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NOTE: Loosly related to Monkey Island on the basis that we should appreicate old games - for example: Monkey Island, Tetris, Donkey Kong Country.


Hey guys, currently playing my good old SNES's DK games (I've beaten DKC2, on my way in 3 will do it for 1 and then cheat to make it impossibly hard for 2 and 3). That should keep me ocupied for the time being? WRONG.


What to stop me playing Bubsy, Mario Allstars and The Secret of Evermore? And beating them all too?


Whats more the best music on my computer (mind you I do not have a MIDI-syncroniser (how primative) are all MIDIS from old video games. Well with the exception of "THE TIMELORDS" (retro DrWho song), that aside I've decided to start sharing with you guys. I shall weed out all the coolest MIDIs I can find and put them on my site which currently only has a few. Some additions I could make include themes from SONIC, BUBSY and DOUBLE DRAGON.


Tell me, what do you guys think?



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Originally posted by The Adventurer

go here for the totaly cool Super Smash Bros Melee MP3s. I recomend you down load Pokemon starium, Peach's castle, and Onett first!




Hey that's cool, you wouldn't know the whereabouts of any Donkey Kong Racing music files would you (you have to love that Jungle Theme... which for now I'll assume is diffrent to Smash Melee's).



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Okay, I added some MIDIs to my site, and a nice "random play" feature, I'll weed out some more cool MIDIs at I get the chance.


On a COMPLEATLY unrelated matter I replaced my into-page with a picture of LeChuck on a dark blue background (like the one on mojo's home page only nicer). I got jelious since the cut out was better then my cut outs on the title line, so I made a cut out (and modified it to remove the rope and extend the suit a litte) and it's MUCH better then mojo's, I'm so proud...



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Really? It's just an ordinary hyperlink around an image (set to blur on mouseover for IE users). You have to wait for the next page to mostly load before it's displayed (once again if you're using IE) because of the transition....


Still, at least you got to see the pic!



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