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Force Commander


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Now works on my computer, thanks to Krkode for telling me to upgrade my drivers for starfighter. Starfighter still doesn't work, but Force Commander does! :D


I know not many people like Force Commander and the camera isn't for them, etc. It fits my play style near-perfect, and i love the maps and skirmishes and story and everything else about it. Mostly the being able to zoom in on your units, give them names, keep them throughout the game...and I love the music. To me, when i first played this game, it felt like playing a strategy game with Rogue Squadron-like graphics. VERY FUN. (for me anyways)


It may not be 'the best' to the average person, but to me, force commander is my favorite strategy game. :)


*goes back to start the first level*

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I personally did not like it, not because of the camera, but because of all the micromanagement, etc.


Also, although the story was good in a way, the missions were pretty little varied. It's basically build some imperial bases, defect, destroy them, and destroy DS ii and capture Coruscant.


The infiltrators were kind off cool, though.

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My favorite part of it is the Multiplayer. That's where it's at. I like gb just as much as this game, I prefer force commander's graphics and camera more tho...


rhett, r u sure that's the mots engine???! I remember a while back Pedro said something about it...hmmm


I must get the Geforce 2 graphics card. Must spend $70 for it since I don't have a credit card, and my parents don't like using credit cards... o well, at least I'll have $100+ left over in my savings. :)


And I'll be able to run jedi knight II with no troubles, force commander at probably maximum (i can already run it in the highest setting, i just take the weather effects off...) I hope it's easy to install...it's just a pci card. :p

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I have quite few 3d games and comapred to them Force Commanders graphics are total crap and it's camreas alot harder to use. Force Commander SHOULD'NT be used as a piont of Refrrance for 3D RTS games. You should try another before saying your barin dosen't work like that or 3D sucks.


It really dosen't look that good and got slamed by every reweing site I looked at they've never been wrong before and I won't risk it now. It even won awards as most disspionting game of the year.

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like i said, only certain people will love force commander. Nobody really gave Force Commander a chance, imo. I doubt any of the reviewers actually beat the game, or mastered the camera, or even used the multiplayer. I probably wouldn't be playing force commander if it wasn't star wars tho...

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woohoo!!!! this is so cool!!! all your lives are in my hands now! mwahahhahahaa I have all the mods names on AT-PTs, and the members as stormtroopers!!! hehehehe Rogue Nine is in an AT-ST tho. Gunner has the highest rank, and is in an AT-PT, i had to take him out of battle, cause he had like 20 hit points left b4 he blew. Ike's in an at-pt, had to take him out of battle, and darth fergie same as ike. Sorry, Rhett, you, darth fergie, and ike were caught in an ambush of grenade troops, and well...you didn't make it. :ball:


Well, I'll have to restart that scenario cause i was taskswitched, and i went back in, saw a black screen, freaked, pressed alt control delete, and well...right b4 it restarted it came up...


oh i also found out i don't need to repurchase force commander to do a lan game. :D Just gotta use disk 1. :)

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Wow, the MOTS engine? No wonder its so darn slow...

If it only loaded faster, I would play it more.


Honestly, the reviews hurt it bad. Many just trash it, call it junk without ever playing it. But honestly it is a good RTS game, Star Wars much more.


It hurt because it required a good system and graphics card (well, at the time) and the 3D controls weren't too good. Made it more like a sim. But, I play it like a 2D from the top most every level. The screenshots you can get from it are amazing.


Plus, it isn't AOE. The Empire and the Rebels are distinctly different in playing style and units.

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Whoa. So many things to say in that thread. :sweat:


1st: Rogue15...You can't say that Force Commander is good because it fits your play style. You can't... There are some unacceptable faults with the game. The fact that it uses a modified JK engine, the countless bugs (of which you described one above), the laggyness of the camera, and the BAD pathfinding! These faults will always remain so, whatever your play style is...


2nd: Yes, FoCom does use a heavily modified JK engine, just like Indiana Jones and the Infernal Machine. Hence the sluggish camera and the very bad graphics. Hell, I found Rogue Squadron to be better than that!


3rd: Not really about FoCom, but it was a topic in the thread: About the Geforce 2. First, it's AGPm not PCI. If you find a gf2 PCI, do not buy it, as it's more likely to decrease your system stability and some games (like Half Life) will only use your AGP card. Believe me, as someone who come from the Voodoo2 era, I say PCI is EVIL!


4th: Yeah, AGP cards are easy to install. Just replace your current one, and if your version of Windows is recent enough, it'll install the drivers for you. If not, just go to http://www.nvidia.com (in the case of a geforce card) and get the latest Detonator drivers for your OS.


