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Paranoid, Roswell, MJ-12, JFK,aliens, etc

Crazy_dog no.3

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Cattle Mutilations

You guys ever had cattle mutilations around were you are? When we first moved here there were cows being held in a large field by our property and one night some cult, or whatever it was, mutilated three of them. Skinned, gutted, removed and scattered various parts and then hung them on poll thingies. :eek:




The Tunguska Incident


How about the Tunguska incident. What the hell was that all about? :o It accurred in a remote swampy area of Siberia in 1908 and even now it sill is unexplained. At 7:15 on the morning of June 30, a white light was seen descending over the forests near the Tunguska River. As it fell, It leveled acres of trees and houses and when it finally hit, an explosion that sent seismic shocks around the world accurred, accompanied by a enormous pillar of fire that could be seen from miles away. The sky shook, a thermal current tore through the area, scorching forests, animals, houses, and people. Then three more shockwaves came. The destruction radius was at least 375 miles. Black rain started to fall.


Researchers expected to find the remains of a meteorite as well as a large crater but found nothing to suggest such an impact. There was no crater and no rock fragments. They found that trees closest to the impact point were still standing yet they were stripped of bark and all branches and the farther away trees were flattened pointing away from the blast.


Some of the more popular theories behind this are as follows:


A. An experimental spaceship crashed.


B. A ship of unknown origin crashed. (UFO)


C. A freak and rare weather event.


D. A black hole collided with the earth. Don't scoff at this. It very well could be true.

E. It was a comet. Being made out of ice, There wouldn't have been any evidence left.







My hands hurt now but later I'll see if I can write something up about this boat that the military did tests on to see if they could cause it to be invisible using magnetic waves. It was an amazing disaster that's still unexplained. It was called the Philadelphia experiment.



Enjoy! :)

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OOOOOOO!!! I saw a discovery channel special about that! And they had the weird book adressed to the navy also! It had commentary written by 3 different aliens apparently! The I.D. ed the sender of the book but no one can find him because he keeps moving and all the people who claim to be him are imposters cause they don't have his seaman card number. Tell us that story Rhett!:D

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i used to have a book called "Wierd things in The World" which had all sorts of unbelievably wierd stories


i dont have it anymore but one of the articles told about a person who people say "magically appeared when he was 15"

no one knew him as a child or knew who his parents were

he just seemed to appear for the first time as a 15 yr old and nobody out of the town knew him too



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Here, I found this report about it.






the Philadelphia experiment



During World War II the United States Navy is said to have tested a method for the "electronic camouflage" of a large ship. The experiment was code named "Project Rainbow," and may have been under the scientific direction of Albert Einstein. On October 28th, 1943, the destroyer U.S.S. Eldridge may have been engulfed in a green haze and made invisible. The U.S.S. Eldridge is then said to have been teleported 300 miles to Norfolk, Virginia, and then back again to Philadelphia. Other versions of the story have the U.S.S. Eldridge engage in time travel while invisible.


While the experiment seemed at first to go well, many of the crew died or became insane after the experiment. Some members are said to have been the victims of spontaneous human combustion. Others continued to have periodic instances of invisibility. The U.S.S. Eldridge, however, remained unharmed and was in service until the 1980s when it was used by the Greek Navy.


The story was not made public until 1956, when UFO researcher Morris Jessup released the story. Mr. Jessup committed suicide in 1959, which could either be proof of a Navy cover-up or of Jessup's insanity.


The United States Navy has said the Philadelphia experiment did not happen. The Navy maintains that the U.S.S. Eldridge was not even in Philadelphia Harbor on October 28th, 1943. They insists that the U.S.S. Eldridge was instead in New York Harbor from October 18th to November 1st, 1943. The Navy does admit that the U.S.S. Eldridge was in the Bermuda Triangle on "training exercises" from September 15th to October 18th, 1943.


Was the Philadelphia Experiment all in Jessup's mind? Did the United States Navy itself start the rumor to intimidate the Germans and Japanese during World War II? If the Navy successfully did camouflage a destroyer, why then experiment with teleportation or time travel so quickly? An invisible ship is such a tactical advantage, teleportation would hardly have been necessary. Did the Navy add teleportation to the story solely to lessen the credibility of leaks of their invisibility experiment? Why would the United States Navy ever sell the Greek Navy such a top-secret ship? Was the ship the Greeks received really the original U.S.S. Eldridge? Was the U.S.S. Eldridge really the ship in Philadelphia Harbor in October 1943? Was another ship painted with the Eldridge's insignia in Philadelphia instead? How does the Bermuda Triangle tie into all of this, if at all? Numerous questions remain unanswered - and will probably stay that way with so many of the people who were or may have been involved now dead.





