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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

*(Appears in sparkle of transporter effect, with much confusion.)*


--What the...? Why...aw, man!









Also, why do I have only 420 posts?


Is that some kind of hippy Jaredesque prank...?


Me and some other RS'ers and XWA'ers...well...one :p or two...saved Wally...Wally is now a smilie as well as the A-Wing...


: assult : and : awing : for :assult: and :awing:, respectively. :D


Jaredesque prank? :D lol

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Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit

*(Looks over.)*


There. That fixes the 'location' problem. :D Now how do I change my status from 'Jedi' to something more appropriate?


You need 1000 posts to change your rank. You need to whine here that your post count got screwed over, and they'll fix it. Then you can change your rank.


The same thing happened to me when the Lucas Forums merged (look at em now! : http://www.lucasforums.com/index.php?s= all one big happy family :D [well at least big]) I ended up with little over 100 posts. They fixed it tho... :D


EDIT: -ed for seriously screwed up links.

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Aaaaah, yes. Much better!




Wally has something he wanted to say, but a random hail of cosmic radiation from a recent solar flare wiped the static data buffer in his prefrontal logic solid assembly, leaving him with only a file of the manufacturer's original startup routine and a brief version of a song called 'Daisy.'


He wanted to sing it, but I distracted him with scotch. :D I suspect that he's grateful for his rescue by his wingmates...

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Guest rosencrantz

i thought you were dead, <b>rabbit</b>. i bought a phone card to ring your ass and now i know why i couldnt find you. good grief :rolleyes:


thanks for linking me here, <b>nute</b> :D

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Guest Imladil



Wally the space dolphin says that he enjoyed very much the corbomite hybernation, being a sort of prolonged out of body experience--induced by lack of sensory input--in which he travelled across many bizarre and unfathomable planes of existance before ultimately realizing that he didn't have to travel at all, recognizing that all along he had been standing still and causing the world around him to warp and move according to his own force of will; with this new understanding, along with in-depth contemplation of Dr. Bell's theories on quantum unity, he orchestrated this entire reunion thread, including Nute's own illusions of choice and self determination.


Hey, Wally...Buddha, whatever...can I have a Swiss bank account? :D A *phat* one, I mean?

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Originally posted by Imladil

including Nute's own illusions of choice and self determination


Ah, but the time I spent with Wally as my captive taught me many things. Or perhaps...I was Wally's captive despite the fact that I held him in a special anti-gravity containment chamber. Perhaps Wally THINKS he is manipulating reality when in fact it is *I* that is doing it.


<i>Gunray: manipulating time and space since 1982</i>


damnit this is impossible stuff to think of when sitting in a CAD lab at school because people are giving me weird looks while I'm trying not to laugh.


:ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok:

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Guest Conor

Just fine.


I haven't really been hanging out here very often though.


If I do go to a forum it is usually the Tolkien Online one.


As for the odd phenomenon known as Real Life, I switched my major to religious studies. I'm really eager to learn about the specifics of some other beliefs.

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*(Drops dead of astonishment.)*


Well, I'll be. :D:D:D


Rather than fill a whole page with mystic stuff and other religious viewpoints, I'll just give ya one good name to look up in your search engine: Sri Ramakrishna.


He explored this whole other religions thing in some depth... ;)

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In my day we never had celebration threads. If hit 25 posts you kept it to yourself is what you did. You didn't tell nobody, and you know why? Cause no one cared, that's why! That's the way it was and we liked it, we loved it! We wanted some more of it! If you told someone you got 25 posts, you know what would happen? You get hunted down like a dog and beat to a purple pulp in front of your family! And we were grateful for that kind public humiliation! It kept us on our toes is what it did! That's the way things were and we liked it, you hear?




Oh, and congratulations, man.

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