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My nick on the net !!!!!


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here's what i got:





The name of Leon gives you the desire to meet and mix socially and to create congenial circumstances for everyone. However, all too often, you express yourself in a matter-of-fact or awkward way that results in your good intentions being misunderstood. If you are in sales work, you could do well because of your friendly personality, interest in people, and desire to please. You prefer situations that allow a degree of independence, but are not too demanding in work-load or responsibility. When asked, you are able to give others good advice that you would probably not follow yourself, but must guard against being too opinionated in controversial matters. While you can appear to be confident, you need the moral support and encouragement of others who give inspiration and strength. Weaknesses in health show in the senses of the head as well as in the various fluid functions of the body.

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While your name of Louis gives you an intense desire to be of service to others, it brings out a practical, technical nature, and you become involved in fussy little details that detract from the fulfilment of your greater ideals. You are a very patient person and will work hard one step at a time to accomplish your goals. Not interested in large undertakings, you are content to live from day to day to save for your future. Always budgeting carefully, you do not believe in frivolous spending. You tend to be thorough in building a solid foundation of fact and logic, but you are not especially imaginative or investigative. You are particular and quite set in your way you want things to be done. Once you have made up your mind or formed an opinion it is not easily changed. Hence there is a restriction in friendships and business opportunities. This name stimulates urges and desires for which there is no creative outlet and the ensuing frustration creates nervous tension which centres in the region of the solar plexus and intestinal organs, causing constipation, intestinal trouble, boils, or growths. You feel emotional frustrations and disturbances that create irritability and a strong temper.


i especially agree with the part of the patience and emotional frustrations.

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Your first name of Rogue has given you a quick, active mind, which has caused you to delve into many different ideas and theories. You have a desire for association with people and, since you have no difficulty in being spontaneous and expressive with others, you have considerable ability for discussion and debate. You enjoy unexpected opportunities for meeting people, or doing things on the spur of the moment. Where you have difficulty is in organizing and systematizing the handling of your responsibilities. (so there is a reason for my previous invasions...) Though you can work on any undertaking intently as long as it absorbs your interest, you cannot persevere when confronted by obstacles or by tedious monotony. Thus your success in your undertakings is limited. The tasks or activities you enjoy the most allow some form of creative or artistic expression. You will never tolerate a situation where your independence and individuality are curtailed. Conditions in your personal life can change very quickly to turmoil any time you are challenged, or when there is any friction or misunderstanding, because you can be very caustic and outspoken. There is an element of idealism in this name which makes you generous toward those who are less fortunate than yourself, and also causes you to uphold the rights of others. This name creates an over-sensitive nature that allows your emotions to be unduly aroused. You are apt to be indulgent in eating rich, quick-energy foods, which you crave because your nervous system becomes depleted of vitality. Ailments of the liver and a weak back could result.


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Your name of Lou gives you a very happy-go-lucky, spontaneous nature. You see the humorous side of many situations and can laugh at yourself as well as at others. This name gives you a musical, artistic nature and you would do well in any occupation in the entertainment field. You have many friends because of your generous, happy nature, but if crossed you have a quick temper, although your annoyance does not last too long. You do enjoy an argument and will at times say things just to get others going and then you sit back and enjoy the debate. You lack system and order and find it very difficult to budget and save money. This name creates a nature that can be the life of the party, but many times you can become involved in emotional situations against your better judgment. Your compassionate nature causes you to be too generous and you often give more than you can afford to. You are too fond of sugars and starches, thus you could have a weakness in your liver, kidneys, or skin, creating pimples or eczema. While this name gives you a wonderful personality, and attracts much love and friendship, it is far too emotional and scattering an influence and will not allow the material accumulation nor personal happiness you should have.




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For my real name (no, it isn't David):


Your name gives you a strong sense of responsibility in business and material affairs, and the practicality and determination to make a success of anything you undertake. Your ability to organize and direct the efforts of others enables you to excel in any managerial position because you have the ability to grasp the concept of a goal complete with an understanding of the steps to be taken. This name has allowed you to develop depth and breadth of mind. You are able to retain facts, to grasp new information to your existing store of knowledge. You never seem to be out of your depth of understanding. For these reasons others who may not have the same quickness of mind classify you as a "know it all" and, although you may be highly respected, this characteristic is unlikely to endear you to your associates. You have a very responsible nature, are capable and mature, and are willing to assume a position as a pillar of the community. You are quite healthy, but possible trouble areas are found in the generative organs.


