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New info. on JK2: JO!


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Well...I sent a private message to Chang Khan of Raven Software and I got this as a response.....Enjoy!



I originally asked in January:

1) Will fists be an option for a weapon? For example, if you are stripped of all weapons will you be able to fight without the force?

2) Will the concussion rifle or rail detonator be returning?

3) How will Force Speed be approached? Will it be like Jedi Knight 1 or be when you are moving normally but everything around is moving slower. That would be coolest in my opinion.

4) THE MOST WANTED ANSWER: Will there be a demo, man? Everyone's hyped about the game and just the smallest of demos would be of much appreciation. If so, do you have a date set, soon?



Chang replied:

1) Nope, they decided to go with the stun baton.

2) Not exactly, though there are a couple weapons that are *somewhat* similar.

3) The latter in SP, the former in MP.

4) Totally up to LucasArts. Personally, I hope not because it takes a lot of work to get a demo together when, at this point, it would be a lot easier to just finish the game and get it out the door...





Well...the only "real" new information is about force speed, since the fists and weapons questions were handled in the FAQ. Doesn't sound good about the demo :( but I'd rather have a bug-free full game come March.



Interesting about force speed. I think that's awesome! In SP, everyone around you slows down, though you walk the same. That will be so cool!


BTW - Thanks a lot Chang!!

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If I'd have known he was that willing to answer questions, I'd have asked some more popular ones (and not just ones that I was bothered about) when I PMed him a couple of days ago...




"4) Totally up to LucasArts. Personally, I hope not because it takes a lot of work to get a demo together when, at this point, it would be a lot easier to just finish the game and get it out the door..."


So it isn't finished yet... okay then, I'll happily forfeit a demo for solid and practically bug-free full version :D


Thanks for the info, mariners + Chang :)

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Wow! That bullet time thing for SP is exactly what I wanted!!!

Btw, as for the concussion rifle/rail detonator, I really liked those weapons because that was pretty much the only way to defeat an AT-ST...let's hope they make sure to give us another weapon to defeat the AT-ST. Of course, it would be nice if the GHOUL2 system worked with AT-ST's as well and we could chop off their legs! :D

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Originally posted by mariners2001

Totally up to LucasArts. Personally, I hope not because it takes a lot of work to get a demo together when, at this point, it would be a lot easier to just finish the game and get it out the door...


I like this answer, I'd rather have the game than a demo. :)

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Of course, it would be nice if the GHOUL2 system worked with AT-ST's as well and we could chop off their legs!


Dazilla, that is the coolest thing you've ever said! Now it probably won't happen and you would die trying even if it was possible...but it is a nice idea. I particularly like the force speed this way.


let's hope they make sure to give us another weapon to defeat the AT-ST


Rocket Launcher...:rolleyes:

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I think the missile launcher will probably take over that function...but using inventive tricks would be very nice...you know, if LEC programmed some secret mini-games into it that would enable you to force jump on the AT-ST, open the hatch, kill the guy inside, and then take over the AT-ST...wow...YOU WOULD BE INVINCIBLE!!!


Now just to crouch and get into that grate.

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Will the concussion rifle or rail detonator be returning?

Not exactly, though there are a couple weapons that are *somewhat* similar.


im sure the replacements will work fine.. i just hope raven keeps in mind the neccessity of a weapon that fires a projectile at speeds simliar to that of a conc, due to force speed(assuming force speed speed is the same as jk).


rocket launcher projectile speeds are too slow for jk speed force speed.

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I hated JK's Force Speed. Saber Matches turned into Marathons. After you hit someone once, they'd force speed away to find health. So you'd have to Force Speed around chasing them, getting one chance to kill them when their Force Speed ran out and you caught up to them just before they hit Force Speed again. It was annoying (especially with 4 stars), in my experience anyways.


I was hoping for just a quick burst of Speed, perhaps a seconds worth of increased speed instead of sustained transonic running.

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Actually (and I know this is not what you are getting at Deathbolt, but I thought I would branch off) if Force Speed is going to slow everything else down in SP, I bet it will last for a shorter period of time. Oh! And do you think that level 1,2,3 of Force Speed are going to vary in the fact that it slows down the enemies more or the effect lasts longer?

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Bullet time Gonk-slaying fest......... mmmMMMMmmmMMMM!


No, I don't think it'll be like "bullet time." In my question I asked if it would make others around you slow down and you move at normal speed, so you actually would be moving faster than the opponent. "Bullet Time" made everything slow down including you, didn't it? Tell me if I'm wrong, but that's how I took the info.

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I'll happily forfeit a demo for solid and practically bug-free full version in less time. The demo would delay the release of the full game which is what I want the most.


What I'm wondering is why they don't just release the E3 demo but with the new features. It's been said it won't be included in the game and I'd think that'd be easiest on them. What do you guys think?

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