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Official SWGB Expansion Pack Idea Thread


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Guest sorednax



Well, if we're talking a x-pack, let me throw my two cents in, and I appologize if I repeat anyone as I didn't read each and every post.


New Races:




Black Sun


although for space constrictions, I would only add 2 of those 3.


Bug Fixes:


Much smarter A.I. - I Hate having to chase them all over. If they get hot at, they should stop, turn, and fire!


Allies - I don't know if this is a bug, but in creating my own scenarios in whih I want 2 or more Computer players against me, I can't keep them from atacking each other, no matter how I set it.


Set attitudes of Neutrals - I enjoy placing random Tuskin Raiders and Jawas here and there who attack me if I get close, but for people lik Boba Fett and Ewoks, they join my side if I get close to them. I would prefer an option that keeps neutral characters neutral, aggressive, or allied.


New Ships:


I would like to see the B-wing replace the Y-Wing upgrade, and the A-Wing replace the X-wing Upgrade.


If Mandalores do make it into the X-Pack, I would like to see a tech 3 or 4 upgrade allowing them to fly. Very similar to the jetpack infantry of Command and Conquer's Tiberiun Sun.

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I don't know the expanded universe really well, but I think a good addition for each current race should be in the xp.


I was thinking along the lines of some additional air power.

Rebel Alliance - A-wing and B-wing (yes, I know A-wing is in the editor, but I mean get to build them).

Empire - Star Destroyers (a trimmed down version, not super powerful but a ton of hit points and maybe 1 of the AT-AT's laser and expensive)

Trade Fed - the big round thing that Anakin flew into (typical big yet weak TF air)

Naboo - maybe the silver ship or some other thing that we'll see in Ep2

Wookies - dunno

Gungans - dunno, but not air, maybe some more ground units.


Just a thought.


Or something like the Big Berthas from Total Annihilation - don't kill me for bringing it up. But if you remember TA, there is the slow building, long load time, expensive big berthas. They shoot long range and they have heavy damage. It brings a great element to the game - can't just let the enemy build and build. It could be a laser system equiv to a weak death star laser.


Add Jedi Starfighters as a buildable unit from the Jedi Temple or Airbase (if both exist). It could be a good agile fighter with shields, no convert. Expensive in nova crystals. Maybe some/all races can build bounty hunter ships equal to the Slave1. You've just added a new unit and a good counter unit.


Another possibility - a buildable unit from the animal nursery that will allow you to train/tame the animals running around the maps. With this unit you can force the animals to your will and unleash them on the enemy. Lame thought but brings a unique element to the game.


I think a Bounty hunter upgrade that lets them fly could be cool. Though I think they should still be vulnerable to normal lasers, not just subject to anti-air. This could make the bounty hunters faster units or they could have a time limit in the air and return to ground. But, I doubt that the AoK engine can handle something like this. The TA engine let planes land and takeoff - sorry!!! sorry!! didn't mean to bring that up again. I failed my save vs. roll....sorry.

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Guest General Crespin

Good ideas.....


I think only certain civs should get jetpacked bounty hunters though or they are the exact same and its a bit fake.


I dont like the idea of Jedi ships unless there is a limit on them otherwise u'd get horribly large amounts of them when that just doesn't happen in Star Wars.


We dont want this game to get too out of hand when it comes to keeping near the original concept

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Guest Lord Maul

Just adding my $0.02.


I think the Yuuzhan Vong would make a great new civ. The only problem would be to balance them with the other civs. In the books, they are generally kicking everyone's butt across the galaxy.


I'd like to see a space only scenario. Even if only in the edit mode. I'd like to have a few space battles, maybe recreate the Battle over Endor. Imagine having some Mon Cal cruisers going up against a few Star Destroyers. What fun!


I'm sure it won't be possible for an expansion but, hey, this is a wish list, right?

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How aobut the ability to create "hero" units? Say you're the Rebels and you need some leadership to top off your Rebel trooper army. Go to your fortress, and there could be a "Recruit Hero" button. You can only have one at a time, and the character is random. That would be a cool way to bring the new element of main characters into everyday standard and multiplayer games. :D

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Guest General Crespin

"And out steps Simon the Killer Ewok and his enemies now know much pain"




Itd be the **** if you randomly got him

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Guest Khameir_Sarin

I think they shouldnt make more civs from books, but how about actual movies civs. Like Huts, where you have many types of mercenarys as troops


And what about Episode 2? shouldnt they get civz from that too? Mandalorians would make a great team.....then that would ensure Jango fett as a hero for them

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Guest The Emperor

1. I wouldn't like more unofficial Star Wars - stuff, like Mara Jade,

Admiral Thrawn, Noghri and all that crap. Rather focus on the

movies, which still have a lot to offer for the game... IMHO.