(mods, keep this in mind :D)


Now ... As for my Nick:


Your name of Young has given you an idealistic nature with a desire to help others. Your first name of David has given you a very practical, hard-working, systematic nature.


So now you know ... y'all respect me now :D

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Your first name of Darth creates a serious, thoughtful nature, shrewd, efficient, and business-minded. You are one to make your own decisions, and not be influenced by others. You desire independence and freedom from the authority and interference of others. You are not overly ambitious, preferring instead just to seek stable, settled conditions which are adequate to meet your responsibilities. In your personal relations with others, you are inclined to be rather serious, and not to see the humour others see, or to respond spontaneously. Your positive manner and outlook can make others feel that you are imposing your will on them and even interfering in their affairs. Weaknesses in your health caused by the influence of this name centre in the head. Head colds, sinus conditions, hay-fever, and weak eyes are relative conditions. Also, your tendency to worry can lead to insomnia and other overwrought conditions.

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It was too big to fit into one post:D






Your first name of Fergie has given you a quick, analytical mind. You are creative, versatile, and imaginative. However, independence, positivity and the urge for action and progress are such strong forces in your nature that you find it difficult to control them. You feel happy as long as headway is being made, but as soon as you are obstructed or your individuality and freedom of action are restricted, you experience an intense nervous reaction. Moods of depression can result during which you become caustic and belligerent in your attitude toward everyone, especially to those in closest association with you. Routine, monotony, and the responsibility of looking after details can have a similar effect on you, as you are a person who desires change, travel, and new experiences. In order to gain greater congeniality in your personal associations, you need to cultivate a more relaxed manner, greater generosity, understanding, and tolerance, and, above all, you need to avoid being too outspoken and self-opinionated. The influence of this name can be very destructive to your health and personal happiness, even though it may take you far in business. You frequently experience nervous tension in the solar plexus. A sensitive stomach and ulcers could result. Also, ailments could centre in the head affecting the eyes, ears, nose, throat, or teeth.


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*slaps lord_adelgard in face*




how did i make WC leave huh tell me????? i actually helped him out!!!!!!!!!!


and nobody reads my threads well i dunno i think they do but i dont know



and i posted this cause i wanted to know what this thread is about


annoy people how? :( cant i start off with a cleann slate by you guys do i have to leave or somthin like that?

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hmmmmm interesting................. and lord get off my back











The name of Thomas creates a quiet, systematic, and technical nature and a clever, inventive mind, attentive to detail. You are attracted to working outdoors in nature, where you would experience the peace and serenity you so much desire. You would find electricity, electronics, and similar technical fields of interest, as well as computer, mathematical, and scientific studies. You are inclined to be quiet, reserved, patient, and conservative, preferring to test and prove everything to your own satisfaction before committing yourself. You like to finish what you start without interruptions, and also to have everything in its place and properly organized. You take life seriously and can be easily and deeply hurt and go into moods which can be quite extreme at times, causing turmoil and unhappiness. Finding it difficult to join in light conversation with those with whom you are not well acquainted, you could feel quite alone and uncommunicative. As a result, you seem aloof. Your limited verbal expression--except with those involved in your field of interest--makes it difficult for you to communicate your deeper thoughts even to those closest to you. Friendships and personal association are accordingly restricted, as well as business success, because you are over-cautious in venturing into financial risks or promotional effort. You could experience sensitivity in your heart, lungs, and bronchial organs, and also suffer from constipation or other ailments affecting the intestinal tract.


