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If this becomes manditory I'm moving to Canada....


For one thing: It defys our right to privacy, and its part of the post 9/11 paranioa that hardly exsists anymore..


Another thing: Its not new technology, the same tech has been used to ID lost pets since 1995!

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Guest DarthMaulUK

I just thought it was England who had a 'Nannie State' with Tony -'the control freak' blair , when they introduced their 'Spy Law' were they can check ALL e-mails.


Now he wants to add tags to our cars to tax them 4.5p per mile.

And we voted these losers in!! LOL



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I just thought it was England who had a 'Nannie State' with Tony -'the control freak' blair , when they introduced their 'Spy Law' were they can check ALL e-mails.


Is that something? I just read at a newspaper website that a Norwegian guy sending porn from one city in Norway to another, was being charged by American authorities for distributing illegal material. :mad: ''Just because 'the Internet has no national borders', we are free to ''...


On the topic of control, south pole, US ignoring:


1. Some other country reaches the south pole firts.

2. The rest of the world peacefully divides the south pole into sectors, giving many of the countries a share of it to install research facilities, etc.

3. The United States states that they will, almost litteraly as I don't remember the exact quote, "most likely not estabilish facilities on the South pole and ignore other countries' claim of ownership". We worked hard to get to that godforsaken wasteland! We spent all that time talking to the other countries reaching a peaceful solution. And then the Americans go 'so what, we don't care' on us. Exactly who do those guys think they are, behaving like that?!

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The biggest military and arguable economic power in the world :/ they shouldn't to do it technically. But really how gives a rat ass it's a hunk of Ice. You can't say theirs anything of value their that we might take. So how cares are we going to somehow F up the sky and ice or raid the other lab's no. So how are we going to hurt their work by being a few hundred miles away minding our own business?


Say what you will congress men need's to be reelected and if they make this chip mandatory. Either ciztens or the opponent will say he want's big government he made so and so mandatory. and since 9/11 will be bad but somewhat distant memroy the people will go this is bad it go's to far and since he had a hand in it he will likely not be reelected. And that's if it's passed now say waht you like congress dose for the mopst part do the will of the people and have made few very bad desions.

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Oh-no! The government might know where you are!!!


Come-on. What does it matter if the government uses it to find out where you are. thats would be a good thing if you were in an accident or lost in the dessert or forest or if you were kidnapped.


Besides, its not like they are going to be monitering everyone on a constant basis, IF they moniter people at all. they wouldn't be up their going, "Hey, guys, over here, John Smiths getting a snack, and nows he's watchign TV!"


Give me a break, this wouldn't be invasion of privacy. It would be used as a security measure, and, IF it ever turned into anything more, like a location finder, that would only have benifits. Its not like this is a camera where they can see what you are doing, all it would be is a device that can locate you if you are ever in danger or something else happens.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

True True True Tie Guy but you must also be aware that it is human that are taking charge in this kind of stuff. So if they see something they may try to blackmail you then we have all that Federal Government legal crap coming in. Just keep in mind that it will be humans operating this and humans are at fault in certain area and this is one of them.


We love to blackmail or spy for some reason. I know because I do it sometimes. :D

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Guest Supreme Warlord

OOOOOH MAN THAT IS SO TRUE!!!!!!Oops now I am one of your accoplice for agreeing that government is a abuser. Now the CIA will come after us and put us in Area 51 then turn us into aliens so that more people can claim that they saw Alien(which is us) then the Government can deny it more. Do I need to go on some more?:D :D

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Their's already a locater beacons on life rafts and planes are kinda hard to miss expect in the deep wood's and 99% of the time all that their is chared bodies. You can buy your own if you want to ofr a few hundered dollars so that part of why it's good can be thrown out.


Finger prints seem hard to fake so do the new camrea that check faces agaisn't files to make sure you who your Id say you are. If anything their alot harder to F with then a samll radio so for keeping a guy out it won't work better. And your gonna have a hell of time getting courts to let you put something inside a person he dosen't want an ankle braclets one thing minor surgey and implants are a whole another.

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