2. Civs: As pointed out earlier in the thread, it would be hard to create *many* new civs, since they all have different artwork (...)

However, how about two, and both from the movies:


A: The Ewoks. The movie is full of units already - Ewok Bowyer,

Ewok Axeman, Ewok Hangglider, Ewok Village (command

center), Ewok this and Ewok that. I don't like Ewoks that

much, but they crippled my best troops, so I guess they have

a right to be in the game.


B: Jabba's Palace. Jabba's henchmen could make for a very

special civ, with more unique units than regulars; Gammorean

Guards could be Troopers (with a added Guard "bonus",

perhaps line of sight, or line of stench). The cost to deploy

Bounty Hunters should be really low for Jabba's faction.

The faction wouldn't even need Sith/Jedi, since it can easily

produce excellent bounty hunters, perhaps even unique ones

available only once during the game (a flying Boba Fett,

a flame-throwing Bossk, Dengar, Zuckuss, 4-LOM, etc. etc.)



3. I think the maps could use some more detail (in multiplayer

games at least), how about adding the Sarlacc, Mos Eisley,

Mos Espa or what have you on a Tatooine map? (Or haven't

I seen them yet?)


4. Like I mentioned in 2B, I'd like more unique units, which can

be built only once in a game; for instance, if player A deploys

"General Dodonna", then player B cannot deploy this

particular unit. However, choosing from the unique units still

available, player B might decide to bring "Mace Windu" into

the arena.


:holosid: anyone care to comment my ideas? :holosid:

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1. Agreed, they should stick to the movies.


2.I think the two civs from the upcoming movie would be ideal.


a. I think ewoks would be a poor civ, they would really have to stretch some ideas and ultimately would end up deing pretty poor.


b. like i said the hutts would be a great civ to play.


3.Some dont exist, some do, just look around.


4.I think there is enough UU. Imhappy with that.


:cool: :cool: :cool:

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Guest The Emperor

One of them, the Geonosians I believe, look like organic versions of the Battle Droids (they made them), you can see a Kaminoan in the Episode II trailers, riding that whale (which would be a cool unit ...)

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Guest General Crespin

You both are forgetting the Wooks are largely made up and mostly from the books.


SO why couldnt they include the Vong??? THey are an interesting incredibly unique civ.


If any is added they should be


I do think the Episode 2 civs should maybe have to be added for the sake of reliability. THey added all the Episode 1 civs why not the Episode 2? hehe



I just made u my :band:

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Guest General Crespin

One of the teams should get that flying whale from "In the End" video by Linkin Park which was blatantly stolen from a trilogy of Star Wars novels grrrrr


:emperor: Linkin Park will feel my wrath

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Guest Supreme Warlord

VONG BABY!!! GO VONG GO VONG!!! VONG IS KICKING THE NEW REPUBLIC BUTT RIGHT NOW. They just lost Courscant. hmmmm New Rebpublic stinks. WOnder how Luke skywalker is gonna get out of this mess.

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Guest saetrum

Off Topic Alert**************************


Do they take Coruscant in the book Star by Star? I haven't read it yet, but I've read the others... I can't believe it....The Vong rule!




On Topic: The expansion should (but won't) include the Yuzhan(sp?) Vong. I have to also throw in a vote for the Hutts.


Also, what if there was another technology level added, allowed cross map attacks (space based attacks).... i.e.

Empire - call in star destroyers to blast an opponents fortress. Short but devastating laser blasts.... this adds the Star Destroyers but without making them a unit.


Wookies - Berserker Drop, have 50 berserkers fly in from space and wreak havoc for a few seconds before leaving.


Trade Federation - Send a jamming signal, stop any machinery (including worker droids) for a period of time, maybe do some damage to all droids..


Rebel Alliance - Ion Cannon burst - Causes all power to be lost or disrupts shields, or disables all mechs for a short period.


Gungans - Goober fish assalt, or something I don't really know what it would be for them.


Naboo - Large fleet of naboo fighters come strafing in from space to destroy a building.


Okay, so my specific ideas might be lacking, but I think a cross map attack would be good at the end of the game, just to add a little more excitement....maybe the wookies could have a horde of rabid ewoks...:ewok: :ewok: :ewok: :ewok:

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Guest DinoDoc

I also have to put another vote in for the Vong.


BTW, what would you people say about including either the Sith Empire or the Old Republic in the game?

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Originally posted by General Crespin

You both are forgetting the Wooks are largely made up and mostly from the books.


SO why couldnt they include the Vong??? THey are an interesting incredibly unique civ.


If any is added they should be


I do think the Episode 2 civs should maybe have to be added for the sake of reliability. THey added all the Episode 1 civs why not the Episode 2? hehe



I just made u my :band:


Ive just done some reading up on the Vong on the net, and I agree they would make an incredible civ. Very unique, and by the sounds of things would be a great anti jedi/sith civ.

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