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The name of Delphi contains within it an intense emotional power that could drive you to put forth great effort to accomplish your ambitions and to do something noteworthy and worthwhile. There are humanitarian ideals in this name, making you feel the urge to champion the cause of the downtrodden, the victims of circumstances and injustices. However, it is difficult for you to materialize your ideals because of a restless, unsettled feeling which causes you never to know just what it is that you should be working toward, and the very intensity of your nature makes systematic concentration and application a challenge. You can have intensely contrasting feelings toward people, either you are fiercely loyal or extremely intolerant. There is rarely a happy medium in your feelings. Consequently, you experience many disappointments in people, tragedy, and the loss of the very things for which you may be intensely striving. Bitter experiences could make you cynical, critical, and argumentative. You find it difficult to see the brighter or humorous side of a situation. This name makes you nervous and highly strung, causing tension affecting your nervous system and solar plexus.

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They had dummy on there.


Your name of Dummy has given you a desire for self-expression and for positions that allow contact with people, free from the restrictions and monotony into which you are often drawn. Although you desire to be spontaneous and natural, you are often drawn into technical and methodical lines of endeavour and the incidentals of life. You are friendly by nature, but you cannot enjoy complete ease in association because of a difficulty in expressing yourself. While you can be exacting and thorough in whatever you decide to undertake, and desire to keep a well-ordered life with everything in its place, it is not easy for you to maintain the system and order you would like. There is conflict between your desires and your expression which does not allow scope for your capabilities. This lack of fulfilment of your deeper qualities tends to create repression and frustration. You enjoy sweet, rich foods, as well as meat and starches, and any indulgence would create skin disorders or possible intestinal trouble or growths.

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My real name has hit dead on:




Sylvain as a first name gives you a very independent nature, yet you are friendly, approachable, and generous. You can be a spontaneous, expressive, and talkative person. Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be rather blunt and sarcastic. This name incorporates creative, artistic, and musical abilities, and there would be an element of originality in all that you do. You like to do things on the spur of the moment without planning or prior arrangements. Your spirits are buoyed up greatly by encouragement and appreciation. There is a tendency to be scattering in your efforts and you prefer to avoid menial jobs of a routine and repetitive nature. You are inclined to pursue good times and emotional indulgences to excess. Weaknesses in health due to the influence of this name centre in the head. You could experience headaches, or difficulties with your teeth, ears, eyes, or sinuses. Disorders related to the liver, which would be aggravated by rich foods, could also arise.


I do get frequent migraines even though I'm 17. I want to be graphic designer. Independent is very true. Sarcastic ... who me? I am in good health however because I do lots of sports. Teeth... i had braces before... ears lots of ear infections when I was a kid and eyes: i wear contact lens. So pretty damn close.


Now for my nick name: Jackal





Your name of Jackal gives you the ability to understand people and to merge conflicting viewpoints to create harmony in association. You dislike facing issues or witnessing hurt feelings. You make friends easily but must guard against becoming involved in the affairs of others or being too easily led. You could do well working with the public giving advice, where you can use your skills in diplomacy in handling people, but where you are not under pressure or required to carry responsibility and make decisions. You find it difficult to make snap decisions and to occupy a leadership position as you lack self-confidence. You dislike heavy manual work; as well, you are inclined to put plans off until forced to take action. You find it difficult to be systematic in business and you dislike budgeting. Without the encouragement of others, you lack the energy, confidence, or initiative required to bring an idea to fruition. This name creates weaknesses in the fluids of the body, kidneys, or glandular system.


I think THAT one was made up!

"inclined to put plans off"... my g/f WOULD KILL ME! :D

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They also had my real name.


Your name of ****** has created a most expressive nature, idealistic and inspirational, driven with a strong inner urge to be of service in some way that would uplift humanity as a whole. However, there is a tendency to assume too heavy a burden of responsibility for others, which leads to worry and undue concern. People with problems are drawn to you as they recognize you as one who has understanding and gives not only sympathy and comfort but provides also some constructive advice or assistance. You have a generous quality to your nature, but you must guard carefully against giving more than you receive or you will find yourself doing without because you have helped someone else. You love people, family, home, and friends and try to be a parent to the whole human race. While you have generally stable conditions in your personal life, you may experience some problems in business affairs through a tendency to be scattering and inattentive to details. Any health problems would show as tension in the nervous system brought on by worry.

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