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Farewell Krayt...(for a while)...


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Just in case anyone has missed the announcement, our great friend and mod Krayt Tion will shortly be leaving us for a while (though he does say he will return some time next year ;) ). I'm sure you'll all agree that he has served us well in Valley and Swamp, and will be sorely missed. Please join me in a salute.


*ignites lightsaber and raises high in salute*


May your journey go well my friend. ;)


May the Force be with you...

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Guest Vagabond

Krayt Tion, my Rune-coop compatriot, your presence shall be dearly missed, and yet your triumphant return shall be an ocassion for great celebration. And although no one can replace you, StormHammer is the right man for the job, and surely up to the task. Welcome aboard, my friend. I only wish we could hook up online sometime for some most righteous gameage :cool:

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Guest Krayt Tion

Well thank you. I don't think I'm worthy of such praise but those words will serve to comfort me on my necessary voyage ahead. One of these days I'm going to actually be around to moderate post-release, damn it! ;) I will be back.


Like many of you I also take much comfort in the worthwhile addition of StormHammer to our staff. He was practically already working here beforehand. ;) I feel good times surely lay ahead for the lot of us here.


So here's to the future.

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Sad to see you go Krayt and well done StormHammer If not him then i don't know..

Well Done!

Hope we see you Krayt before jk2 releases and by that tiem we'll all have as much or more psots as u.

I will be back.

u can borrow the phrase as ur have done alot for this community!

Thank You

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