech terms) space station. one that is so old that it uses cintrifigal force to create artifical gravity. it could have six to ten levels or something like that, the center of course would have no gravity, but the outer level would have say, 3x normal gravity, so everyone moved sluggish, and things like saber throw arced WAY down. the middle levels of course would work their way out, gradually raising gravity. that would be a pretty cool level, no?

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Guest Krayt Tion

ya it was nice of them to elaborate on the squad-base stormie AI...time to snipe the officers first :p


and i haven't slipped around on ice without cleats in the SW universe since the days of Ice Station Beta, good. :p


i think that's what we all wanted to hear and i only have one complaint.


When the **** did JK have a Stun Baton?? That's the second time IGNPC has said it will be a weapon that is returning from JK. Hello? Who has been smoking too much crack while playing Deus Ex. Katarn does not work for UNATCO.

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Well, what with the Dragon's Tooth in that game I could see reason for the confusion. :D

Funny, the tech descriptions say it's a regular blade with nanites cleaning and sharpening the surfaces, but then when you get it it looks suspiciously like an energy sword... ;)

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Yes, the motion capture news interested me too, mainly because I've heard a couple of members of Id, including Carmack himself say that they think it's a bit of a waste of time...


Still, those Obi-Wan motion-capture videos looked great, so let's hope Outcast's are as good. Seems like <A HREF="http://www.pc.ign.com">PC.IGN.com</A> were impressed, anyway...

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Guest Kurgan

The Bowcastor actually sounds very similar to JK's.


In JK the primary fire was a five shot spread (you had to charge it a bit, just tapping the button fired one shot). Secondary fire was a stronger BOUNCING shot.


So it sounds like they just switched them and made the bouncy shot an exploding shot. Hope they improve the range of the spread (range sucked in JK, it was more like a shotgun).


The Stun Baton.. hmm. Maybe they are thinking of the TUSKEN PROD that was planned for JK, but never made it.


Y'know, this is there chance to add in all the stuff that was planned for JK, but never made it into the final release:


Tusken Prod weapon


Saber Throw (we saw this in MotS of course, and Obi-Wan)


Speeder Bikes (drivable by player and enemies)


Ride Animals (Kell Dragons, enemies only?)


Kick attack, in addition to punches (we saw this in Obi-Wan)


Ground Rolls (Obi-Wan has 'em, probably see them here too; and no, not the pastry)


Unfortunately I don't have the screenshots anymore, but they released some back in the day of the Tusken Prod and Speeders.


Another thing I remember that sounded cool from JK was a sequence where Kyle was in a sewer tunnel, and an AT-ST hopped down into the tunnel and chased him.. ; )



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The mo-cap animations in tribes1 and 2 were pretty impressive and I wouldn't call them a waste of time.


I remember reading a long time ago, before Jedi Knight was published that Jedi Knight animations would also use motion capture. I don't know whether that actually happened or not. Anyone got any info on this?

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