It's also said that some of the crew were stuck in walls. As if they had started to pass through the wall and the got stuck when they test ended. :eek:


Next up, Human combustion. :explode: ehehehehehahahaha

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good story Rhett!:p Also do you know about the little book sent to the navy department by that guy? It was a copy of a popular book theorizing on ufo's and there were 3 different commentaries on the book written in the margins. Supposedly aliens. It was on the same special as the Philedelphia Project I think. The guy started hopping everywhere and people couldn't find him and imposters were quickly rooted out cause they didn'y have his seaman card. This is a good story to tell also. I wish I'd have payed more attention.:(

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I wish I could have seen that show your talking about. Sounds like it was a good one! :(







Spontanious Human Combustion


*changes into lab coat and thick black glass* *clears throat*


Now children, Human Auto-Oxidation, better known as spontanious human combustion, is a phenomenon in which the human body ignites and burns for unexplained reasons without an outside influence or proven ignition source.


Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is not a phenomenon commonly accepted by the modern medical community. You will not find reference to it in any of the modern medical journals, though you may see an occasional cause of death labeled "burning by unknown causes". Yet, there are instances where the phenomenon does seem to occur, even in modern times.


In the late 1600's, references to this unusual phenomenon began to appear in newspapers and medical journals, detailing a most gruesome death in which the victim's body was so totally consumed by fire that only ashes remained.


It takes temperatures in excess of 3000oF. in a modern, pressurized crematorium to reduce teeth and bones to ash. Such temperatures are unheard of in common house fires. Additionally, there is usually no more than minor damage to surrounding surfaces and structures. There are even reports of victims found burnt to ashes sitting in upholstered chairs that were no more than scorched.


The most popular theory behind SHC is the candle theory. In which a person catches themselves on fire, the subcutaneous body fat begins to melt thus acting as a fuel source that consumes the body with the clothing acting as a wick.

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Originally posted by Artoo

good story Rhett!:p Also do you know about the little book sent to the navy department by that guy? It was a copy of a popular book theorizing on ufo's and there were 3 different commentaries on the book written in the margins. Supposedly aliens. It was on the same special as the Philedelphia Project I think. The guy started hopping everywhere and people couldn't find him and imposters were quickly rooted out cause they didn'y have his seaman card. This is a good story to tell also. I wish I'd have payed more attention.:(


Well actually they found the writer...(1 guy wrote it all)

Seems he was one of those people who created hoaxes...He is credited for 2 or 3 others, but this was his biggest.


When he was about 40 something he was found and admited he lied...then a few weeks later when all the attention of the hoax was brought into the lime light he changed his story and said they had really forced him to say it by threatening him.


Thing is there are about 8 people that are still alive who served on the Philidephia that day...(History channel did a special on it a while back)

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So that's when it came on. Thanx fergie!:p I didn't make it all the way through that cause it was 11 going on 12 and I was really tired cause I hadn't gotten that much sleep. Darn, I'm glad I didn't see the ending. That would have ruined it. I thought the guy was still out there. It was a good story though. The little book was really funny. I think the Navy still has it locked up and classified!:D

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Area 51


A U. S. Military aircraft testing area near Rachel, Nevada. The area is part of the Nellis Air Force Range and the Nevada Test Site. Area 51 is also know as "Groom Lake" because of the Groom Dry Lake Bed. The airspace around Area 51 is known as "Dreamland".


Area 51 is said to be a center of UFO activity. Some speculate that Area 51 is where the U.S. Government tests UFOs that it has obtained. Visitors are prohibited from the area. However, some say that you can see UFO activity from certain locations on Highway 375. In particular, mile marker LN 29.5 is home to the "black mailbox" (now white), a Mecca for tourists. While you may or may not see UFOs if you go, you do have a good chance of seeing Air Force aircraft testing.






Next shall be a fav. of mine, Cryptozoology. :)

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They use a private 747 in a private part of the Las Vegas airport to transport people there. They tried to deny that little part of the airport existed, but that would be to blatantly obvious of a cover-up. Only an 11 minute flight to Area51 from Las Vegas.

