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Congratulations Vagabond!

G.P LeChuck

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woot, good onya man. im sure everyone here is wishing you, your partner and your newest family member a lifetime of happyness :)



you'll have to post up a picture of your little darling some time. make sure you teach her to play jk2 at an early age :)


once again, congrats

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Guest Vagabond

Hey, thanks for the nice wishes everyone! She is a cutie, but I'm sure I'm biased ;) Mom and baby are both doing fine, and we're just enjoying our time with her right now. It's kind of funny, but just sitting there watching her sleep is more fun than playing computer games. We've got lots of pics taken, so I'll have to get some posted soon for everyone to see.


As to her induction, she's already watched Star Wars: A New Hope and Aliens with me, although she slept through the entire thing ;)


Thanks again everyone!

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Guest Krayt Tion

Aliens?!?! Awesome movie ya but for a baby?


Don't forgot to let her play computer instead console just starting out ;)

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Guest oninosensi

Congrats- as the father of two little girls, I can say they are a handful.


Just wondering- is this your first?

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