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Dont worry, it hasnt been discussed in ages. I think they were suppose to be useful in some way e.g. you could team up with them to help you......and if you dont go round killing innocent people they'll tell you where things are like keys etc.......making it much more difficult if you havent been helping people.


We havent had much information on this lately though.

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Originally posted by Fruitloop

I just hope the NPC's behave realistically in that they do what you'd expect the average citizen in the Star Wars universe to do in everyday life. I also hope to see some more variety. Depth and atmopshere are what I'm hoping to see most in JKII after all. :)


Yes, I agree with that. I remember in Half-Life when you walked up to some of the NPC's they were actually doing something - like punching away at a keypad, watching a console, or simply talking to each other. The scientists doing CPR on some of the NPCs was also a nice touch. That added a lot to the atmosphere, and helped to make the situation more believable. :)


[/i]Originally posted by BoMbeR[/i]

I hope the NPCs in this game will be able to atleast follow you up stairs and through tight areas that you have to crouch to get thu. that bugged the heck out of me when they couldnt do that in half life.


I have to agree with that point too. I found it really annoying when the scientists wouldn't follow me in HL, because they couldn't navigate ladders - or the Barneys simply got stuck and lost their way. The AI in JKII is supposed to be good...so I hope path-finding and navigation of obstacles has been included and thoroughly tested, so all of these little glitches of past games are finally put to rest. :)

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I hope they don't get in the way at critical moments, you're taking on this other jedi a R2 droid 'beep, beep' in your path, what you do, what you do.......


Then I soppose luke's gonna to be another NPC, he's gonna be a very helpful person in the game.

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I remember reading about Elite Force NPC's ... how your 'ship-mates' couldn't kill a single thing without your help (maybe one or two) ... that was really annoying - you had to find just about everything, kill just about everything.


At first it was nice as Chell would say (over here) and actually lead the way.


I also had the problem where they would start shooting at me for no apparent reason during a battle ... well, at least THEY didn't kill ME. I just had to load it up again ...


In whatever I read, someone from Raven had said that the NPC's would kill everything, so they tried to balance between being useful and too useful.


I think JK is different in that you are a 'loner', so they can help plenty without detracting from your mission.



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ya, i've never tried to see if i could kill them all, wait i did, once ,but i ran out of ammo to the gun (forgot its name) o wait, compression rifle. i was firing secondary fire at everyone cause they kept ticking me off! lol then i get 'killed' and find myself in the brig! hehehe

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I hated in Jedi Knight civilians would walk right into the path of fire and the only thing they did was when you walked up to them thety'd say "Stop it!" and run off. I liked the odd moment in JK that an NPC that was non-helpful would say something different such as "Get out of my bar, you always cause trouble" or " Do you have to shoot paying customers?" It would nice if even non-helpful NPCs say add more variety to their speech to make it more atmospheric.


BTW, on Elite Force I would kill a guy like Oviedo and wait at the door and kill everyone with the Grenade Launcher:D but then again they always overwhelmed me or my killing spree 'timed out' and I found myself in the Brig.

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