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Originally posted by Artoo

So that's when it came on. Thanx fergie!:p I didn't make it all the way through that cause it was 11 going on 12 and I was really tired cause I hadn't gotten that much sleep. Darn, I'm glad I didn't see the ending. That would have ruined it. I thought the guy was still out there. It was a good story though. The little book was really funny. I think the Navy still has it locked up and classified!:D


The guy is still alive...but nobody can find him. And I mean nobody.

His relatives say he was taken by aliens and is allowed to write occasionally...wierd...


Remember this guy was forced to say those lies by the government. So he has to be telling the truth;)

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The Tunguska Incident


How about the Tunguska incident. What the hell was that all about? :o It accurred in a remote swampy area of Siberia in 1908 and even now it sill is unexplained. At 7:15 on the morning of June 30, a white light was seen descending over the forests near the Tunguska River. As it fell, It leveled acres of trees and houses and when it finally hit, an explosion that sent seismic shocks around the world accurred, accompanied by a enormous pillar of fire that could be seen from miles away. The sky shook, a thermal current tore through the area, scorching forests, animals, houses, and people. Then three more shockwaves came. The destruction radius was at least 375 miles. Black rain started to fall.


Researchers expected to find the remains of a meteorite as well as a large crater but found nothing to suggest such an impact. There was no crater and no rock fragments. They found that trees closest to the impact point were still standing yet they were stripped of bark and all branches and the farther away trees were flattened pointing away from the blast.


Some of the more popular theories behind this are as follows:


A. An experimental spaceship crashed.


B. A ship of unknown origin crashed. (UFO)


C. A freak and rare weather event.


D. A black hole collided with the earth. Don't scoff at this. It very well could be true.

E. It was a comet. Being made out of ice, There wouldn't have been any evidence left.






I heard that Nikola Tesla was involved. He was trying to gain attention by "shooting" electricity from his Tesla coil at the North Pole, but missed and hit Tunguska. The impact site location is perfecfly aligned with the location of his Tesla coil. After his death in 1943 the FBI confiscated his work.


What do you think?

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Here's what a tesla coil is, folks. It's what you see inside of a lightning ball. :)









Here's a good one, The Sirius Mystery.


The Sirius Mystery



The Dogon, a tribe in West Africa, are believed to be of Egyptian descent. After living in Libya for a time, they settled in Mali, West Africa, bringing with them astronomy legends dating from before 3200 BCE. In the late 1940s, four of their priests told two French anthropologists of a secret Dogon myths about the star Sirius (8.6 light years from the earth). The priests said that Sirius had a companion star that was invisible to the human eye. They also stated that the star moved in a 50-year elliptical orbit around Sirius, that it was small and incredibly heavy, and that it rotated on its axis.

All these things happen to be true. But what makes this so remarkable is that the companion star of Sirius, called Sirius B, was first photographed in 1970. While people began to suspect its existence around 1844, it was not seen through a telescope until 1862 -- and even then its great density was not known or understood until the early decades of the twentieth century. The Dogon beliefs, on the other hand, were supposedly thousands of years old.


The Dogon name for Sirius B (Po Tolo) consists of the word for star (tolo) and the name of the smallest seed known to them (po). By this name they describe the star's smallness -- it is, they say, "the smallest thing there is." They also claim that it is "the heaviest star" and white. The Dogon thus attribute to Sirius B its three principal properties as a white dwarf: small, heavy, white.


Even if these people had somehow seen Western astronomy textbooks, they could not have known about Sirius B. Also puzzling was their knowledge of the rotations and orbits of planets in our solar system and of the four major moons of Jupiter and the rings of Saturn. How did they learn all this? Dogon folklore says that this knowledge came from unearthly sources.


The Dogon tell the legend of the Nommos, awful-looking beings who arrived in a vessel along with fire and thunder. The Nommos, who could live on land but dwelled mostly in the sea, were part fish, like merfolk (mermaids and mermen). Similar creatures have been noted in other ancient civilizations -- Babylonia’s Oannes, Acadia’s Ea, Sumer’s Enki, and Egypt’s goddess Isis. It was from the Nommos that the Dogon claimed their knowledge of the heavens.


The Dogon also claimed that a third star (Emme Ya) existed in the Sirius system. Larger and lighter than Sirius B, this star revolved around Sirius as well. And around it orbited a planet from which the Nommos came.






