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Swimming in JO?


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I posted on this topic a loooong time ago, I believe. :)


The best swimming I've seen in a game was in Rune. But then, they are also the best underwater levels I've seen in any game...complete with stinging jellfish, and a nice, fast, big fish that will bite you in half.


They got the animation just right. Strangely, you had to use the crouch key a lot of the time to submerge again...


If they have put the amount of detail (including flora and fauna) into the underwater parts of levels, with great swimming animation to match, then it will be great. :cool:


As for going Off-Topic...just a few posts that stray from the subject are no problem. :) When it becomes half the thread (or maybe more than 10 posts or something)...well, it gets confusing for some people, because they can't remember which thread (or topic) they were posting in. It's sometimes easier to split the thread to make it more readily identifiable. So it's not that we don't like OT stuff...we're just trying to make member's time here a little easier. We just ask that if you start an OT discussion, try and do it in the Swamp. :cool:

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Originally posted by StormHammer

As for going Off-Topic...just a few posts that stray from the subject are no problem. :) When it becomes half the thread (or maybe more than 10 posts or something)...well, it gets confusing for some people, because they can't remember which thread (or topic) they were posting in. It's sometimes easier to split the thread to make it more readily identifiable. So it's not that we don't like OT stuff...we're just trying to make member's time here a little easier. We just ask that if you start an OT discussion, try and do it in the Swamp. :cool:


Well you moderators should sort it out BEFORE it gets to 10 posts :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by CaptainRAVE

Well you moderators should sort it out BEFORE it gets to 10 posts :rolleyes:


We do our best to steer threads back on-topic...but we can't be here 24/7, and the threads are growing a lot more quickly these days with the influx of new members. On the flip side of the coin, posters should try to ensure they don't stray too far from the topic at hand. :) Members can also assist by PMing us to draw our attention to threads that are going astray.


If anyone would like to discuss these issues further...why not make a new topic in the Swamp? :) (...wouldn't want this thread to go off-topic too much :D )

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I agree, I thought swimming was very easy in JK. Hold crouch to go down, hold jump to go up, plus the arrow keys and looking in that direction, for added speed. Throw in force jump and speed, and it was a very simple task indeed. ; )


The traps were scary at first, but once you figured out where you had to go, it wasn't that tough.


The last thing I'd want to see in JK2 is no water, or water that simply kills you instantly. Exploring stuff underwater and rooms that flood were cool. Mind you, those can be overdone as well, but at least they aren't jump puzzles. ; p


The swimming in MotS was slightly harder, as you had to come out of the water slowly. If you tried to come out fast (barring use of force jump) you'd be sucked back in from the surface (causing you to bob).


Interesting was the fact that all the swimmable water was "soapy" (ie: players above you in MP could see the bubbles you made from swimming rising up into the air, far above the water, giving away your position).


As to the swimming bug in JK, I'll have to test that one out.


Here's another one for ya... get the IR goggles (in multiplayer), turn them on, then jump off a cliff (one that kills you, like in Nar Shadda Loading Terminal). When you respawn, you'll be stuck in IR (green nightvision) mode until your batteries run out!


I think the only way other way to turn them off would be to grab the IR goggle pickup, then toggle off (but I'm not positive).

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Well as to the "lightsaber discharged by water" thingy, it's NOT in the film, so it's not a 'canon' event.


But that hardly matters.. if it's in an early script or screenplay, that's fine. Maybe you could "infer" that it happened in the film, we just didn't see it happen. In 'Splinter of the Mind's Eye' (officially liscensed SW EU novel written long before TPM) Luke's saber (the one Obi-Wan gave him in ANH) was used in water fine.


So all you need to say to explain it all is to say that waterproof lightsabers were invented sometime between TPM and ANH (unless Obi was just cheap and didn't have a good quality saber).


So by this time, I'm sure Kyle would have a waterproof saber. Besides, it was fun swimming through dark tunnels with your saber as a kind of underwater torch to light you way. ; )


Though I would like more than one swing under water...


Besides, let's say you couldn't use the saber underwater. How about blasters? If they don't work either, I'm guessing the stun baton won't.... so what does that leave for fighting under water?


I also hope they retain the "water bends shots" thing, that was pretty cool.

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I never had too much trouble swimming, I thought it was pretty easy actually. However in multiplayer I tried to stay away from water as much as possible, once you are in water you are practically an easy target, although it added alot of excitment at the same time.


I remember one time when I had a 56k modem, way back before I had my cable connection, and I was experiencing some horrific lag and I actually drowned because of it... not too fond memories!

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Originally posted by Justus

I never had too much trouble swimming, I thought it was pretty easy actually.


Well your probably one of the few who didnt have any problems ;).


Im curious though if the lightsaber will work under water.....it shouldnt really as it didnt in the films, but maybe it will.....either way I dont mind.

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the source of saber-no-workies-underwater is from the TPM novel; it wasnt included in the actual movie(except possibly the DVD; dont own that). i believe the saber works underwater in the EU books, it just makes a hissing sound from evaporating water.


dont think it wd be hard to reflect/deflect laser going from out-of-water to underwater; did it in Wolf SP(zombie knights deflect bullets).


saber fight underwater would be nice; 'specially with 7-8 different moves in it. throwable saber shd be retained underwater(not retained as in keep the saber, retained as in the ability).


will f_lightning electrocute those in the water, including the user? if shot from outside the water, will it electrocute those nearby, if they aren't hit directly?



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