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seriously--where's the rabbit?

Guest rosencrantz

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Guest rosencrantz

ok we joke a lot about people coming and going, but seriously--anyone know where he is? i even have his phone number and tried to ring him but all i got was the recorded 'this number has been disconnected'...


i saw someone mention they'd sighted wally--anyone wanna link me there? i'd kinda like to see if the man behind the animals is ok. thanks


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Well, I believe the "Wally" sighting was just in reference to that icon showing back up on the lists. :assult: See? (I like the spelling on that one: Assult???:rolleyes: )

A while back, just before you returned, we went through a period of trying every known email address for him with no success. All came back undeliverable. (See the thread here: Zoom-Quest)

Something's up, but I hope it's in no way serious.

Perhaps he moved and hasn't gotten back on line yet. Perhaps he's in some kind of spiritual retreat away from all modern communication. Perhaps it's just money problems. Who knows?

If he is OK then I have to believe that he will eventually break down and establish contact again. If he's not OK (God forbid) then I can't think how we could ever find out for sure what happened to him.

I'm willing to offer any assistance if you have any suggestions.


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Guest rosencrantz

*lol* thanks, i needed that last comment ;)


i actually have all his info, just am not sure i wanna post it here. i have his full name and address and phone number, but like i said before, the telly # aint connected, so most likely he isnt living there anymore either. but we still have the name! i wonder if he still works at Appleby's...



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incorrect, his last post was 10-16, which is almsot a month before Sept. 11th... unless he was a member of Al-quida and was part of the terroist plot, then he is probly in a high secruity prision telling the FBI everything he knows, inluding how many sheets of toleit paper he uses when he wipes

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