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GeForce 4 info...........


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GeForce4 Ti 1000. This is the fastest graphics cards built on GeForce4 chip working at about 300MHz frequency. The card will have AGP 8x interface and 128MB DDR SDRAM memory working at 700MHz.


GeForce4 Ti 500. This is a bit slower solution with around 275MHz chip frequency and 600MHz memory frequency. Although it will have AGP 4x interface, the card will still come with 128MB graphics memory.


GeForce4 MX 460. This is the eldest representative of the GeForce4 MX family. It will probably have 4 rendering pipelines and DirectX 8-compliant T&L unit. The amount of DDR graphics memory used (with 128bit bus) will be cut down to 64MB, and its working frequency will be reduced down to 550MHz. The core will work at 300MHz.


GeForce4 MX 440. These cards will go with 64MB DDR SDRAM with 128bit access bus. The memory working frequency will be 400MHz and the core frequency – 275MHz.


GeForce4 MX 420. According to the available data, this GeForce4 MX version will be targeted for the Low-End market that is why the cards built on it will have 64MB SDR SDRAM memory working at 166MHz. The core will work at 250MHz. Besides, It looks as if there were only two rendering pipelines in this modification.

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Personally while I have a lot of respect for Xbit labs, I find this would be a step backwards for nVidia, ESPECIALLY considering what they've announced about their product line with the advent of the Titanium series.


A more likely product line in mid-late 2002 would be.


GF4 Ti-Insert Random Number Here(possible 1000) Super High End. Based on NV25 core at .13 Micron, with something like 375Mhz DDR-SDRAM ram.


GF4 Ti-500 or lower. Mid-end card filling the current niche the GF3Ti200 is. Probably NV25 core at .13 micron, with a clockspeed of about 250-300Mhz.(Lower clock is likely.)


NV17 Derivitive. The NV17 is apparently the new mobile chipset nVidia has planned. Since mobile chipsets are by their nature smaller, less heat intensive, and more economical expect a chip based on this at .15 micron to be the low end card. Specs are probably roughly GF3 level, with 2 rendering pipelines and single vertex shader.

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To crush the competition. They know ATI won't be able to keep up with their six month cycle. Games get better graphics, games need better graphics cards.


But that 8x thing is nasty. Would I have to upgrade my mobo in order to use the Ti 1000? I just did that less than a month ago. :( Or just stick with the Ti 500.

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Hmmm I seem to remember reading somewhere that a VIA based mobo has been released with 8x support, is that right?


Anyways, seems to me that if all the other GeForce 4's support AGP 4X why not theTi1000, although it wouldn't be worth buying if u didn't have a rig to match IMHO.


I've waiting a long time this...

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Originally posted by Darth Bjorn

Well, I was gonna go out and get me a Ti500. But now I think I'll just hold off for a bit. Though this sounds a little fishy to me. I'll really believe it when I see it on the nVIDIA site.


i've been saving for a big upgrade for almost 2 years. i was gonna buy all the upgrade stuff jan 1st but now i dont know too.

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the more you wait the better what you get

that happens always with PCs

You can be waiting forever without upgrading, because there is always something better coming out in a few months

What I want to upgrade now is my ram

Maybe when the Geforce 4 is released Ill get a G3Ti500 cheap

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With regards to AGP form factors...


AGP 8x is(to my knowledge) slot compatible with AGP 4x, the only thing is you won't get the extra benefit.


I wish they actually would've raised the AGP bus speed rather than just doing this all over again...


It's been proven faster clocked AGP buses do more than switching from a 2x standard to the 4x...

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me too

But in the last reviews the 8500 still is not match for the GF3Ti

Although the radeon wins in directx 8 tests, and maybe that could make it better for future games

And the radeon is much cheaper...

By the time the GF4 is released Ill check the latest 8500 reviews and decide what to do :)

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Originally posted by digl

the more you wait the better what you get

that happens always with PCs

You can be waiting forever without upgrading, because there is always something better coming out in a few months


I couldn't agree with you more. I've often felt the same...upgrade now...or wait for that rumoured new piece of kit? You could end up getting yourself in a negative-feedback loop and never upgrading. The only problem is...you realise by the time you do upgrade that your old piece of kit isn't worth anything because the current low-end PC spec at a budget price blows your kit completely out of the water.


My current advice would be to wait for the new piece of kit to arrive to get it's predecessor at a lower price...then ditch that in 6 months to a year to get the next step up the ladder, so you can at least get some money back for your redundant components before support for them is dropped by the manufacturer.


Of course, the only problem with that scenario is that you constantly have to find the money to upgrade...but at least you should make some money back if you upgrade at the right time. Unless you're a charitable idiot like me and just give the redundant stuff away to your relatives and friends. :)

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I am glad Ati is stepping up to the plate. That benefits all hard core gamers in the end (whether you buy their cards or not).


Kyro III should be coming out as early as Feb (though I bet there will be a delay). This card is supposed to be "it" for powervr. Supposdly has TRUFORM, a directx8 card, and as fast as the Radeon 8500 for half the price. That is about $150 US. But knowing their track record, I am not holding my breath on this card.


GF3 and R8500 are both great cards. Personally I am leaning more towards the Radeon. But if I somehow ended up with a GF3 I wouldn't complain one bit.


It's just too bad about Matrox.

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Bah, Matrox aren't competitors. They just produce awesome business cards, that's all. Their targeted audience is much different.


I think those rumored specs are right on the mark. I'm also suspecting that 64-bit color depth support is just around the corner... It'll be a great new way to hammer down your framerate with no visible enhancement to the graphics!


EDIT: If your guys want to get a GF3 Ti500 or a RADEON 8500, I sure hope you don't want to play DooM3 or Quake 4... those cards are hardly able to run the new DooM engine.

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