That's all for now... I'll check back to see if I have something more to add later!


Oh, and MotS R0X00RZ!!!!!111 :lol:

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you're right about the good screenshots:




as for agp card. I WISH. I don't have an AGP slot....don't wanna bug my parents to death about getting a new motherboard, cause well...that's none of your biz. and on top of THAT, they're trying to get their credit card payed off, so I can't buy online....


I'm not going to stick with this intel 810e ****set for the rest of my youth.


Any other suggestions for pci graphics card, or is there a way to install an agp slot on the existing motherboard?

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Originally posted by Sherack Nhar

Whoa. So many things to say in that thread. :sweat:


1st: Rogue15...You can't say that Force Commander is good because it fits your play style. You can't... There are some unacceptable faults with the game. The fact that it uses a modified JK engine, the countless bugs (of which you described one above), the laggyness of the camera, and the BAD pathfinding! These faults will always remain so, whatever your play style is...


To me, the good outweighed the bad in force commander. I'll name everything I like about it:


Camera (it doesn't lag for me, and I really enjoy using it)


Command Point System, i like it alot, it makes u want to keep your units alive, especially in mp, cause if the units get destroyed, the enemy gets some cps!


Hangar Bay-I love being able to take my units with me from mission to mission.


Naming units: i get the most fun out of this in the campaigns. and it's cool how they can be taken to the next level


Landing Crafts, now this is one of my favorite things about the game. You get landing crafts to land troops, walkers, and buildings down. It's SO much more realistic than in gb where they just come out of a building like they lived their whole darn lives there.


Taking over enemy buildings by throwing stormtroopers in them.


The list goes on and on.


ya there are so bad things too, but not so much that i want to scream something bad....here's a list of some things i found bad:


pathfinding system, sometimes the enemy just goes in circles like a complete idiot. i remember once it made me kinda ticked and i said 'hmmm must've been dui' and i clicked on it and pressed 'Delete'. 'we're bantha fodder sir!' darn right!


Command point draining when u have so many units.


Not enough skirmish maps...


That's all i can think of. The ai seems so much better when u play against 3 other computer players, in an ffa.


edit: ya, and i liked the fact that both sides were unique. Like the rebels could only get shields. :) unless the empire took the shield generator over.

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Erm...as far as I know, the i810 chipset does include AGP... are 100% sure of what you are saying?


And yes, all the points you mentionned are indeed great. Naming units, and the command point system, it's innovative. But the command point system is very unbalanced, as it is very difficult to recover from a failed assault you commanded in multiplayer, since the enemy gained command points and you lost many.


Basically, as soon as someone is losing, he'll be losing even more badly as time goes on, until he reaches a certain point of no return, where the other player can finish him off.

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btw, my computer is a Compaq Presario. I asked the guy that put in the ethernet card or whatever so i can have cable if my computer had an agp and he said it didn't. s'why i gotta have a pci card....kinda sucks....but o well...


I've been thinking about a future career, and I think building computers specifically for gaming would be fun...my first customer would be myself! lol


a few more bad points in force commander:


there's not many strategies to use...and you can't land buildings and units away from your command center....

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Originally posted by Rogue15

Sorry, Rhett, you, darth fergie, and ike were caught in an ambush of grenade troops, and well...you didn't make it. :ball:


:eek: I died!?!?!?!?:eek:



The great Fergie never dies!!!!!


I know...I ejected from the AT-PT and took out my lightsaber and killed off the foolish troopers right??? PLEASE TELL ME I'M RIGHT!!!


(they need to remake FOCOM on a solid engine...RPG elements are too cool)


Next time make sure you don't slaughter mods like that...OR WE'LL BAN YOU!!!;)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I also reinstalled Focom recently. I really enjoy it. I think having faster hardware makes it play a lot better than it did back a few years ago.


I think a lot of the negative reviews really missed the point of this game, unfortunately. I don't think most of the reviewers gained any expertise needed to really enjoy the game. FoCom can be fast-paced, has has a lot of tactical play. A lot of fun. The game isn't won by sheer swarming (although concentration of fire helps). But it is won especially by territorial control and by how well you use infantry and mixed unit force structures. Gotta love it.


Seriously, if anyone is interested in multiplayer focom (I can't find anyone who actually plays it on zone), please drop me an e-mail .


Also, if anyone knows of an active FoCom Forum online, please let me know the URL, since I'd like to find FoCom multiplayer fans.

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