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Harry Potter

Guest Morgues

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Guest Morgues

Im not sure if you have already discussed this movie, cause im new to this here forum, but has anyone seen it?


I went and saw it and i loved it...its fantastic...AND i got to see the FORBIDDEN LOVE trailer at the start too :D

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The movie was excellent. It followed the book rather well. My favorite scene was the Quidditch match. Hot damn...


My fave outta the four books currently out is the third one, The Prisoner of Azkaban. Really good, and didn't have a direct confrontation with Voldemort at the end.

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No we have not talked about the movie yet...


I saw it and thought it was good...


I just thought it left a lot out that was in the book. The whole story was there. The book is just more complite.


Morgues i don't know if anyone said so but welcome to gb.


Ninner same to you. Great to see you again!!!

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Yea Ninner basicly the day i disapiered from xwa


I showed up here.


I am like havoc said i am one of the old timers here. I am even the founding GM of gb's rpg forum.


i don't own it i was never made a mod of the forum.


OK back on topic...


I think we missed a little bit with out the class time... I also think something was missed with out the second game...

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Guest Morgues
Originally posted by darthfergie

I saw the movie...my only problem about it...is that it is a SMALL Coke movie...if you get a large you'll end up running for the bathroom before it is over;)




so so so true!!!


i was damn near busting when it finished HAHAH




i loved the movie tho, was great fun

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- Who had heard about an uncle who didn't want his nephew to know the truth about his parents?


- There's a scene where Hagrid says the name of "the one whose name should not be pronounced". He says his name is V....

(complete by yourself :D )


- There's a scene where someone clearly names the Dark Side


- Voldemort's cloak....where had I seen that before?


-The Millenium Falcon leaves from Docking bay 94, the Hogwarts train leaves from deck 9 3/4.


Well, my 2 cents..... think whatever you want ;)

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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

The movie was excellent. It followed the book rather well. My favorite scene was the Quidditch match. Hot damn...


My fave outta the four books currently out is the third one, The Prisoner of Azkaban. Really good, and didn't have a direct confrontation with Voldemort at the end.


definately the best of a great series!

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Originally posted by darthfergie

We didn't talk about the movie but we talked about the concept...it ended up a huge flaming match between fans and non-fans...I had to close the thread...but oh well that was then...but if anyone starts flaming...*waves the editing lightsaber and deletion Ion Gun*


:eek: :eek: :eek: I can't BELIEVE this!!! Sorry, Fergie (and others) but Harry Potter is the most RETARDED and F*CKED up thing I have EVER seen in my life! :rolleyes: I don't want to get people hating me, but. . . I HATE HARRY POTTER! Alirght, let's analize this for a second, shall we? He is a F*CKED up little kid, living w/ a F*CKED up family, wearing F*CKED up glasses, riding a F*CKING broom! I don't know about you guys but another thing that P*SSES me off is that this is all a load of witchcraft SH*T! There was a reason why witches were burned at the stake in the Middle Ages! Because they are EVIL! There is NO such thing as a GOOD witch! This is just a clever ploy to get all the people in America learning about witchcraft! You may say: "It's just fantasy! It isn't REAL! As long as you can separate truth from fact it's fine!" Well I don't agree! Pornography is "just a book/magazine!" And it's "not real!" So as long as you can separate it from reality that makes it ok right? Then why isn't it allowed on our forum? Maybe porn isn't wrong it's just bad for little kids huh? Well who are the majority of the people reading Harry Potter?! LITTLE KIDS! I don't want to be hated at this forum, and I'm not flaming any of you, but I am 100% opposed to Harry Potter! :mad:

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Guest Supreme Warlord

DAAAAANG........Thrawn...... man......you must be against witchcraft when they dont exist...well except for voo doo but i dont believe in it. Wow you suprised me there thrawn. ;)

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Yes, I am very much against it! No such thing as witchcraft, eh? Well go HERE and see that witchcraft is very real, and very dangerous. There are such thing as witches, and they are evil. I am a Christian. I don't know if you are or not, and I'm not condemning you or praising you either way, but as a Christian I believe that there are two kinds of powers: those that come from God, and those that come from Satan. Witches do not get their power from God, they get their power from Satan. In essence a witch is someone who worships Satan and his evil. They proclaim that they aren't evil and that they don't do evil things, but that is a lie. In the Harry Potter books they don't show the bad side. Want to know one thing witches do? They sacrifice animals to Satan. Whether that be your dog, your neighbors cat, or some other animal they find outside on their night of sacrifice. That part isn't in the books, is it? They cast curses and call upon the powers of Satan and demons to do it. Also, when they want you to join, they just say, "We aren't a cult, we don't worship Satan, we aren't evil." And so it starts out as just some innocent fellowship. . . Then however, it changes. the meetings get wierder. You have to say wierd things that you don't know what they mean. You have to start bowing before things. And you, yes YOU begin to become a witch, and worship Satan. Well, they don't have the Satanism part in the books do they? They somehow forgot that part along with the sacrifices. If you want to read Harry Potter, i can't stop you, but I can caution you: Don't think that what you are reading is true. And don't ever think that there is such thing as a good witch. . .

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Originally posted by Rogue15

I'm 100% with Thrawn on this issue. It's going to get worse though. First pokemon, now harry potter, it just gets worse and worse.


Couldn't agree more. They're like plagues..... Star Wars should be scattered around a little bit more, at least it shows morality, and the value of virtues such as loyalty and frienship.

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