Anyone have any requests?

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I found this:


The Gurdon light


Gurdon, Arkansas is located on south of Little Rock and is a small, sleepy little town of only about 2,000 people. It is said that many of the local people have Gurdon have seen the "light" more than one hundred times in their life and while it is an accepted fact of this place, those same people still have no idea just how to explain why the light exists. There is a legend, which will come as no surprise to "ghost light buffs", that tells of a railroad worker who was working along a stretch of tracks outside of town. He accidentally fell into the path of an oncoming train and his head was severed from his body. Of course, the ghost of this railroad worker is said to walk the tracks at night and the "ghost light" is the light from his lantern as he searches for his missing head. The only thing that makes this story a little different from other tales of the "phantom brakeman" is that a real-life murder did take place here and may explain why the light was seen a short time later.


This light cannot be seen from the highway, so if you have plans to visit the place, be prepared to do some hiking! You must leave your car at the road and walk approximately two-and-a-half miles to reach the place where the ghost light has been seen. You will pass by two trestles before it is seen and and the spot is marked by a slight incline in the tracks and then a long hill.


According to Mark Evans, who provided this information to GHOSTS OF THE PRAIRIE, he has seen the light on several occasions. It is white and blue and sometimes orange in color and it has a very distinct border, almost as if it is shining through a plastic lens. It always sways back and forth and stays in motion, probably explaining why the legend of the railroad lantern was started. The light is frequently seen on the darkest nights and best when it is cloudy and overcast. The light never reflects off the tracks and because of its remote location cannot be a reflection from passing headlights or anything else that is easily explainable.



Got anything on Nessy.

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I found this on one site:



Nikola Tesla


Tesla was brilliant as a child and adolescent, easily absorbing languages and science alike. He was mostly self-educated as an adult, coming from a humble background with little money for formal schooling. He was born in Austria-Hungary, near modern day Croatia, but immigrated to the United States in the mid 1880’s.


If Edison can be considered the father of electricity, Tesla can be considered the father of electricity distribution. Tesla, having earned a reputation as an outstanding mind and electrical wizard, was hired by Edison to help him develop his program for the electrification of the United States. Edison and Tesla came to ends over the matter of AC (alternating current) vs. DC (direct current) as the best way to distribute electricity to customers. In the end, Tesla left and Westinghouse bought his idea of AC distribution. The rest, as they say, is history; today, all power distribution is done with AC. In the U.S., house hold current is 110-120 volts at a frequency of 60 Hertz. These figures are double for Europe.


In his lifetime, Tesla acquired over a hundred patents, including a great number dealing with electromagnetic motors (AC or induction motors). Others included forerunners of the modern Radio, florescent lights, the Tesla coil transformer, remote control and wireless technology. At least one of his inventions he deemed too destructive to remain assembled; the "Death Ray" Machine. Scientists are still unsure exactly what the insides of the machine looked like, but most think it was probably some sort of particle accelerator. None the less, after Tesla’s first testing of it, he dismantled it immediately and never rebuilt it.


That first test of the death ray is an interesting story: During this time, Robert Perry was making his second attempt to reach the North Pole. Tesla had communicated with Perry, saying he would contact him by some "cryptic means" while Perry was on expedition. On the night of June 30th, Tesla pointed his ray towards the North Pole from Long Island and turned it on. At first, he was unsure that the beam was working, but then an owl was scared from the emitting tower, crossed the path of the ray and was disintegrated! The ray was immediately turned off.


Tesla contacted Perry, but no reports of unusual activity of any kind was reported. The death ray had failed; or so Tesla thought until he got reports of an event in Siberia. On the same night in question, a massive explosion devastated Tunguska, a remote area in the Siberian wilderness (Fox Molder visited it in the X-files). Five hundred thousand square acres of land had been instantly destroyed. Equivalent to ten to fifteen megatons of TNT, the Tunguska incident was (and is) the most powerful explosion to have occurred in human history, even including nuclear devices. The explosion was audible from 620 miles away. Modern scientists believe it was caused by either a meteorite or a fragment of a comet. Tesla, on the other hand, was convinced that it was caused by his death ray. He dismantled it and never reconstructed it.


In the end, Tesla died penniless as a recluse in New York. His work is felt by some to not have received the credit it deserves; most certainly, Tesla did not receive the money he deserved!. Most simply marvel as his genius and wonder, as I do, just what he could have done given the funding!

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