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Solve this, biG mindS


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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm pretty sure it's my cousin, i'm normally quite good at this sort of thing. it's definetly not me. i hope.


Hang on, let's woprk through this.


"The grandson of the brother of the uncle of the husband of your mother"


so working backwards, it's my mothers husband, being my father (unless she remarried, but not in my family, so let's keep it simple), his uncles brother, still being his uncle, then his grandson goes down 2 steps in the generation making him my cousin. unless his uncles brother is actually my fathers dad, in which case it could be me or my brother. this could go loads of different ways, but i'm guessing you were going for me, so i'll just say me.

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  • 3 weeks later...

its your cousing, im 99.9855562013% sure.....because the husband of your mother is your father, your fathers uncle is your great uncle, your great uncle's brother is still your great uncle and his grandson would have to be your cousin, because your great uncle's son is your uncle and your great uncles grandson is the son of your uncle which is your cousing..........ok, im 100% sure

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yeah, but think about it, if your uncle is your fathers brother, then your fathers uncles is your grandfathers brother, so your father's uncles brother could be your grandfather, in which case, his grandson is you, or your brother. there are amny ways this could go, sofar, the answer to this question could be:



your brother

your cousin

your step brother

your step cousin

your second cousin

your second step cousin

and any of those cousins removed so many times


see it could be any of those!

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Originally posted by Guybrush122

no one likes a wise ass..........:D


are you kidding, everyone loves a wise ass, that's what they're there for, why else do we have them, and i say, if you can't beat them, join them... or run away from them, whatever your instincts tell you to do.

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