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Help in Jedi Outcast

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I am stuck in the third level of jedi Outcast where you have to get your lightsabre. I can see it where I am it is in a cage, and the only way to open the cage is by getting on an elevator/ switch that when lowered raises the cage, but even using jedi speed when I get off the elevator and it starts moving upagain, I can't get to the cage in time to get the lightsabre, what do i do?

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I just bought Jedi Outcast 3 days ago. I am becoming increasingly frustrated with it. The cursor on the menu screen is incredibly slow to move. Once I start the game it is fine, I run, I shoot, I jump, etc.... As soon as I die, I have to restart the game. If I try to tell it to start over from last saved point without restarting, it freezes the screen.


On multiplayer, I am not able to play at all. I tried to play on the Zone, but every time I tried to join a game, it would go through the entire loading sequence. As soon as it was 95% done it froze while saying "Accquiring Snapshot"


Basically, I am very frustrated that I seem to have wasted $50. I am just wondering if anyone has gone through this, and if anyone knows how to fix it. Thanks.


P.S. Sorry for the ranting.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

No offense but maybe your computer is slow or you have a 56k modem either one of them makes the game run bad. IF not then video card or something.


BTW, when can you start accquring your Force powers in the game?

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I'm doing trhe same thing. I can run the game without many errors. But the graphics such as the face graphics are HORRID!!! Seriously now, there are piece of the face in different areas...like the chin might be above the eye and the ears might be where the chin originally starts out...So when I slice somebody I don't need to see dismemberment, I just can look at the face and think "HOLY CRAP I MUTILATED HIS FACE!!!...oh wait...no..."

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Well, I'm not super computer literate, so I wouldn't know how to find the comp specs too easily. Here's what it gave me when I told JK2 to "Analyze My Computer"


RAM 128 MB

O/S Windows 98

CPU 504

DirectX drivers 8.0

Display Adapter RAGE MOBILITY-PAGP (English)

Hard drive space C:\ 16950 MB

F:\ 551550976



Argh! This would be the most awesome game if it would just work. Now I'm down to 11 days until I can't return it. Bleh.

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Guest Supreme Warlord

How do you cripple the mine on the second mission? I already beat the stormtrooper trap in the control room. and the sentry guns but I am stuck here...H E L P :)

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Guest Supreme Warlord

Thanks for that hint. I thought about it but I could never find a place to jump from to get on it...

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this seems toh ave gotten off topic......anyhow I would sugest an Anihalator Pro Video card from creative. They kick ass. 300 mhz driven, but it is a hefty price, $330 at costco, and they sell stuff chep. There the best bet to find hardware and games though, thats where I got my video card, computer, all but 3 of my 45 games and, thats where I got outcast.

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Eye know; it's tricky but you CAN't actually jump on the cargotram... You have to take out the engines of the red room first.. When done so, try walking up the metal frame where the tram is hanging under... that should do it...



Did anyone had any trouble beating that ugly lizard at the end?? I thought it was far too easy > 6 strokes without him even hitting me..

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