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All Rogues. Fall in.

Wraith 8

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Well I don't know anyone else's story, but I often have very little time to check in. Then I always start at at XWA and read through the current threads and post if I can, and if I still have time after that, I might come here or to one of the other forums I subscribe to (about 15).

Often I usually have time to read through the current posts here , but not time to post properly. I'm an amazingly slow typist, usually I type with just one finger, and I take pains to get grammar, punctuation, and spelling correct, so it takes me a long time to put together a coherent post. (I've been working on this one about 15 minutes already.)

If you don't want to consider me a Rogue, that's fine... I've never made any secret that I consider XWA my home base (hell, I say so in my sig.) But as far as I'm concerned, I registered here and was posting months before the big Lucasforums joining.

It shouldn't matter if someone posts 50 times a day, or only once a month. Sheer number or frequency of posts should never be a factor.

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Geez, it's not like we're some exclusive club or something. :p Cool it. I think Wraith just wants to focus on the members who consider this their "home base" like you said...but obviously if you don't that doesn't mean you're "not a Rogue" :rolleyes: The reason RSN was able to revive after all the members went to XWA *cough*andleftittodie*cough* is because we don't have an "exclusive" attitude.

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No offense received or intended.

I just wanted to point out that not everyone who likes to come here has the time to post a lot, and that it would be a real mistake to encourage folks to do so to be considered "part of the club."

It seems that you have the right idea,.. just be careful that you don't accidentally inspire somebody who doesn't fully understand that to start spamming in order to "get thier visors" or a star next to thier names, or thier picture on the wall, or whatever.

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Originally posted by Wraith 8

i must say that a lot of folks post here and in fact are saying they are rogues..... and yet we dont ever see them again.


hah .... funny.

Don't worry I'll stay. I was here be4 the upgrade so that makes me a rogue:D same with DSS Redwing, you, Rogue 9, etc. :D

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Count me in! And consider this a nomination for the man who shaped these boards way back in the day...


Lt. Guilo, you da man.


If I had to pick any one person ever to post here to get some sort of special recognition, if would be him. Not including Guilo in a list of Rogues would be like saying Luke was never in Rogue Squadron because he hung out with Vader on Endor and DS2 instead of flying with the boys.

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