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Are you a star wars junkie???


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When you're looking through your drawer for that other black sock, you aid your search by telling yourself, "Lock on to the strongest power source, it SHOULD be the power generator."


When riding your bike, you look behind you and accelerate wildly by pressing down on the petal with your right toe.


You've ever pretended the orange in your lunchbox was a thermal detonator, and thought about using it to get a better price at the milk counter.


You've made your Kenner Darth Vader figure a "proper" cloak out of cloth, to replace the cheap vinyl one he came with.


You've kept the "good" action figures stored separately from the "bad" ones.


Whenever you went anywhere outside with your friends, you always walked single file, to hide your numbers.


You've written several letters to the President recommending that he dissolve the council, put power in the hands of the regional governors, and let fear keep the local systems in line.


You've ever called somebody "laserbrain' - and meant it.


You've ever used fishing line to try the snow speeder - tow cables maneuver on your cat.


When you and a friend have been on one of those amusement park rides where you had to sit back to back, and you started calling him Dack and told him to stop whining about his approach vector.


Whenever your mother asked you to babysit your little brother, you always instilled confidence by replying, "leave him to me. I will deal with him myself."


When trying unsuccessfully to snare that last Cheerio floating in your cereal bowl, you remarked, "the Force is strong with this one."


As a child, whenever you had broken something, your response was always, "It must've had a self-destruct mechanism. I didn't hit it that hard."


You actually CAN move things with the Force.


You've refused to enter a cave/cavern/tunnel without a handgun and a large stick.


You've told the mall Christmas elf, "You will take me to Santa now."


When someone had apoligized to you, you choked him and told him that you accepted his apology.


You've told people that you're fluent in over 6 million forms of communication.


The girl you've been going out with suddently tells you she loves you and you said, "I know."


You've tried to create your own Yoda puppet out of a green sock and some buttons.


You have lightsaber duelled with cardboard tubes, rolled up periodicals, or common garden vegetables.


When nobody else is around, you've seriously tried to draw something into your hand with the Force.


You've been pulled over by a policeman and when asked to see your drivers' liscence you replied, "You don't need to see my identification."


You have physically threatened anyone who referred to "Hans Solo" or "Dark Vader", confused Star Wars with Star Trek, or spellied Wookiee with only one "e."


You've referred to Wedge Antilles or Boba Fett as "The Man."


Everytime you put a glove on your right hand you say... "that's right, Artoo. We're going to the Dagobah System. I have a promise to keep to an old friend."


You've ever found yourself in a chat room, training Jedi.


You've tried to make your own lightsaber.


You've gotten into a fist fight with a Trekkie.


You've told family and friends that your children LOVE Star Wars, even though they really don't, just so you can play with the toys!


You've bought a white Isuzu Trooper, strictly because of the name!

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I personally don't really fit into any of those categories. (I don't think)


But I do get on people's cases when they say "Dark Vader" or "Lifesabers" or "Lifesavers". ;)

And I often find myself saying "Use the force____"

My whole comp is SW themed.

I have collected at least some of every SW CCG.

I often would pretend that we were on speederbikes when I would ride bikes with my friends. Or we would be in spaceships, or podracers, you get the point...

I have made my own lightsabers out of broomsticks, taken apprentices, and trained several people up to 'Jedi knight', who would then take on apprentices of their own.

I know more about SW than anyone I know. :p

There's probably more that I haven't thought of.

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Heehee, trekkies can't hold there own in a fistfight.:D


Star Wars CCG was fun! If only there were better battling decks.:( All the fighting decks never really worked.


Never enter a place you've never been w/o a freaking big stick. I've learned this camping. Smoldering sticks usually work better too. I once treed a coon with a smoldering stick.


I use quotes all the time. Depends on when they are needed though. There is no hope.

