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There is an object on a collison course with Earth?


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According to CNN an asteroid is gonna hit the Earth in 800 years. . . . I hope I am around to see it. Seriously though, allegedly it is 0.6 mile but would cause a 10 mile wide crater and would kill thousands if it strikes a populated area. Will we have the technology then to destroy the asteroid before it does that kind of damage?



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Guest SlashAndBurn

In 800 years huh...well IF our civilization is arround then I'd say we will be able to blow it out of the sky.

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You guys make it sound like our civilization can't survive 800 more years. Its not like the earth is about to bend over and die beause we are using it for our purposes. So what if the earth runs out of petroleum, thats not the only fuel. So what if we loose some of our forests, there are plently, and even in cities there are trees. Plus, whats to say that in 800 years we won't be able to turn CO2 into O2 ourselves? Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think its right to carelessly pollute the earth, but i hate it when people take a stance that favors plants over people.


As for nuclear war, i don't think thats possible. There are precautions taken against that, one of them being plain old common sense itself.


Of course, i can think of another reason why we wouldn't be here 800 years from now....

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Floods, fires, Ice ages, earthquakes, wars. None of this has stopped the rapid advane of technogly and litte will. If you watch The news bush is sniging a treay right now with russia to cut nuke stockpiles by half at this rate we will have to few nukes to kill the planet in about 10 years. And if all eles fails and some how we advance litte in technolgy we could stop it with todays tech.

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Originally posted by Tie Guy

but i hate it when people take a stance that favors plants over people.


I'd pick a plant over you after the dribble you've just written. Conservation is a huge problem in the western world. The apathy you've just displayed is just one indication of why it has got to this stage. :mad:



As for nuclear war, i don't think thats possible. There are precautions taken against that, one of them being plain old common sense itself.


What? You can think that when you have the good ol' George 'Dubya' Bush administration in charge (I just hope the world survives his reign :D)???!!! Common sense was finally diminished in the USA when he managed to get into power!

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Originally posted by duder

I'd pick a plant over you after the dribble you've just written. Conservation is a huge problem in the western world. The apathy you've just displayed is just one indication of why it has got to this stage. :mad:


It's not apathy, its a trade-off. You can't have conservation everywhere and have human expansion as well. So, if it comes down to human expansion or environmental protection i'd choose human expansion everytime. Humans are much more important than the environment, no matter how beautiful or scarce it is. Its not that i don't care about the environment, and that i want it to be all slashed and burned. Its just that the developement of the human race is more important. In fact, i do nothing to hurt the environment otehr than live my life the way i do. I don't go out of my way to harm the environment, i maybe even do a little to protect it, but if living my life hurts the environment, then so be it. I'm not gonna be so overconcerned about the environment that it keeps me from living my life the way i do.


You're from England if i remember correctly. And i don't know if you've ever been to the States, but its not the problem the media, the environmentalists, and the East make it out to be. I don't walk outside my house into a thick cloud of smog or pollutants. I drink pure, fresh well water everyday that has no dangerous contamination whatsoever. I enjoy a clean pool in my backyard, and i love how over half my yard is wooded. And i live in a fairly large city. Even so, i've been to New York and California and otehr heavily populated places. The air isn't polluted, neither is the water, neither is anything else. No more than any big city can expect from car emissions, even London or Paris. I live near the mountains and the beach, neither are polluted. The mountains have cold, fresh streams and rivers where fish thrive. The oceans aren't exactly filled with dead fish and dangerous chemicals either. We have grand national forests and plains and mountains that probably total many times more than Britains total land mass. I don't know where you got the impression that the Western World has a pollution problem, but you certainly didn't observe it for yourself.



A for Bush, he's doing a great job. I don't know if you've tried to settle down sworn enemies that live among each other, but its not easy. And he certainly took care of Osama and the Taliban. I don't where you go the impression that he's doing a bad job or anything else, because he's certainly not. He's a very intelligent man who has surrounded himself with excellent advisors. I can't imagine what Gore would be doing right now if he were in office.


As for common sense, i mean that common sense keeps us out of nuclear war. Everyone knows that if they even show a nuclear missle then they are gonna be destroyed, and that if they fire it they will absolutely be destroyed. Its just common sense that you don't fire one. They are merely meant for intimidating and threating opponents.

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Based on my experiences I can conclude that British People and Republicans are the most incompatible people ever


But to get back on topic, who cares if Civilization will be around in 800 years? We'll all be dead!

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Originally posted by Clefo

Based on my experiences I can conclude that British People and Republicans are the most incompatible people ever


LOL yup most definately!!! :D If you asked a random Englishman what they thought about Republicans you generally wouldn't get a very nice response.


But to Tie Guy, you are lucky to live in those conditions, but global warming really is a serious issue. You obvioulsy havn't been to Paris or London because the pollution in them is disgusting. They have big orange clouds hovering above them! :eek: I would be shocked if it was different in New York (although admittedly I have never been).


Finally as far as common sense and US politics are concerned then I have very little to agree with you. I despise US foriegn policy. They have an awful lot to asnwer for. They armed half of these Mid Eastern countires that they are now accusing of being 'Evil'.

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Yeah, Dubya has recently said that you're either with the US or the Terrorists


Or you can be with the terrorists but you give us oil (Kuwait)


Or you can be with us, but still hate us (Egypt)


You can be with us, but fund every friggen terrorist group in the world (Saudi Arabia)


You can hate us royally, except for one guy who's the leader (Pakistan)


You can like us, but not do much about it (Iceland)


You can hate us and be allied together despite the fact you hate each other (Iran and Iraq)


Yeah, lots of groups there :D

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look..... this planet has survived over millions of years of change... seen all kinds of creature roam it..... and who know that we might not be the first civilized being on this earth :D (makes you think huh?)


But in 800 years...... man...look at the last 100 years and see what kind of technologie arissen from scrap......... they found frikken life on mars..... extinct life... but life.(for those who want to know... it was a fosilised(spelling?) shell of some small sea like creature) and we found water on the moon..... so we can establish a base there.... no matter what.. and i think in time we will have a base on the moon.


so lets just imagine.... imagine what another 100 years of this technologie will bring us... and then another 100 and another 100..... and if we have reached 780 years from now... and still we have no way to defeat that sort of dangers..... than... and only than.. we should worry....


For now.... lets drink a beer and enjoy our lives :Dbeerchug.gif





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