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I'm leaving.


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I've outgrown all you lesser posters who flood the forums with your pathetic spam threads and pointless topics and useless bickering and flaming.


I'll not be posting here anymore. I'll be hanging out at roguesquadron.net and jediknight.net, at least the old posters outnumber the flamers/spamers/taddlers/newbies/...


See ya.

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a few months ago, this was said about rs.net:


Tie Guy:

I still go over there, but i hate to sort through all that crap to get to the good topics. (no offense btw )



Yeah, it's like wading through a sewer


that is EXACTLY how I feel about this place.



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Fine, leave. Gah, how many of these are you planning on making, Rogue? What's this now, the fourth? Fifth? Go already. What are you talking about when you refer to the spam, flaming, and bickering here? You mean all the intelligent conversations we have going all the time? Is that it? This is the best community on the boards. Everyone should go check out what the average conversation looks like at rs.net or jk.net, then come running back, thanking God that it doesn't go on here. I don't understand how you could possibly feel that way about this place. Those "annoying newbies" your referring to are the new members that are learning the ropes. Ya see, we actually give new guys a warm welcome here and invite them to join in on the conversations. Every last one of them is a diamond in the rough.


I bet everyone here a million dollars that he's not leaving. He just wanted attention.




*edit* See? I was right. Frankly, it's pathetic.

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it's not pathetic, i was thinking of leaving, and also was also in a strange mood...heh, but everything's all right now. I'm just...well.....bored???


btw i neveeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr mmmind i said i was leaving like maybe what, 2 other times, this is only the 3rd. There will be a 4th next year probably. :D


and cmon, give me some slack, you all KNOW my birthday is this coming monday and i'll be turning 18. *upon hearing this, everybody dies* hehehe


now excuse me, I need to go rake some dog poop, clean out a microwave, take a shower, and brush my teeth.

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Ya see, we actually give new guys a warm welcome here and invite them to join in on the conversations. Every last one of them is a diamond in the rough.



o. so you're saying we don't do that?!!!!! We greet all our members too...we're just used to them DROPPING OUT ON US!!!! THE STUPID NOOBIES!!!! AAAAHH!!!!!!!!! OH NO IT'S COMING!@!!!! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES THE NEWBIES ARE HERE!!!!!! SKYWALKER WHERE THE **** ARE YOU!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


that felt good.



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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

Everyone else may forget about this but I won't. I'm tired of this crap; and saying your bored doesn't magically make it ok. You come here, insult the forums in every way you can, then decide to stay. :rolleyes:


with each passing moment, you make yourself more my servant.






You do know that moderators don't live above the rules, right? They can be banned just like anyone else. Consider this your final warning.

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