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I think the forums have lost their touch...


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Yea, for weeks before I joined I watched thease forums and saw all this activity and wanted to join so badly! (my dad didn't want me joining untill I turned 13.) But now with my B-Day about 1 or 2 weeks behind me all of a sudden every thing slows down!:mad:

What did I do! Did I do somthing!


Its ok, these forums are still great, but no one ever is there to answer as much.


Oh well.





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Although there were already a zillion threads about this, I haven't replied to one yet. Let me just say that since GB is already released, people lost interest over the game, and we lost members. Add to that the merging, which somewhat discouraged some people, and the recent increase in spam (like this thread) and flames, and you get the point.

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Yep, what sherack said.


GB has been out for a while, and frankly, theres nothing to talk about anymore dealing with it. Thus, the GB fourm kinda died, and the off-topic forum slowed down due to lack of people coming in to hear and learn about the game.


Don't worry, this happens to every board after the game is out. But when it all comes down, you are left with only good forummers who know each other and have a great time, even when there is no game-related material to talk about.

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Guest Lord Tirion

Now the voice of reality will tell it like it is..me.


"Add to that the merging, which somewhat discouraged some people, and the recent increase in spam (like this thread) and flames"


Not to mention moderators deeming everything spam, thus, making forummers leave.


Everytime somebody posted what was on their mind EVEN in the off topic forum, somebody or a moderator, would come in yelling spam spam spam! It got old and people left.


SWGB: It is a good game, but monotonous. Dont get me wrong, I really enjoy the game, but its just a horse of a different color when you have already played games like star craft and age of empires. Soon as all the guess work, speculations, and excitement on what to expect was satisfied when the game was installed on our computers, people stopped talking about it because you can only go so far with a RTS game such as this. This is not like a MMORPG where you are over whelmed with information and new patches with new weapons and quests being installed that forums never seem to die on that subject.


Perfect example of this was the Senate. Its not that the Senators were lazy in not creating the tournies, it was the fact that people lost interest so fast and the forum was dying really fast as well. I gave up my spot because in all actuality, it was going nowhere fast. So now my friends, guild, and myself are looking forward to Dungeon Siege.


Only reason I stayed this long on this forum is because I was a Senator and owed it to you, the forummers. But like I said, after all this time we spent as a Senate, we had nothing to show you folks and that cost us dearly. I tried to liven up the forum with some fun polls but that too loses it taste.


So this is my last week posting here as well. So I wish all of you the best of luck in life and in your onling gaming adventures. I had some great times here along with some frustrating ones, but overall, I enjoyed what I made of it and really enjoyed some of the first topics that were posted here during my first few months.



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...then i'll take this opportunity to challenge you to a farewell-match, Tirion. :D


As far as the Senate goes; the basic set-up is there, but getting servers, software and other stuff going your way is taking time for sure. I'm working on a ladder system right now that will either be automated or moderated.


These forums are not dead by a long shot, but i must say that i miss strategies being posted.


What is your favourite attack ? What makes it work ?


Post recorded games for Galacticbattles.com !!


These things will regain interest in the game, as it has kept Age Of Empires going for...right... ages.

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Originally posted by AU_heavyarms

This place used to be bustling with talk, always someone talking about the game. There is now practically no talk here. What happened? Where did everyone go? There's a murder afoot!


Maybe people realised there are other things, apart from these forums.

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These waves come and go guys.


It seems to me that some people around here view the forums only as something ment to entertain them, and when it doesn't, they get upset. The people complaining about the posting slump could always start a thought provoking thread or two to get things going, but instead, they usually choose to just complain about other people not posting good threads. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Rogue15


I tried to post some stuff, but it got sent back. staff@galacticbattles.com and all lucasforum type emails get sent back saying 'username unknown' or something like that, the regular stuff, like trying to send a reply to junkmail....

We did have problems with the server's email accounts. It has now been corrected (in theory... ;) ), you should try once again.
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Originally posted by Lord Tirion

Now the voice of reality will tell it like it is..me.


"Add to that the merging, which somewhat discouraged some people, and the recent increase in spam (like this thread) and flames"


Not to mention moderators deeming everything spam, thus, making forummers leave.


Everytime somebody posted what was on their mind EVEN in the off topic forum, somebody or a moderator, would come in yelling spam spam spam! It got old and people left.


I'm afraid I have to agree. The rules here are more restricting than any of the other forums on this site, so people who don't want to follow them / don't want to risk being banned (because if you're banned here, you're banned from all the other sites as well) simply don't post here.

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Originally posted by Redwing

[bThe rules here are more restricting than any of the other forums on this site, so people who don't want to follow them / don't want to risk being banned (because if you're banned here, you're banned from all the other sites as well) simply don't post here. [/b]


It seems to me that the only people bothered by the rules re those that break them...

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Originally posted by Redwing

I'm afraid I have to agree. The rules here are more restricting than any of the other forums on this site, so people who don't want to follow them / don't want to risk being banned (because if you're banned here, you're banned from all the other sites as well) simply don't post here.


Allways blame the moderators and the Forum rules...


First you want SPAM (i.e.-Tell You I Will, and Friends)...

Then you don't want SPAM(i.e.-500 people leaving or yelling because there was too much SPAM)

And now you want SPAM (i.e.-This topic and about 50 others)


We adjusted to all these complaints. We'll adjust again if need be.

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