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All is lost for Fate has conspired against me...

Havoc Stryphe

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This Friday concludes the "Vehicular Week From Hell".


I haven't been posting much this week for the following reason:


On Monday, where I live, We got 6" of snow in about 6 hours. Under that snow was a nice layer of Ice making travel trecherous. However, despite the raod conditions, I made it to work safe and sound. I parked my car, went to my office and proceeded to boot my computers, it was at this time one of my co-workers entered my office and said she hit my car.


No big deal, I think to myself, she couldn't have been going more than 15 mph and my car was parked... minor damage.




She drives a Jeep Mang... I mean, Wrangler with a nice lift kit and steel bumpers. I drive a Hyndai Elantra. You do the math! :rolleyes:


Totalled, Or as Progressive Insurance put it, Total Reconstructive loss. But here's the real kicker, I only had three months and it was paid off!!!!:evil6:


So, last night, I bought a new car, and I, in the new car, was following my wife (Who has a 2000 model car, you'll need to know that in a minute) we got 5 miles down the interstate when her car broke down and wouldn't start. We had to call Road side assistance and wait for an hour-and-a-half for a tow truck, now we just wait to hear what's wrong with it. Fortunately, her car is under warranty. But still, this week has been a bad week for cars, I'm really glad it's friday! :p

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Originally posted by _HaZeKniGhT

Ahhhh...doesn't suck to not live in Florida, where the hot babes are and the sun shines 24/7. :)


the sun never shines in florida. anymore.





BECAUSE I killed mickey mouse.


no more tourists yay!


i wish that were the case....but it's not so i'm leaving. pa here i comes!

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Ok, Here's the update:


All that was wrong with my wife's car was the Gas Gauge, it was reading fuel, when in fact she was out of gas. It has been fixed and now it is back on the road.


Now to answer all your questions:


To Fergie and Rhett: My new Car is a Pontiac Grand Am GT w/ all the bells and whistles.


To Eets: Not suprisingly, she in fact is Blonde! :D


To Rogue15: Did you say you were heading to PA? Where in PA? I live in PA.


Finally, To all of you: Thank you for your concern and kind words, Except Warlord's "Sucks to be you" ;)


And as far as having better luck with my new car: I know I will because I'm parking it far away from my co-worker! :D

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