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how do you become a mod


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Guest Supreme Warlord

How many post would you need to become a mod? I would like to assume the position of a mod too like Captain Drake. GOod question Captain Drake I was thinking about it this morning. :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

I dont know crap about being a mod and so i am wondering what must you have in order to be a mod. Age Limit or something???!!! give us specific information man!!!!!!!!!!!:D

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From my experience, in order to be a moderator, you must be mature, responsible and you need to know how to handle the authority given to you. You can't just ask to be a mod out of nowhere and expect it to be granted to you. You need to show that you are a consistent, reliable and amiable member with a good degree of maturity just to be even considered for the job. And that's only if more moda are needed.


I wonder how the hell I got in...? :rolleyes:

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Becoming a moderator for a specific forum is usually rewarded to users who are particularly helpful and knowledgable in the subject of the forum they are moderating.



I am well qualified to become a mod. unfortunately, I only moderate one underposted board.

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Here are the requirements to become a mod, in order of importance:


1) Make good posts. Encourage intelligent discussion, not spamming. It's the best way to become a mod AND a valuable member here.


2) There has to be a demand. We don't promote mods for fun here, there must be positions open.


3) Be available. If you can only get online once a week, it's pretty pointless to promote you to moderator.


4) Type well. Although this is facultative, we favor people who use correct punctuation and grammar in their posts.

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Im sure your right sherack... but euh.. even moderators make little typing mistakes or do not know how to type a difficult word correctly.... we all make mistakes with typing (we are only Human)

but i think you should look at the meaning of the posts.... not how it is typed.... But that is what i think.

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Here are the requirements to become a mod, in order of importance:


1) Make good posts. Encourage intelligent discussion, not spamming. It's the best way to become a mod AND a valuable member here.


2) There has to be a demand. We don't promote mods for fun here, there must be positions open.


3) Be available. If you can only get online once a week, it's pretty pointless to promote you to moderator.


4) Type well. Although this is facultative, we favor people who use correct punctuation and grammar in their posts.






:D j/k


Anyways, being a valuable forummer is just as good as being a mod. If we were all valuable forummers then we wouldn't need mods at all, and, as it is the mods don't do too much at all. I guess Rhett and Leo and Sherack scared off all the bad people in the beginning. ;)


Anyways, i'm no mod, but i like to consider myslef a valuable forummer, but i'm not looking for as much power as i can grab, i just come and have fun. And, to prove to you having posts or being old doesn't matter, i had the most posts on this forum, and i've been here the longest, and am only a little younger than Sherack, but i'm not a mod, but it doesn't get to me, why should it?


BTW you two, i'd give up on being a mod, cause, frankly, its not gonna happen, to you, or probably to anyone else for a while. Plus, in your last couple of posts as in others, you don't show much maturity or respect for the position. Being a mod isn't just something you do, and its definately not something you gain after a week or two on the boards.

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I would love to become a moderator, even theres no way ill get to be one. I suck at grammar, I make ALOT of posts in a day (aka spam to some of you) and im on here TOO much instead of not enough, im on this forum about 3 or more hours a day......:)


P.S. It would still be nice to be quallified to become a mod. Cya:)

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