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Guest SlashAndBurn

HAH! I actualy pulled that "I love you" "I know" routine on girls...and usualy got a realy nasty look and punched in the shoulder:D

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Originally posted by silenthunter

But I do get on people's cases when they say "Dark Vader" or "Lifesabers" or "Lifesavers". ;)


What really gets my sock is when they call it a "Laser Sword"... grrr, it's so annoying. Even the flanneled one has called it a laser sword!!!

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Originally posted by Eets'chula


What really gets my sock is when they call it a "Laser Sword"... grrr, it's so annoying. Even the flanneled one has called it a laser sword!!!


Yeah, ole' George clls it a "Laser Sword" several times in the commentary, as did others, that really annoyed me.


Anyways, i am definately a SW Junkie.


I tried (tried) to make my own saber out of household materials and a PVC pipe buy it didn't turn out as i expected.


I actually DO carry a large paint-roller extension stick around my house and practice my saber skills.


I own just about every SW game ever made for PC or plastation or Gameboy.


I sometimes try to pull things towards me with the force.


I've read about 50+ SW novels and several of the Essential Guides.


I spend alot of my free time going to a SW discussion board. (here)


During class i design lightsabers and Snubfighters.


and other small things. I've never been big into posters or action figures, so i don't have many of those....

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wel :D ... i sometimes quote some sentences :D ... like:

I am your father. or NOOOOOOO!!.

and a freind of mine does that to... even if he isnt a Star wars fan... we do ot a lot :D .


like i say something like: i have somthing to tell you.. and he sais: I am your father.... :D and he makes the breath sound too :D me too BTW :D


[Vader voice]

Oh big one never told you what happens to junkies or freaks :D

[/vader voice] :D

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Originally posted by Boba Rhett

*stands up*


My name is Rhett, and I'm a Star-Wars-aholic. Seriously, you guys should see my room. It's...pretty sad... :D


*Joins Rhett*


My name is Fergie and I TOO am a Star Wars Addict.



1. I started reading SW at the age of 8...ever since then I've been addicted to SW books. (I've read 150+ amazingly enough)


2. I carry around plastic swords, bats, plastic lightsabers...all day. I am Jedi


3. I'm a mod on a Star Wars site


4. I have my own Star Wars Oreinted Site (see sig)


5. I own a LARGE amount of SW games


6. SW CCG...I have Emperor Palpatine...(need I say more)


7. My alternate personality is a JAWA!!!


8. all of the above and more...

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May 28 (I think???)


As for costume...no. I'm not going to a premier this time and I probably want to keep a low profile...


I wish I could go to the Eps. II Celebration...but I can't:(

Too far away...I did go to Eps I Celebration though:)


(I wish I could go to Indianapolis...I'd love to see the 501st in action)


BTW, The latest SW Insider hinted at SW Professional Costumes available sometime in the future (rather than getting $400-$1000 custom made costumes you can get it Officially for much less)

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Guest Lord Maul

I, too, am a Star Wars-aholic.


1. I own or have owned every book, comic book or graphic novel every printed.

2. I own or have owned every SW figure ever made. I miss those little guys.

3. I have three Riddell SW Helmets staring at me as I type this.

4. Next to those are SW Deformed figures (aren't they just sooo cute) and SW Pez dispensers.

5. I say I'm collecting the figures for my daughter so I can play with them.

6. I have tried to use the Force (wave your hand and command) to no avail...yet.

7. I own SW Monopoly (original trilogy & episode 1). As well as SW Electronic Galactic Battle (battleship, anyone).

8. I own SW Trivial Pursuit and *hides head is shame* have not missed a single question.

There are soooo many more things I could list but *sobs uncontrollably*...

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I love SW MichroMachines...I want MORE!!!!


I must have over 200 ships...I posted a list a while back...I didn't get many Eps I versions...they just didn't have good fighters and capitol ships...


I prefer the Star Destroyers, TIE Advanced, X-Wings, TIE Ints., Z-95 HeadHunters and, Mon Cal Cruisers.


I really wish they had made TIE Defenders, E-Wings, Dreadnaughts, Dark Troopers too...

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