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hope they'll fix this...


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don't mean to put the Raven team down, but looks like their shadow's a tad messed up here.



you may notice that the lightsaber is on the right side of the body, and if i'm correct (maybe i'm just stupid) the shadow should be cast to his left...


hopefully they'll fix this.

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I just fired up Quake3 and when projected shadows are on, it looks like it just picks the strongest light and casts the shadow from that.


So...seeing as how the lightsaber doesn't appear to cast much light, the shadow is probably from a stronger light in the world. On the other hand, that body on the ground is more in the shadows....and his projected shadow looks like it is sourced from the saber.


I guess it seems like a reasonable compromise. I suppose the alternative is to cast a shadow from every light, but I think that would actually look pretty ugly...not to mention, be horribly expensive.


Overall, until I see it in action, it's hard to say what is really happening. I'm guessing it won't bother me at all.


[ November 17, 2001: Message edited by: Rancor ]

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Yeah, if you look at his left shoulder you can see that he is being lit by a pretty bright light source. Based on that, I'd say that the shadow seems pretty reasonable--it's a game, it's not a 100% physically correct simulation of real lighting. When Doom3 comes out, my expectations will probably be higher.

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:

<STRONG>There is a greater light source.... and I was asked by someone on ICQ why there is no shadow for the saber...... I thought the fact that it was a lightsaber explained it pretty well :)</STRONG>


Actually, I noticed that too. And I have to disagree with you...the lightsaber should cast a shadow, from the other light source behind Kyle. If you have a lightbulb switched on, and shine another light from somewhere behind it...the lightbulb casts a shadow, because the other light source cannot go through the lightbulb. The same should apply to a lightsaber.


I also agree that the lightsaber should be casting a softer shadow behind Kyle. However, I know that casting shadows from multiple light sources creates a large processing overhead, and will inevitably slow the framerate. Nevertheless, if they could just generate two shadows - one from a key light source, the other from the saber when it is actually on, then it would be a lot cooler.


Rave...I think I read a recent release date from Activision for SOF2 somewhere...supposed to be February 2002. I can't wait. My palms are getting sweaty with anticipation. :D


[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: StormHammer ]

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i could have never been a game developer.. when i looked at the screen, i never even noticed the shadow much less debate whether its in the right place or not..


heheh game developers must get ulcers from worrying about all these details..




ed-gramatical errors


[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: DeathBoLT ]

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Originally posted by Moses:

Actually, in the movies the lightsaber never casted a shadow either. You can get a good view of this when Obi is fighting Vader. Take a look. :)


Well, considering the saber glow is a special effect added afterwards, I'm not really surprised. It must be hard enough rotoscoping and compositing, without having to worry exactly where a shadow should be cast in the scene. :)

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In ROTJ u see Darth Vaders lightsaber cast a shadow...when Luke kicks him down the stairs and Vader gets up again, u can see the shadow of his lightsaber on the ground

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I don't know. The light saber is merely light but it can't go through rock BUT in the jedi academy it hear that it's such low power that the sabers do ont pass throguh each other but they go through the people.

I can't make Head nor Tale of this! :confused:

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Gonk, (in particular)


read this.


To me at least, :) this sounds very plausible, and the way this blade would react to metal, and appear to be coloured without giving off any light, fits very well with the evidence from the films.


So this blade Should cast a shadow, as described in the link, and it also gives us a 'do-able' lightsaber if we had more advanced technology (waaaay more advanced)


It also works nicely with sabers' energy lasting a long time...doesn't it? :)


Just my £0.02 :)


[ November 18, 2001: Message edited by: Wacky_Baccy ]

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Originally posted by GonkH8er:

Well a lightbulb has a solid component, and therefore WOULD cast a shadow of sorts, but unlses I'm mistaken (my knowledge of star wars tech isnt up to scratch) there's nothing solid in the blade of the saber. It's all light, in a way, isnt it?


Hmmm...maybe Gonk. I guess at the end of the day we'll never know how a lightsaber should react to the environment, because it's a fictional creation. Until someone actually gets their head around the science and builds one, we won't know.


So everyone posting in this thread is correct...from a certain point of view. ;)

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As for the notion that realistic shadows require a higher spec system, well sure...it doesn't hurt. But if it's like quake3, it's a feature that can be turned off for people that don't have vid cards with a stencil buffer or just don't like them.

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I agree with you StormHammer, as no such invention has been made... eg: You can't tell how they are going to build a new sun because u don't know how they are going to make the sun because you jsut dont know how at the moment it's pretty much impossible...

As for the Lightsaber theory it sounds believable as it all makes sens BUT you still don't know how to do all that with the atoms and electromagentics.. So as for now you cannot tell because

(a) it would be (probably) impossible to make

(b) Er.... guys it's out of a book


So anyway i agree that there should be another shadow behind him but a lighter one which is the one we see.

So as for now

i dunno
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