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WOMEN at Celebration II!!!

Boba Rhett

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Yes! That's right! Three of them! :eek: I can't believe it either! :D


Three actors who portrayed female Jedi will be at the next Star Wars celebration





Eheh... She can school me in the ways of the force anytime. :cool:



Actually there were a few Star Wars babes at the first celebration. One of them even dressed up like Slave Leia! :) But she was a little heavy so it wasn't exactly the coolest sight to behold. :D

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As Queen once sang: Star Wars Girls make the world go round!


Or was it Fat bottomed girls? I can never remember! :p


I know for me it's definately the first! Star Wars Chics Rock!!!!


both of them :p




It just seems that there aren't enough Girls who like Star Wars :(

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Guest Supreme Warlord

*eyes pops out and jaw drops*


DANG! I agree with Boba she can school me too!:D ANymore pics like that? PLEASE!! give me the links!!!:D

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Originally posted by Rogue15

It's Falleen (and overly sexual characters like Prince Xizor that u don't like) that have those pheremones that make females sexually attracted t them.



Its not just the males that have the pheremone, female falleen have it too. Obviously, they use it on males. The only reason it is only mentioned once is that there isn't a Princess Xizor that tries to seduce Luke or something.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

LOL read all this we are talking about imginery things that dont exist lol! I think that is funny. The Falleen do sercete hormones to make them attractive to others. Both race does. :D

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

LOL read all this we are talking about imginery things that dont exist lol! I think that is funny.


you mean that all this stuff is just imaginary. What a bummer. I mean a person goes to all the effort of getting their hopes up and then someone comes and tells them it was all their imagination. I'm going to go find a closet and sulk.:mad:

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Originally posted by Supreme Warlord

LOL read all this we are talking about imginery things that dont exist lol! I think that is funny. The Falleen do sercete hormones to make them attractive to others. Both race does. :D


Technically, you don't know that this doesn't exist. Its possible that in some other galaxy that we have no way of getting to and they have no way out of it exists. Of course, its is highly improbable, but not impossible. :D

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